Has anyone noticed a drastic decrease in siege health since Beta? In Beta, I could use the same treb for several sieges, providing it did not take too much damage. In live however, I can't really use a treb for more than 2 sieges, only if it hasn't been hit. Sometimes i need to use 2 or even 3 trebs during a single siege because they fall apart on me.
And rams...
every time I place a ram at a gate, if there is oil above, it dies within 30 seconds.
In Beta rams had, if not resistance to oil, MUCH more health. rarely did I see one go down from oil unless it was the only siege hitting the door (so it was up for much longer)
Clearly, I understand this is not beta.. but why mess with a good thing? Is it more balanced now? Is it intended as a faster AP sink?
All i know now, is that i won't be purchasing any more rams in the future, and always need to have at least 5 trebs on me before a siege.