Lore-friendliest staff for Templar

Hi there, I need some help with picking the lore-friendliest staff for my magicka Templar. I'm not asking for advice on a build or pushing my dps, I have already have good sets and CP to make up for that. I just want a staff that best fits the holy light theme of the Templar. I RP my character as a holy warrior/cleric or paladin wielding a spear (a staff with the right style basically looks like a spear). I'm just trying to decide what element would work best for my "spear", lore-wise.

Flame or Resto staff seem like the obvious choice, given that the former fits with the sun theme and the latter with the light theme. Lightning staff also seems relevant, based on Agni, who encompasses fire, the sun, and lightning as three versions of the same concept. Frost staff only seems relevant when I want to run a magicka tank. Any ideas? TYIA
Athan Atticus Imperial Templar of Shezarr

Lore-friendliest staff for Templar 25 votes

Freakin_HytteCielster_WoodmauleseVeeskRaisinWildRaptorXDanel_VadanVinterskaldStarOfElyonealdwin 9 votes
tsaescishoeshiner 1 vote
VoidCommanderLarianaStarlight_KnightTechnicatomofhyrulethe1andonlyskwexEifleberSpawniaqTsunahmieAthan1ApolloCentauri 11 votes
AztriasAigym_Hlervunoblecrondeleted221106-002999 4 votes
  • deleted221106-002999
    Given the proposed changes incoming with 3 second delays to 90%+ of magicka templar skills I expect templars would prefer to use a large plinth of granite rather than a light-weight stick to better reflect how cumbersome any kind of spell-casting will be for them.

    Or, perhaps, a gold-plated Osmium bar.

    Yeah, I'm liking that idea - very lore-friendly. Might even go for a name change to something like Sluggy Slowbones as a better overall fit.
  • Hämähäkki
    What's other? There are no other Staffs
  • deleted221106-002999
    What's other? There are no other Staffs

    What's wrong with a gold-plated Osmium bar? Seems apt & otherly to me.
  • Hämähäkki
    Souterain wrote: »

    What's wrong with a gold-plated Osmium bar? Seems apt & otherly to me.

    Nothing wrong, I was just confused what op meant by other as there are just the named ones.
  • Athan1
    I meant other weapons, as you could argue that greatswords fit the theme even more.
    Athan Atticus Imperial Templar of Shezarr
  • Aztrias
    A holy two-handed hammer for Vampire skull crushing.
    Welcome Moon-and-Star to this place where destiny is made

    Nerevar forget!
  • ealdwin
    Aztrias wrote: »
    A holy two-handed hammer for Vampire skull crushing.

    Isran is that you?
  • tplink3r1
    Flame magic is an unpure and corrupted form of sun magic according to the Ayleids, so there's that.
    Edited by tplink3r1 on 28 August 2020 18:51
    VR16 Templar
    VR3 Sorcerer
  • Tsunahmie
    voted resto but I think they need to add a Spear/Pole weapon to the game. that would be amazing and would suit Templar best.
    Otherwise Sword and Shield is always nice I guess.
  • Raisin
  • Athan1
    tplink3r1 wrote: »
    Flame magic is an unpure and corrupted form of sun magic according to the Ayleids, so there's that.
    Didn't know that, interesting point.

    I wish there were lightsabers!
    Athan Atticus Imperial Templar of Shezarr
  • StarOfElyon
    I was considering forcing myself to use a flame staff on my magplar healer because it fits better, though it would be gimping my puncturing sweeps.
  • Athan1
    I was considering forcing myself to use a flame staff on my magplar healer because it fits better, though it would be gimping my puncturing sweeps.

    The burning light theme fits. It makes sense to use flame for the dps bar and resto for the healbar. Like you said though it's gimping bc all magplar spells are aoe.
    Athan Atticus Imperial Templar of Shezarr
  • Aigym_Hlervu
    Hmm, I suppose I have another view on staves and spears in ESO, Athan1. But first, based on your description of the type of a Templar you are, I recalled the description of the TES III class of the Crusader - "Any heavily armored warrior with spellcasting powers and a good cause may call himself a Crusader. Crusaders do well by doing good. They hunt monsters and villains, making themselves rich by plunder as they rid the world of evil".

    The staves in ESO are not stand-alone blunt weapons or spears like it will be in further Eras, but they represent certain schools of magic, i.e. the Schools of Destruction and Restoration and are no more a blunt weapon. It's just a game mechanic that can't allow us to cast those spells with our bare hands like we did it previously. We see that both schools are taught to crusaders with the School of Destruction being the major skill and the School of Restoration being a minor one. So, since the staves skill lines are just those two certain schools of magic, you can use any of them or both.

    Now on to the elements. Sorcerer, Nightblade, Dragon Knight, etc. are neither classes nor estates and not even professions. Here is my definition of those classes: a character's class is a predefined complex of skills and knowledge, a result of a particular course of study which grants a character the ability to perform certain functions within the social division of labour in any system so that a character may specialize in. In other words, character class is a type of education a character acquires. For example, characters with a Sorcerer education can have many professions: a healer, a tank, an enchanter, a soldier, a scholar, etc. It's only the matter of certain skills they use, their views, beliefs and.. some economic demands - the benefits of some educational programs may be changed from patch to a patch. That's it.

    So, to be a Templar does not mean you should wield one staff or another, to use only one element avoiding the other. You don't have to choose between fireballs, frostballs or shockballs - an educated specialist in the School of Destruction knows all of those spells and uses them according to the situation his trade requires, whild that trade is chosen according to his personal preferences and capabilities. So, regarding the choice I'd recommend you to choose all the four possible choices and rotate them according to your particular needs. For example I'm a sorcerer there, but I don't cast, say, fireballs and I don't work with electricity, using only several spells of the School of Destruction. But I do utilize the Schools of Conjuration, Illusion, Mysticism and Alteration much and also some weapon skills. It's only up to us to decide, because education grants us the ability to perform our trade, while certain professional skills defind the way we do it, they help us to do it better or to specialize in certain subsphere of it. Tplink3r1 was right, according to the Glories and Laments by Alexandre Hetrard - "The Ayleids considered fire to be but a weak and corrupt form of light, which Ayleid philosophers identified with primary magical principles". But I don't think that the ancient Ayleid views should restrict you from something here. You are already an educated Templar, a Crusader - so use your skills you were taught the way you see it fitting! I vote for "Other".
  • Eporem
    You could further personalize the staff you use I think by using what essences might be in the soul gems you use to charge the enchantments placed on these. .
  • stefan.gustavsonb16_ESO
    Eporem wrote: »
    You could further personalize the staff you use I think by using what essences might be in the soul gems you use to charge the enchantments placed on these. .
    The inability to differentiate between "beast" souls and sentient souls (requiring black soul gems to trap them in other TES games) is slightly disturbing to my righteous Templar. She hesitates to open overland chests, even. I mean, they are locked, and they contain valuables. Isn't there somebody who owns the items inside? Blindly trapping people's souls by accident (the Soul Splitting Trap has a very broad aim) and mixing them up with the souls of scamps and mudcrabs in her stash of filled soul gems is problematic from a RP perspective. Not to the point where I actually care, but enough to make me think about it.
    Edited by stefan.gustavsonb16_ESO on 23 January 2021 11:06
  • Eporem
    The inability to differentiate between "beast" souls and sentient souls (requiring black soul gems to trap them in other TES games) is slightly disturbing to my righteous Templar. She hesitates to open overland chests, even. I mean, they are locked, and they contain valuables. Isn't there somebody who owns the items inside? Blindly trapping people's souls by accident (the Soul Splitting Trap has a very broad aim) and mixing them up with the souls of scamps and mudcrabs in her stash of filled soul gems is problematic from a RP perspective. Not to the point where I actually care, but enough to make me think about it.

    From a roleplay perspective, I question, though we all seem to be 'born' with this soul trap ability, without developing it more to become Masters of Necromancy through this, then what is it at this lower level we really capture in these when casting - I don't think we would have the ability to capture a whole soul, so maybe just an essence of this soul, the magicka energy perhaps of this.
  • noblecron
    I'm torn between what would be a good staff or other. Flame and Resto staff would be good but so would shock magic as well. But then again I'm also thinking of both Stendarr and Merdia when it comes to Templar. A mace/hammer would also work as well.
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