Maintenance for the week of September 9:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 9

Ticket Number 200612-004594

Hey, I have put the above ticket in several days ago but no response as of yet. When I try to load two of my characters who logged out in my "primary residence" in game I get a dark screen followed by the blue screen on PS4 with the error code CE-34878-0. I have tried all the fixes as stated on this forum. Including uninstalling and reinstalling ESO, all 90+gb of it twice. I understand during the current climate there are going to be slight delays. But after hours of reading through the forum for different fixes. I've seen horror stories where these types of tickets have been ignored. Any sort of update, even an ETA on mine would be looked at. Just to know it will be dealt with. Thanks and hope you are all staying safe.
Edited by AJSnakeGaming on 14 June 2020 08:22
PS4 EU server.
  • ZOS_Bill

    It looks like support has responded back to your ticket 200612-004594 and has moved your characters. Please let us know if this has helped with the issue or not.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • AJSnakeGaming
    Hiya @ZOS_BillE They did in fact fix the issue. But this morning. It has happened yet again. This is the 4th time in 8-9 weeks. I have updated the ticket this morning but as you can appreciate, this is getting a tad frustrating, This has been the 4th day out of 7 that I cannot play my main character that has 99% of my achievements. It happened when I logged out of my primary home. A home I paid a lot of real life money and now can't play the game on my main character. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'd be eternally grateful if this is sorted some point today. Thanks
    Edited by AJSnakeGaming on 18 June 2020 16:10
    PS4 EU server.
  • ZOS_Bill

    Thanks for the update. I've went ahead and moved the character again since that had temporarily resolved the issue before. Your ticket is still open for support to follow-up again.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • AJSnakeGaming
    @ZOS_BillE ah thank you so much. I'll try not to log out of my house for a while. I can see I'm not the only one this has happened to looking through forums. I'll just wait for the update and log out, out of the house. Thank you so much again. Stay safe
    PS4 EU server.
  • AJSnakeGaming
    Hi, me again. Sorry @ZOS_BillE my character Legend of AJ is still located at my primary home and just blue screened my PS4. Sorry to be a pain
    PS4 EU server.
  • Crom_CCCXVI

    PS4 NA server

    'llI give some detail, maybe we have similar situations you can draw some data from?
    I'm waiting on my response, I just put the ticket in a day ago, but just so you have this info

    It's been about 3 months since I was able to log into 6 of my toons, every time I do the game crashes, blue screen with that error.
    I've used my Playstation, my son's PlayStation, and a friend on the other side of the country's playstation--- so it's not my system
    I can go to the house, and I can leave.. but if I log out and leave a toon there I will not be able to log back into them.

    - A few months ago I was doing inventory maintenance, moving sets in between characters and between the chests at that house, for like 2 hours, moving 100's of items-- and then my system crashed. The 4 characters that were there I have not been able to play.. and then I sent two toons in to test it, and they are stuck now also.
    - I removed a the last few furniture items I put down, that didn't help-- I removed the chests full of items that didn't help either--

    I had a ticket, but then I went on vacation and didn't follow up past the generic response.
    But now with everything going on, I have like 1 character I think has like 100 treasure maps, so I'd like to get them and that was an expensive house.....

    hopefully that helps
    Edited by Crom_CCCXVI on 19 June 2020 07:48
  • AJSnakeGaming
    dayum sorry to hear that @Crom_CCCXVI hopefully they can move my character and your six.


    Is there any update on when yourself or anyone else can move my character to a different location please? I'm afraid after stated above the character hasn't been moved, I'm afraid it hasn't been. My ticket is still waiting for an agent for someone from support to pick it up. Cheers
    Edited by AJSnakeGaming on 19 June 2020 19:16
    PS4 EU server.
  • Crom_CCCXVI
    I got the ticket number today and we responded with as much detail as possible, so hopefully we can kill the bug, lol

  • Crom_CCCXVI
    I only play like 3 toons, the ones stuck there were mostly mules..

    I sent someone in yesterday, and removed some big things... I had the Moongate, I removed some Bloodthorns that move and all the treasure chests from that location, since that was the last things I put down..

    diidn't make a difference, I still can't get those guys our myself... Some of them are carrying 5 years worth of inventory and stuff like that,.. so yeah, I 'd like them back

    Edited by Crom_CCCXVI on 20 June 2020 00:00
  • AJSnakeGaming
    Ah thats excellent news @Crom_CCCXVI yeah hopefully this will sort your account out. So frustrating paying all that real life money for a house and it causes an issue with your account. I'm still waitin for mine to be moved but hopefully be done soon. Any update be amazing for both of us @ZOS_BillE thanks
    PS4 EU server.
  • AJSnakeGaming
    Its happened to me before, its just a case of someone moving the characters to a different location. I wouldnt log out in your house going forward though. Just in case.
    PS4 EU server.
  • Crom_CCCXVI
    Yes, that is what I am asking now if they can just move them... and I won't log out from there again.

    It is frustrating, The Lakemire Xanmeer Manor was like 14K Crowns and it is my main house, I have all my best furnishings there, and I really like it.. I hate to start having to remove everything to see if it helps, with no guarantee that it will.

    Had all the chests full of inventory, removed all those
    I had the Moongate, removed that..
    I have Volendrung?.. (can't remember, the Hammer furnishing).
    I was wondering if it was just one item, but I don't even know exactly when it first went wrong since I probably don't log off from my house that often

    I really don't like testing it, because not long ago when my PS4 bluescreened the whole system got wiped or something and I had to re-do all my setting, so just going blue screen after blue screen isn't cool either..

    I just responded to the second email from customer service. I think that one is still a scripted response, hoping my next answer involves a person helping me.
    I explained twice now that I have logged in from 3 different PlayStations, it's not my system, and I recently re-downloaded the game when my PS4 broke and I had to get a new one... so it doesn't need re-downloaded either.- and I have a GB ethernet.

    I'm stick with it this time, lol.. at least to my toons get moved
  • AJSnakeGaming

    I know exactly what you mean. Aldmeri Dominion Grotto was 15,000 crowns.

    I don't think it's one furnishing item as my characters have been logged out at different parts of the house. I knew exactly where my main was logged out and removed everything from that part. The Grotto is my main house, all the achievement furnishing items, mundus stones, I have a few attainable crafting stations there, all the DPS dummies. I'd dread to think how many crowns the house and the items inside have cost me over the years. House, Mundus and trial dummy, banker and merchant would be 60,000 crowns on their own.... wow!

    But like you, was doing account maintenance, cleaning up bank space, chest space.

    Also deleted and reinstalled the game twice on my PS4 even tried on my son's. PS4.

    Congrats on the Volendrung furnishing, I've tried so hard to get that achievement!! that's wicked. Deffo one of the coolest items they have put in the game.

    Just praying for us both CS or @ZOS_BillE or anyone can sort this out. There's deffo a rare issue here, I've read that this has happened loads of times. But only for me in the last 8/9 weeks. Very strange. Also, Is there a reason the yellow envelope has now disappeared now??

    Keep me updated, let me know if your's gets sorted
    Edited by AJSnakeGaming on 20 June 2020 14:27
    PS4 EU server.
  • Crom_CCCXVI
    3rd response, still getting generic responses- I'm hoping it gets more specific soon
    Last one had me delete my saved data...

    even though I've said each time--
    "I have attempted this on 3 different Playstations, and I have deleted and re-installed the entire game"

    it did manage to delete my settings though.....
    If I can get my characters back I just won't log out from any house any longer.- I'll let you know. It's interesting we were both logging in and out of characters messing with inventory. I actually thought once I removed all the chests from the house that maybe would fix it..... but nope

    FYI, here is my ticket also 200618-001521

    BTW- Volendrung- I didn't kill anyone with it, but I did kill the carrier to get the achievement---- 1st time was with siege, I knew they were coming and just put two Cold Fire Trebs on a tower and kept lobbing them at the hammer and got lucky---- and then I killed the hammer once in a 30 v 30 melee, where he was low health and I was on a DPS Mag DK and got a good leap.

    Edited by Crom_CCCXVI on 20 June 2020 18:57
  • AJSnakeGaming
    @Crom_CCCXVI ahh nice, glad your getting somewhere.

    Nice, I'll try to kill the carrier instead then. Thats great advice thank you for that. I ain't had a response for over 48 hours now. Last update I had was off @ZOS_BillE but unfortunately my character is still stuck. Really sucks as its my main also. Hopefully won't be too much longer now. I understand there's probably delays with the current pandemic. Just sucks as last weekend I couldn't use my main and now this weekend it doesn't look like I'm going to be able to use him either.

    @ZOS_BillE :smiley:
    PS4 EU server.
  • ZOS_Bill

    I've sent you a private message to get more information on the characters you have stuck in housing.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • AJSnakeGaming
    Bit of luck now @Crom_CCCXVI be done for you
    PS4 EU server.
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