I wish I could "tell an alt" to craft an item it knows already for me to use in this character's research without all the swapping. Consume any needed mats (which I mostly have plenty of, with the possible exception of Potent Nirncrux). The swapping takes so much time (and puts a load on the system) that it is a major interruption!
I wouldn't mind a reasonable overhead gold cost (1-100 gold) for this just to save the time and storage space in my banker for researchable items.
For example:
My Main on each mega server (PS4-EU and PS4-US) knows all the possibilities. (True BTW)
An alt should be able to research any item I have materials for (including trait mats) in my mat bag (or inventory for non-subscribed players). Pretend it is making a request to my main to create and supply the item to research. Add a gold cost and even a time delay if you wish, but drop the need for me to write things down outside the game, then swap characters, craft things, store them in my bank and finally swap back. All that time is useless and adds nothing to the game.