This is based on my game play in Grayhost Cyrodiil on the night of 22 Feb 2021 between 8:30 and 10:30 Central. I was leading a group of approximately 8-10 and another guild member was leading a group near us of about 8-10. Although this feedback is not uniform across all guild members, I can report a solid majority experienced some or all of the following:
- Lag was almost Harrowstorm bad - it was really quite bad - terrible even in totality
- Felt like playing in slower motion
- Skills aren't firing properly and maybe only firing once every three or four times (radiating regen / illustrious healing) - Some skills are even worse than that like Proxy and Purge - Buffs also seem worse and hard to cast
- Disconnects were worse in the fact there were more of them and it was also harder to log back in after disconnecting
- Race against time doesn't seem to be granting major expedition and rapids didn't seem to be buffing it either
- Sprint is pretty terrible
- Some in the group experienced the slow bug where you are slowed and barely move and others around you aren't necessarily impacted - seems to be location based
- This is mostly unplayable in terms of where Cyro is right now compared to what can be considered average / acceptable game play