So I posted this way back near launch and was surprised I only received two responses. Seeing as how this has been catching on lately I thought I'd repost just to hear what people think of it now.
It's a little long but TL;DR at end of post.
I hear lots of complaints about no dueling or arena system in ESO. Is anyone familiar with a term called emergent gameplay? Gameplay that isn't structured by the game code or even expected by the dev teams. Its something that is created by the players themselves. This game has so many opportunities for this to happen, which would add a lot of features people are complaining about ESO lacking.
If anyone has played GW2 they may remember that area on the way through the Jumping Puzzle in the EB map. On many servers it became a cross faction hangout where the only fights that occurred were 1 v 1s and 2v2s between different factions that was completely setup and controlled by players. Otherwise it was a place to hang out, talk crap, and show if you can back up your talk.
Why cant we do this in ESO? Cryodiil is so big there are plenty of places where something like this could be set up. Imagine, a section of cyrodiil that everyone knew was the area for dueling and arena fighting. ( location would probably have to change every so often due to trolls etc.) People could bet on their favorite fighter, or team of fighters.
I honestly think the devs left this kind of freedom wide open to see what us, the players, come up with. This is just one of many ideas that i think that would be a great alternative to complaining on the forums about there being a lack of said feature.
Emergent gameplay is what gives some games their longevity and with the amount of freedom in this game and the potential for RP, I really hope to see some great things with this game in terms of emergent gameplay. Ultimately its up to the players, so if anyone might be interested in trying to make this "unofficial" dueling, arena area please include ideas on where in Cyrodiil might make a great place for this.
TL:DR Lets make an "unofficial", player policed, dueling arena in Cyrodiil
Edited by kitchenguy65_ESO on 13 July 2014 14:41