Just do your crafting surveys, in the long run you should still come out with a surplus.
Processed mats are also pretty cheap, so don't feel bad about buying some.
The biggest reason, and most valuable reason to do daily writs, is for the gold improvement materials that drop. Those have the highest drop rate doing them at maximum level. (30% at maximum versus about 3% at lowest tier)
Yes, you will slowly use up your reserves of Ancestor Silk/Rubedo/Rubedite/Ruby Ash as you do your writs. It is a slight negative even if you collect your surveys and deconstruct the intricate gear (Platinum will go even faster since you get less and none from hirelings). It is still very much worth it, to either farm or buy those top tier materials to replace them and to keep doing your writs at maximum level.
@Firstmep I usually do my surveys. It's just lately that I have been getting more light armor daily writs that have been eating at my ancestor silk surplus. It is possible that I was only looking at just guild traders in Vivec City. I do my writs here since the quartermaster is not that far away. It seemed like they were price gouging in Morrowwind.
The clothing daily writs are on a 3 day cycle. 2 days will require Ancestor Silk, and the 3rd day will be Rubedo Leather. So yes, you will use up more silk than you do leather.
The biggest reason, and most valuable reason to do daily writs, is for the gold improvement materials that drop. Those have the highest drop rate doing them at maximum level. (30% at maximum versus about 3% at lowest tier)
Depending on how many max level crafters you have, don't max out the skill level. Leaving a few to craft at level 1 skill, they use much less mats but still get the surveys. You will earn enough low level mats to supply the level 1 crafter while still getting surveys. Have your max crafter do the survey and you will get plenty of mats. I do writs on 5 characters, 3 at max 2 at level 1 skill. I have well over 20K max level mats.