Looking for help getting Julianos White dye

I don't run trials. Ever. I am mostly a solo player. However, I recently made a Templar and would very much like to get this dye for it. I don't know if it drops on normal or vet. I currently have a CP7XX MagSorc that can solo a lot of stuff...except trials. I am on PC/NA and I usually play late night EST. If you can help me out, pm @Monroe585. Thanks.
  • CrashTest
    Go to Craglorn and type this in chat: "LFM nAA - tank, healer, DPS".

    LFM = Looking For More
    nAA = Normal Aetherian Archive

    You'll need 1 tank, 2 healers, 9 DPS (12 players total, including yourself).

    As you fill roles, adjust your message. For example, if you find a tank, 1 healer, 6 DPS, then your message would be, "LFM nAA - 1 healer, 2 DPS".

    Watch or read a guide before going in, so you know what to expect.

    You'll get the dye after completing nAA.
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