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How do you feel about Stonethorn's Battleground meta?

I've played quite a bit of BGs this patch and know how I feel, I'm wondering what others think. Vote and provide a rationale.
Edited by MurderMostFoul on 25 September 2020 15:18
“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”

How do you feel about Stonethorn's Battleground meta? 71 votes

Stonethorn's BG meta is an improvement
sabresandiego_ESOactoshGoregrinderMitaka211Ezorus 5 votes
Stonethorn's BG meta is about the same
wheem_ESONoctusCinbriSOLDIER_1stClassWaffennachtCadburySshadowSscaleNelothAznoxUrzigurumashJSlayer211Roylund 12 votes
Stonethorn's BG meta is worse
SolarikenChardeeMacDMurderMostFoulGnineDTStormfoxArcanasxJRManronBashevHusanSaubonmmtaniacKartalinRhaegar75MojomonkeymanTimeDazzlerSpearpointQbikenExidemFirstmepClawOfTheTwoMoons 54 votes
  • wheem_ESO
    Stonethorn's BG meta is about the same
    I wasn't playing much in the time just prior to Greymoor's release, and basically quit altogether shortly after it came out. Haven't really done any BGs since then, until last night when I played a couple games, and this morning where I played a bit more. In my experience the "meta" was total garbage at Greymoor's release, and is just as bad now. Balance is bad in general, but the overflowing of proc sets and non-fixing of bugs just drains all the fun out of it for me.
  • Solariken
    Stonethorn's BG meta is worse
    I hate how unbalanced Streak is, especially combined with Bombard.

    I hate that any thumbless ranged idiot can hit me with a light attack + one skill and all of a sudden I'm in execute range struggling to survive in a sea of procs.

    I still hate that I can't hit my targets because there is always some pet crowding my reticle.

    I hate that we once again have a speed meta where I can't get any uptime in melee because everyone is so fast that it's difficult to land any follow-up attacks after a stun, even with snares in my kit.

    None of this is new but the meta got worse overall this patch especially in conjunction with some hefty stamplar nerfs.
    Edited by Solariken on 25 September 2020 16:38
  • MurderMostFoul
    Stonethorn's BG meta is worse
    Solariken wrote: »
    hit me with a light attack + one skill and all of a sudden I'm in execute range struggling to survive in a sea of procs.

    This all day. Poison injection -> PI dot, Poison Status, double dot Poison, hunter's venom, sheer venom.

    One skill, up to 6 dots. With the healing nerf, the pressure is too much.

    I feel like there is no more room for "classic" builds. You used to be able to do well with a build with a good mix of damage and defense. Now it feels like it's all ganks and tanks. It feels like cheese is the only way to be viable now. I don't want to play cheesy builds, and my performance suffers as a result. I really dislike this meta, and sadly, it looks like it'll be more of the same next patch.
    “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
  • Waffennacht
    Stonethorn's BG meta is about the same
    Kinda the same IMO. WW Torug , Zaan meta, Sload meta, Necro bash, Thews meta (whats old is new again in this case), there always seems to be an absurd build doing something
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Recapitated
    Stonethorn's BG meta is worse
    90% of my recent comments have been about proc sets for a reason. There are other instances of poor balance probably but that one is especially salient in your death recap.
  • Canned_Apples
    Stonethorn's BG meta is worse
    "about the same" when compared to Greymoor or before @ZOS_BrianWheeler ?

    It's a little worse than Greymoor, but Greymoor was 100000000000x times worse than what came before.

    I have a hard time playing because of this current meta. It's so passive and so boring... Poison injection, spam health based heal. Grothdar + other cheese hold block and spam health based heal.

    Game is complete garbage now.
  • Cinbri
    Stonethorn's BG meta is about the same
    Didnt felt much difference. Still same stamden/stamcro in malubeth everywhere + some occasional sorcs stealing kills.
    Edited by Cinbri on 27 September 2020 10:09
  • precambria
    Stonethorn's BG meta is worse
    Engine guardian is still a thing, hunters venom is still a thing, what enjoyable mechanics have been added this patch? Sheer venom was pretty much the nail in the coffin.
  • JSlayer211
    Stonethorn's BG meta is about the same
    I would say it's about the same this patch. A lot of the broken crutch cancer is still prevalent. Now the mag sorcs are getting killed by proc sets and the tears are a flowing. Each BG is about the same. Snipe blades and mag sorcs spamming from the edge of the map at the few melee stam players that dare engage in combat.

    Honestly, the proc sets are the great equalizer right now. The annoying classes playing lame gameplay are able to be killed and whining about it. The mag sorcs with jumbo shield/streaks, the nightblades ganking/sniping can get killed, the immortal DK's are dying, etc. What i hear the most is "I die now, I hate this game."

    If you die now, have you changed your build at all to adjust to the new meta? For most people, the answer is NO. The think tanks that are supposed to provide the builds to everyone have become stagnant in their one way of thinking. There are a lot more viable options on the table now. The theorycrafters of the community are having a grand time. Everyone wants the same gameplay style and same gear they've always used to continue to work forever with little to no change. That's not life.

    However, the furious pace at which things are changing in ESO are insane. Sets that are meta today will be trash tier in 2 months, rinse and repeat.
  • Arcanasx
    Stonethorn's BG meta is worse
    Its a clown fiesta, enough said.
  • JinxxND
    Stonethorn's BG meta is worse
    People dying now is good, people using 1 skill that procs 2,3, or even 4 procs that do high damage is bad. Procs like pillar of nirn, doylemesh, widowmaker, red mountain that have counter play are good, procs like sheer venom, venomous smite syvarras that proc from max range and do as much damage or more then ones that require risk or to be aimed timed is bad
    PC NA -
    'Jinxx - Nightblade
    'Jinxx X Necromancer
  • Dakkx
    Stonethorn's BG meta is worse
    JSlayer211 wrote: »
    Honestly, the proc sets are the great equalizer right now. The annoying classes playing lame gameplay are able to be killed and whining about it. The mag sorcs with jumbo shield/streaks, the nightblades ganking/sniping can get killed, the immortal DK's are dying, etc.

    Jumbo 7k shields in no cp lol.
  • Urzigurumash
    Stonethorn's BG meta is about the same
    It's much better than the broken PetSorc meta, that was a nightmare. At least one can find someway to be marginally effective without being a PetSorc
    Xbox NA AD / Day 1 ScrubDK / Wood Orc Cuisine Enthusiast
  • Weesacs
    Only played a few games this patch due to moving house. Still noticed EG is targetable which is a shame. Will provide a further update once I get more game time in 👍
    Breton Templar
    PS4 - EU - DC
  • Weesacs
    Now that I've played quite a bit now it appears the 'meta' this patch is stam sorcs using streak.
    Edited by Weesacs on 31 October 2020 18:59
    Breton Templar
    PS4 - EU - DC
  • Bashev
    Stonethorn's BG meta is worse
    Solariken wrote: »
    I hate how unbalanced Streak is, especially combined with Bombard.

    I hate that any thumbless ranged idiot can hit me with a light attack + one skill and all of a sudden I'm in execute range struggling to survive in a sea of procs.

    I still hate that I can't hit my targets because there is always some pet crowding my reticle.

    I hate that we once again have a speed meta where I can't get any uptime in melee because everyone is so fast that it's difficult to land any follow-up attacks after a stun, even with snares in my kit.

    None of this is new but the meta got worse overall this patch especially in conjunction with some hefty stamplar nerfs.

    Perfect sum up.
    Because I can!
  • JobooAGS
    Stonethorn's BG meta is worse
    Literally because of the proc stacking bs we have
  • Udrath
    Stonethorn's BG meta is worse
    Proc set meta and 60% healing debuff don’t mix well
  • LightYagami
    Stonethorn's BG meta is worse
    Solariken wrote: »
    I hate how unbalanced Streak is, especially combined with Bombard.

    I hate that any thumbless ranged idiot can hit me with a light attack + one skill and all of a sudden I'm in execute range struggling to survive in a sea of procs.

    I still hate that I can't hit my targets because there is always some pet crowding my reticle.

    I hate that we once again have a speed meta where I can't get any uptime in melee because everyone is so fast that it's difficult to land any follow-up attacks after a stun, even with snares in my kit.

    None of this is new but the meta got worse overall this patch especially in conjunction with some hefty stamplar nerfs.

    Sorcers are always the King in BGs (possible also in all PvP contents). Multi-purpose streak, permanent pets blocking your line of sight, long range stun, high burst, strong ward, high mobility.
    No improvement on Cyrodill servers -> no ESO plus renewal.
  • precambria
    Stonethorn's BG meta is worse
    JSlayer211 wrote: »
    I would say it's about the same this patch. A lot of the broken crutch cancer is still prevalent. Now the mag sorcs are getting killed by proc sets and the tears are a flowing. Each BG is about the same. Snipe blades and mag sorcs spamming from the edge of the map at the few melee stam players that dare engage in combat.

    Honestly, the proc sets are the great equalizer right now. The annoying classes playing lame gameplay are able to be killed and whining about it. The mag sorcs with jumbo shield/streaks, the nightblades ganking/sniping can get killed, the immortal DK's are dying, etc. What i hear the most is "I die now, I hate this game."

    If you die now, have you changed your build at all to adjust to the new meta? For most people, the answer is NO. The think tanks that are supposed to provide the builds to everyone have become stagnant in their one way of thinking. There are a lot more viable options on the table now. The theorycrafters of the community are having a grand time. Everyone wants the same gameplay style and same gear they've always used to continue to work forever with little to no change. That's not life.

    However, the furious pace at which things are changing in ESO are insane. Sets that are meta today will be trash tier in 2 months, rinse and repeat.

    step one: be stam, step two: malacath proc, if those factors are not enough to carry somebody they can slot bombard, it was fun to theory craft those builds before it became obvious they are just massively overtuned and it doesn't really matter if you put thought into it or not :/

    Crimson was a cool addition to the game, unleashed terror is just imbalance incarnate.

    It's not that people are mad they are dying now man, it's because it is happening from people putting in minimal effort to exert pressure and in a way that is NOT fun, having more dots on you than you have health from somebody pressing one key completely ruins the flow of combat being offense and defense action choices and timing. Anyone can make one of those kinds of build, but people shouldn't be punished for not playing into the toxic meta..
  • Goregrinder
    Stonethorn's BG meta is an improvement
    My old wolf build is back in action so I've been enjoying it a lot!
  • Mitaka211
    Stonethorn's BG meta is an improvement
    I have always liked pvp more than pve, and i would only do pve if i need an item for my buidl . I stopped playing a year ago, just came back. I have to say bgs in particular feel a lot more controlled and grounded in comparison to before. I play a stamplar, don't use a venom build and i feel like i can actually compete with other classes now. I don't want to burst your guys bubbles or anything , but do you even remember what pvp was back then. Pet sorcs everywhere , immortal magika classes running around. People dying is a good thing , i don't understand all the whining. It was never normal for a magika class with light armor to be more tanky than someone in heavy armor, every single mmo is like that. There are two main complaints i see. First is Werewolfs. I think they are easy to deal with , and the only fighter skill i am using is dawnbreaker ult. The proc sets. Here i see a big problem. It is absurd i can agree, but pvp was even more absurd back then. Do you people not remember how you would get into a game and your entire screen would be blocked by pets lol. Pvp is in a much better place. Kinda annoyed they literally did nothing to Templar, i really hoped they would rework some skills and finally give us a good ultimate we can use on stam but whatever. I actually think the change to Burning Light passive is good since it makes your damage much more consistent , did not understand the whining about that either. Overall i have been enjoying pvp much more than before. I mainly judge the performance of my character in duels or bgs btw, i don't play Cyrodiil so maybe there it is absurd , i simply don't know.
  • Recapitated
    Stonethorn's BG meta is worse
    Mitaka211 wrote: »
    I have always liked pvp more than pve, and i would only do pve if i need an item for my buidl . I stopped playing a year ago, just came back. I have to say bgs in particular feel a lot more controlled and grounded in comparison to before. I play a stamplar, don't use a venom build and i feel like i can actually compete with other classes now. I don't want to burst your guys bubbles or anything , but do you even remember what pvp was back then. Pet sorcs everywhere , immortal magika classes running around. People dying is a good thing , i don't understand all the whining. It was never normal for a magika class with light armor to be more tanky than someone in heavy armor, every single mmo is like that. There are two main complaints i see. First is Werewolfs. I think they are easy to deal with , and the only fighter skill i am using is dawnbreaker ult. The proc sets. Here i see a big problem. It is absurd i can agree, but pvp was even more absurd back then. Do you people not remember how you would get into a game and your entire screen would be blocked by pets lol. Pvp is in a much better place. Kinda annoyed they literally did nothing to Templar, i really hoped they would rework some skills and finally give us a good ultimate we can use on stam but whatever. I actually think the change to Burning Light passive is good since it makes your damage much more consistent , did not understand the whining about that either. Overall i have been enjoying pvp much more than before. I mainly judge the performance of my character in duels or bgs btw, i don't play Cyrodiil so maybe there it is absurd , i simply don't know.

    There's been a very significant shift towards proc set between this patch and the previous one, keep in mind other people are weighing in with a different time frame in mind. Pet sorcs were not super relevant in the previous patch either.
    Edited by Recapitated on 29 October 2020 11:53
  • DTStormfox
    Stonethorn's BG meta is worse
    The meta has become terrible. The meta is: wear proc sets = win.
    It is almost pathetic.
    Only responds to constructive replies/mentions

    Immortal-Legends Guild Master
    Veteran PvP player

  • Orange_fire_dragon
    Stonethorn's BG meta is worse
    It is ironic, the game functions way better for me in terms of abilities firing off, server side etc. But the balance of BGs right now is the worst since sloads meta back in Summerset.

    I like it more that when damage is higher than healing, few exceptions though (looking at you warden class)

    But I believe that the dealt damage needs to be something you do, something you caused and not what probably 95% players run now, proc sets. Lots and lots of proc sets. Hell, some people run 3 of these because why not?

    If I recorded all deaths I've had in BGs since Markarth patch was released, I truly believe that I would not have a single image without a proc set there dealing majority of the damage I died to.

    And now we have MORE undodgeable, unblockable sources of damage with that stupid staff from the new trial.

    So in short, we have too much FREE damage that shouldn't be there and it is making the gameplay either infuriating or boring to play.
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