Please let us dismiss PVP quest "For Glory"

This quest is everywhere, and there is no way to dismiss it if we aren't interested. I've seen its quest marker multiple times in multiple zones, thinking it was a quest specifically for that zone and its story, only to find out it's this again. And I have yet to find a way to complete it without accepting a PVP quest, which I am not interested in. (Please don't suggest that I pick up the quest and ignore it. I don't want it using up one of my quest spots.)

Please consider a way for us to tell the battlemaster that we are not interested, so the quest marker will go away. There could be an option like "If you decide in the future to join the battle, speak to any battlemaster in any zone." for players who may want to pick it up later.
Edited by SilverBride on 1 August 2020 16:46
  • Hurbster
    Yes please.
    So they raised the floor and lowered the ceiling. Except the ceiling has spikes in it now and the floor is also lava.
  • VaranisArano
    Let's just get this in general for quests we don't intend to do.

    I'd love the option to mute Ms. "Don't You Know How Long I've Been Waiting For You?!"
    Edited by VaranisArano on 19 August 2020 12:43
  • FrancisCrawford
    Hey, quest-ignoring functionality, do you know how long I've been looking for you?
  • Inyhel
    I agree.
  • ImSoPro
    Let's just get this in general for quests we don't intend to do.

    I'd love the option to mute Ms. "Don't You Know How Long I've Been Waiting For You?!"

    Everytime I hear her I wish I could kill her. Nothing would be more satisfying than absolutely slaughtering her in the middle of town in front of everyone, then looking the guards in their eyes and telling them to do something.
    Edited by ImSoPro on 22 October 2020 15:07
  • etchedpixels
    Sometimes you can get your revenge. All of my alts drop their crafting off in Rimmen and I ignore the jewel quest, which means that annoying creep Jakarn gets thrown out of a window for me 10 times a day.

    It's the little things that make the difference 8)
    Too many toons not enough time
    It is annoying - I picked the quest up a few times without realising. You can 'Abandon' the Quest - which is what I've done, and now I just ignore it.
  • MrBrownstone
    I understand that you want to get rid of it without doing it, there are many things like that i want gone, too. Like the "dragons!" conversation in Mournhold. However trust me it takes like 10 minutes to complete a Battleground match and since there is no penalty in losing one, i highly recommend doing it even if you don't like it, since this is the only solution currently. I hate the dragons conversation but to get rid of it i must complete a whole questline (which i completed on my main and have no interest in doing on my alts again) but if it was a 10 min thing i'd do it instantly. It's really benefical to just spend 10 mins of your life to never see that quest again. Don't let the pvp phobia do this to you.
  • SilverBride
    I don't have PvP phobia. I've been an avid PvPer in every game I've ever played except this one. I just plain don't like the PvP here.
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