Rigurt's Cultural Bazaar. Created in honour of Rigurt & his mission to bridge cultural differences

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• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
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If you are looking for a genuine guild led by 2 guys and a bunch of other great folk, who are accepting, understanding and willing to help wherever we can, consider joining us.
No matter your medical condition, your mental health, your religion, your sexual orientation or even your desire to role play.
You will find acceptance here.
Even if you are an Argonian in a wedding dress, we'd be happy to have you here.

We deal with all aspects of the game...
We have a weekly trader
We have a dungeon walkers group for those who want to follow the story
We have a Vet Prog Group called The Wabbajacks
We have a growing Guild House with 6 Mundus, A Transmute Station, An Outfitters Station, A Merchant, Banker and Smuggler, Target Dummies and a variety of Set Stations continuously growing.
We have a PvP master who can offer incredible build help.
A number of 9 trait crafters
A Guild Bank set up to help everyone
We have an active and very useful Discord with guides, maps and even links to ESO lore.

We are trying to build a Guild you'd be proud to be a part of.
Transparent and open to ideas.
Nothing is expected of our members but we continue to grow with amazing support because of our members.

We are on XB/EU and unfortunately due to my alliance being AD. It shows as that but there is no multi-alliance option.

All we ask is that we respect each other and we refrain from badmouthing other guilds or alliances in chat.

So if you have a space/slot.
Consider us.

We would be honoured to welcome you to the team
Edited by TheWoanderer on 14 September 2020 04:14
  • Hellkaptain
    Sounds good. Have you just started the guild?
  • TheWoanderer
    Hi Hellkaptain...
    We have started it. Yes.
    Sadly not enough members to have a guild bank yet. Got so much stuff waiting in my mail to put in there.
    Fingers crossed.
    Only need 10 people to get one active.
  • Hellkaptain
    Sounds really good especially for not being judged on play style etc I will free up a slot perhaps you could add me.? Will comment here when I have
  • TheWoanderer
    That would be awesome.
    I was kicked from a guild for being a yellow in cyrodil. Despite being assured the guild was multi alliance.
    Would be brilliant to have you join us.
    Your play style will certainly be supported here.
    Just let me know when you are ready.

    Stay strong
  • Hellkaptain
    Oh wow really. That's harsh. Do you do pve aswell?
  • SeaWoodStage
    Sounds like a great guild TheWoanderer. I left one a few weeks ago as it was overly full of toxic drama and playstyle judgment. Got a free slot now so would be happy to join yours if you'll have me!
    Could you send me an invite? Or I can search and apply tomorrow when I get on.
  • TheWoanderer
    Oh wow really. That's harsh. Do you do pve aswell?

    I am definately more PVE. I have 6 toons though and I mostly do a little PVP to get the transmutation crystals and to help level my skills. They seem to level very quickly in Cyrodil.

    On my main character I have completed 98% of all zones and stories including Greymoor.

    It's not the first time I was kicked from a guild for being a different alliance. About a year ago, I was overland PVE and was invited to a guild, a few weeks later, my 2nd time in Cyrodil, when I didn't have a clue what was going on, a torrent of abuse which naturally confused the hell out of me.

    I've realised over the year some folk will add anyone just to get their guild active and then once they have enough members to open the bank, get the guild trader. They will suddenly change the guild. It is what it is and I've come to appreciate the guild that don't do that.

  • TheWoanderer
    Sounds like a great guild TheWoanderer. I left one a few weeks ago as it was overly full of toxic drama and playstyle judgment. Got a free slot now so would be happy to join yours if you'll have me!
    Could you send me an invite? Or I can search and apply tomorrow when I get on.

    Hi SeaWoodStage.
    Honestly I'd be very happy to have you join. Naturally, there is not much going due to the small number of folk involved but that can and will only get better as more people join.
    If you were OK with knowing it may take a short while before I get the bank open and full it with items that will help members along their journey, then send me your Gamertag and I will find you and send you and invite or if you manage to find us in the guild listing apply. I will action it ASAP.

    Apologies for such a late response. I spent way too long in Western Skyrim last night.

    Stay strong
  • Hellkaptain
    @TheWoanderer ready when you are
    Gt same as here
  • Bluedragonswing
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, I would really like to join a no drama guild. My hubby and I used to be in a guild that was good but then the leaders went to PC and just left it. Just looking for a bit of fun and help with dungeons and maybe imperial city? Must be accepting of khajiit not like that high elf in the bank in Summerset.
  • TheWoanderer
    Lol, that made me laugh. That high elf 😉 We accept all races all playstyles all alliances and we'd love to have you as part of the team. Just need your gamer tag and I can send an invite or else you might be able to find us in the guild finder
  • Undermost
    Soul Shriven
    Hi. You sound like the kind of guild I'd love to be a part of and help to grow. Only just started playing, so got a long way to go and a lot to learn. Can thoroughly understand the whole guild thing after many years of playing Wow. Lots of guild experiences there from foot soldier through to officer. If you feel I could fit in with your guild I would love an invite. Gt is Undermost. On most days, though usually late as I don't often finish work till 10 pm or so.
  • Hellkaptain
    Hi @Undermost an invite has been sent. Hopefully it will find you and thank you will be good to have you on board
  • fordy75
    Soul Shriven

    I read about your guild a few days ago, I particularly like your statements regarding acceptance. It also struck a cord about your acceptance of mental health, I work in mental health, given the Stigma that surrounds mental health, its a rare thing to read on a gaming forum and I genuinely commend you for this.

    So I went to great lengths to aquire an invitation code and join the forum, in the hope I could join your guild, it reads like a nice place to be.

    I'm a novice player, who cannot commit to a mass amount of playing time, as I work and have a family, but I can assure you that wherever I can, I'll help. Its mostly days i get to play, as these are the rare times I'm in the house on my own, that was until covid-19 and home schooling became the norm. I'm an xbox player, my xbox I.D is Fordy75

    It would be great to hear back from you, stay safe 🙏
  • TheWoanderer
    It would be wondrous to have another genuine soul join. I too have worked with mental health and disability for many years and even though I was a specialist medical chef I still had an incredible focus on wellbeing and went to such great lengths to ensure that Dignity in Care was applied that I actually physically harmed myself to the point of having to leave my field entirely.
    I fully understand your commitments and in all honestly anything you bring to the team is welcomed, no matter how big or small.
    Thank you for going to such lengths to seek us out. Its admirable and I genuinely am touched by that. Will send you an invite shortly.
    Stay strong
  • TheWoanderer
    Invite has been sent and I look forward to welcoming you to the guild 😉
  • TheWoanderer
    A quick update for anyone new that decides to peruse this post.
    We have been growing slowly in members but have reached the point where we now have a guild bank and a guild house too. We don't place demands on our members... If you are a quiet solo player who just needs a bit of help from time to time, we welcome you. If you are looking for a genuine accepting group to run with, we have that. If you struggle to ask for help due to anxiety etc. We do our best to stay aware to varying needs.
    The guild is split in 2 with my top member running group events and myself concentrating on individuals.
    So far our team has nothing but good things to say, which naturally makes me proud.
    So give us a chance, join us and I'm pretty certain you won't regret it.
    A lot of us in guild have experienced the darker sides of the gaming world and it's why we created Rigurt's Cultural Bazaar....
    This is not my Guild... It's our Guild.
    Stay strong and remember to always aim for the knee 😉
    Peace always
  • FictionQueen
    Soul Shriven
    Hi your guild sounds really good. I've never been part of a guild before - never really seen one i liked (and never had the confidence to join one).
    I'm a Champion Lvl 205 High Elf Vampire Necromancer. I do generally play solo or with my friend when she's not at work but it'd be nice to be able to dungeon quests that I can actually listen/read too instead of feeling rushed because of others wanting to race through the dungeon (Obvs already done the quests before :/ )

    FictionQueen o:)
  • TheWoanderer
    Hi your guild sounds really good. I've never been part of a guild before - never really seen one i liked (and never had the confidence to join one).
    I'm a Champion Lvl 205 High Elf Vampire Necromancer. I do generally play solo or with my friend when she's not at work but it'd be nice to be able to dungeon quests that I can actually listen/read too instead of feeling rushed because of others wanting to race through the dungeon (Obvs already done the quests before :/ )

    FictionQueen o:)

    Hi Fiction Queen.

    Would be awesome to have you join us.
    There are times when I would like to take a dungeon slow, so to have someone in the guild who wants to do the same would be awesome... Don't get me wrong. There are times I like to speed run too... for the achievements and vet dungeons can take a while too but I fully understand.
    If you drop your GT here I can send an invite or if you'd prefer, look us up in the guild finder and as soon as one of us is online we will action it.

    We have folk leading all roles from Levelling, to Trials & Vet dungeons... 9 Trait Crafters, and a lot of us have the Housing Bug.... We also have a resident PvP Master who holds Arena completions. So there really is a place for everyone.

    I look forward to welcoming you to the team 👍

    Edited by TheWoanderer on 13 July 2020 12:00
  • Mchugh7
    Soul Shriven

    This guild has really struck a chord with me. I have previously worked with mental health and special needs and right now I think the world really needs more accepting places.

    If there is still space, I would love to join. I have played the game on and off solo for a while, but still don't have extensive knowledge of it.

    GT T00nmchugh08

    Thanks :)
  • FictionQueen
    Soul Shriven
    Hi Woanderer!

    Thanks for replying so quick.

    My GamerTag is FictionQueen

    FictionQueen o:)
  • TheWoanderer
    Mchugh7 wrote: »

    This guild has really struck a chord with me. I have previously worked with mental health and special needs and right now I think the world really needs more accepting places.

    If there is still space, I would love to join. I have played the game on and off solo for a while, but still don't have extensive knowledge of it.

    GT T00nmchugh08

    Thanks :)

    Would be great to have you join...
    I worked in mental health for some time too.
    I tried to send an invite but I keep getting account not found...
    I tried with zero and the letter O but to no avail.
    Let me know if I'm doing something wrong on my side of things or if all else fails try the guild finder.

    Hope to have you on board soon
  • Rythred
    Soul Shriven
    Hello friends,

    I'm just looking at playing the game more regularly and it would be nice to join a welcoming guild. The tone in this thread is just wonderful and I've love to be a part of this.

    Would you be able to invite me? My gamer tag is "Derpity Derpy".

    Cheers, and hope to speak soon!
    Edited by Rythred on 22 July 2020 21:21
  • TheWoanderer
    Rythred wrote: »
    Hello friends,

    I'm just looking at playing the game more regularly and it would be nice to join a welcoming guild. The tone in this thread is just wonderful and I've love to be a part of this.

    Would you be able to invite me? My gamer tag is "Derpity Derpy".

    Cheers, and hope to speak soon!

    Invite has been sent and I look forward to welcoming you to the guild 😉

    Apologies for the delay, have had a few days away from the game.

  • Ryansykes
    Soul Shriven
    Hello guys!
    Just started to play the game and now I'm burning the midnight oil over dungeons and quests. Would be really great to join a guild that is open and welcoming , as this sounds to be ;)
    My gamer tag is Ryansykes.
  • TheWoanderer
    Ryansykes wrote: »
    Hello guys!
    Just started to play the game and now I'm burning the midnight oil over dungeons and quests. Would be really great to join a guild that is open and welcoming , as this sounds to be ;)
    My gamer tag is Ryansykes.

    Hello my friend.
    Thank you so so much for your interest in the guild.
    Sadly I must let you know that we suffered a really bad set back that almost decimated the guild and I've struggled to recover since.
    Luckily the truth always comes out and many folk who sided with the ones who tried to destroy us have apologised recently but that does not repair the damage.
    Edited by TheWoanderer on 28 July 2023 10:28
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