Logout = Quit?

Soul Shriven
Any idea why for the past month or two about 10/14 times I log out it drops me to desktop instead of character select? I say 10 of 14 because I have 14 characters I log in, train riding and log out, and I average dropping to desktop 10 of the 14 logouts each day.
  • Nestor
    Are you crashing out?

    Also, try disabling all Addons, just to Rule that out.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • TheHubby
    Soul Shriven
    Not crashing, it just acts as if I've chosen quit rather than logout. I could believe a misclick once in a while, but not that many every day :) I will try the addon thing though, best to make sure.
    Edited by TheHubby on 11 July 2020 21:46
  • ZOS_Bill
    Another player was having a similar issue when closing out of ESO. We've posted troubleshooting in the thread linked below that may help in your situation.

    Quitting the game brings up a 'ESO has stopped working' window
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  • naturebased
    ZOS_BillE wrote: »
    Another player was having a similar issue when closing out of ESO. We've posted troubleshooting in the thread linked below that may help in your situation.

    Quitting the game brings up a 'ESO has stopped working' window

    He's talking about pressing log out, not quitting the game. these two problems are different. I also experience OP's issue. Im not sure if you actually read his post.
  • ZOS_Bill

    The troubleshooting from the thread linked above would still apply for this issue. We recommend removing add-ons as the first step to try. The second step to take is a full reinstall of ESO on your system.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • paulohdk
    Soul Shriven
    I started to have the same problem a few weeks ago. But I think I found the culprit. If you have Razer Synapse, try disabling support for ESO in the Chroma Apps tab. You may need to install the Chroma Connect module first.
    Edited by paulohdk on 19 July 2020 22:41
  • david_m_18b16_ESO
    I also experience this. This game is just too broken. I can't count how many time I have ran a repair file for ESO. This is just getting ridiculous.
  • TheImperfect
    I had this recently again and with or without any addons or their files and saved variables I'm still getting it intermittently. I have had a couple of errors pop up on various addons (inventory insight, master merchant, EHT that I can remember - don't know if it relates to them) but all with the same message pretty much related to <eof> . My images will explain.



  • ZOS_Bill
    For anyone still encountering this issue after going through the recommended troubleshooting, please go ahead and open a ticket with customer support for further assistance with the application quitting when logging out.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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