Long loading times for zones/delves and disconnected from the game and unable to login again.

I just experienced sitting at a loading screen for King's Haven in Summerset for 5-10min, then I got disconnected from the game, and when I try to log on again I get "Login Timeout". Anyone else have these issues? Something happening with the server? This is PCEU.
  • ospray315
    Same here, PC EU server, tried to leave a player house, then got stuck in a loading screen. After trying to log back in have had several minutes of login timeouts now
  • Nitrius
    Got back in again now, seems to be resolived, at least here.
  • urdiramai
    Soul Shriven
    same login timeout problems with PC NA.
  • ospray315
    Ok, just got back in, after another 5 minutes of trying, many in my guild are commenting that the lag is very high right now, ping between 400-999 in some places, and that the long loading screens have returned with a vengeance. Still its playable in overland, would like to try a dungeon or especially pvp right now.
  • ospray315
    What ever has happened, the server seems to have stabilised, for me at least. Though about half of the number in my guilds are now offline vs 30 minutes ago
  • urdiramai
    Soul Shriven
    PC NA is back and stable, too, from what i can see.
  • ZOS_Bill
    There have been some login and loading issue the past two hours which are being looked into. Most servers should now be recovered.
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