LF DPS DLC Dungeon Achievements PC NA

Hi we are looking for an active DPS that wants to join dlc dungeon runs for titles skins and other achievements. We are based in Australian timezones gmt +8 to 10 mostly play during our evenings and most times on weekends.
Mic/ discord use preferred. Experience not required as can teach mechanics but must have a brain be willing to learn and do decent damage (50k+).
Can also help with farming for gear if required.
If you are interested in joining us please drop a reply here or message me in game @Fletch_Unit.
Edited by fletchunit on 7 November 2020 03:36
  • montiferus
    Id be down to join. Im usually on late at night but I am in PST so not sure if the timing would work.

    107k DPS on a 21m trial dummy.

    gt @montiferusmac
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