Maintenance for the week of February 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 17
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)

Login queue in effect. and even that is extended!

  • Lannharr
    Can't even change log in server due the client is automatically logging in and joining the neverending queue...
  • Firstmep
    Yeah, when i suggested they added a queue, i meant one that actually moves and lets people in.
  • Hans_58
    ZamanShah wrote: »
    Im in a login queue. It says
    " you have been placed in the queue to log in. Thank you for your patience"
    "Approximate wait time: 1min 3sec"

    And im still waiting after 10 minutes.


    Total disgrace!

    I was waiting to log in and had to walk away for a few moments to come to the log in screen typed in my password again and are now waiting forever in the login queue Aprproximae Wait Time: 30 sec and no count down
  • stefan.gustavsonb16_ESO
    Apparently, "30 seconds" is ZOS-speak for "no idea how long this will take".
  • Moyra74
    Will you look at that! I have moved on from the queue! And am now stuck in the character loading screen. :|
    Going the wrong way since 1974
  • Hans_58
    parpin wrote: »
    this issue happening again and again every time large number of players are trying to log in, some times it takes down server badly like skyrim/gremoor lunch or for several hours like this one, but it is happening again and again because the so called mega server is unable to handle large number of players, the only solution is mega sever 2, yes second mega server and all new players should go on new server and there should be rewards for veteran players who transfer to second mega server, with the current so called mega server it will happen again and again.

    I is like when the power is out and comes on again and all the lights where stil switched on, WHAP total darkness
    The servers can handle a lot of player but not the massive logging in.1
  • Gorreck
    Firstmep wrote: »
    Yeah, when i suggested they added a queue, i meant one that actually moves and lets people in.

    Assuming they'd put in a functional queue, that was your first mistake! :D
  • Dysnomia
    Soul Shriven
    Just cancelled subscription. I had it enough.
  • kind_hero
    30 seconds which turn into minutes and a lot of frustration with this company!
    [PC/EU] Tamriel Hero, Stormproof, Grand Master Crafter
  • agegarton
    ZoS touches code.

    Game says "me no wanna work no more".
  • SnowyNI
    53 mins now... you can FO!
  • NiborNaganalf
    Soul Shriven
    52 mins 30 Secs?????

    Edited by NiborNaganalf on 27 July 2020 21:17
  • Hamish999
    Spent about 30 or 40 minutes in a 30 second login queue and managed to get to "Requesting character load ..."
    Only for it to kick me back to the login page after 5 minutes and a new 55 minute and 26 second login queue ...
    Edited by Hamish999 on 27 July 2020 21:20
    Do'Zahra - Khajiit - StamDK - AD
    Narese Telvanni - Dunmer - Petsorc - EP
    Anastasie Chastain - Breton - Magplar - DC
    Gashnakh the Lusty - Orc - Stamsorc - AD
    Stands-In-Stoopid - Argonian - Warden Tank - AD
    Talia al-Morwha - Redguard - Stamden - AD
    Makes-Fier-Wrong - Argonian - Stamblade - AD
    Busty-Argonian-Maid - Argonian - Templar Healer - AD
    Alaru Telvanni - Dunmer - Stamplar - AD
    Ko'Raehsi - Khajiit - Magsorc - AD
    Torhild Rock-Chucker - Nord - StamDK - AD
    Drusilla Larouche - Breton - MagDK - AD
    Ko'Khanni - Khajiit - Magden - AD
    Ilithyia Ectorius - Imperial - DK Tank -AD
    Rosara Laumont - Breton - Warden Healer - AD
    Do'Darri - Khajiit - Stam Arcanist - AD

    Keyboard and mouse FTW!
  • NiborNaganalf
    Soul Shriven
    58 mins 2 Secs?????

    NO!!! Really??
  • angrydrew
    Pfff no four letter words left ..........
  • _adhyffbjjjf12
    its actually going up, it was 56 minutes a couple minutes ago, now 59.
  • troomar
    Oh really, you don't say.

  • Gythral
    bloody hell...
    3hrs and 10mins later ...
    “Be as a tower, that, firmly set,
    Shakes not its top for any blast that blows!”
    Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
  • Kadoin
    They should have made sure to reboot server because there is a bug where your character can stay logged in for days. I have had that bug for the last two months and its very annoying. More than annoyance, they should be concerned that such a bug could be affecting the entire server's stability...
  • Azriael2

    Edited by Azriael2 on 27 July 2020 21:32
    "Rise, red as the dawn."
  • WoRei
    parpin wrote: »
    this issue happening again and again every time large number of players are trying to log in, some times it takes down server badly like skyrim/gremoor lunch or for several hours like this one, but it is happening again and again because the so called mega server is unable to handle large number of players, the only solution is mega sever 2, yes second mega server and all new players should go on new server and there should be rewards for veteran players who transfer to second mega server, with the current so called mega server it will happen again and again.

    They will never learn. They still think their "mega" (hahahaha, better call it micro) - server is able to handle that amount of players if they just pray very hard or whatever they are doing (and that can't be much if you fail that hard that often lol)
    I quote Admiral Thrawn here: "“Anyone can make an error. But that error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it.”.
    How many times did ZOS now refuse to correct that error with PC EU? They are like litte children stomping into the ground: "grrr, it has to work, it just has".
    Why they don't open an 2nd server with free transfers for veteran players? I don't know. It seem they have alot of fun "investigating problems SOME (!!) players have" - Alone that message all the time is a joke

  • NicGroover
    1 hour 3 minutes in line, they don’t care about us TESO.

    They think we’re sheep to mow as long as we pay...

    Ah ah ah ah after several hours the same message as each time..Sh...

    TESO hits the bottom, they were wrong because instead of doubling the servers, they understood halving the servers... this is a professional warehouse
    Edited by NicGroover on 27 July 2020 21:41
  • Terry_Arquett
    same - 30 secs...
    I've been waiting for 1 hour
  • Erris


  • kadochka
    what in the everliving *long bleep*-
    I'm less mad, more very confused.. Not gonna wait and see what happens, though, just gonna play something else.. :cry:
    if I could make another character, their name would be Cries-For-Character-Slots. AKA, I need more.

  • noelleon15b16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    This is damn *** customer service approach for this relatively costly game (if you buy dlcs and eso+).
  • ZOS_Bill
    Yesterday on 7/27/20 there were login issues affecting the PC/Mac EU megaservers. These issues are now resolved. For this reason we are closing the discussion.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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This discussion has been closed.