Hello guys. Yes, I'm aware of my words regarding mudballs a few weeks ago in a certain thread in General Discussion. I've maintained my promise to never slot those mementos again, except in guild events which have to be treated differently. (My main guild is a bit nuts)
Usually I now have nothing but potions, food and PvP sieges on my quickslots. So yeah. Truly sorry about the other day.
Anyway, moving on to my question.
Believe it or not, but I actually thoroughly enjoy writing. I do feel that everyone should have a creative pursuit and for me, writing is that pursuit. I have a long-term project where I am building a setting for an unrelated TTRPG.
Now here's the thing... The concept of RP in ESO sounds really cool to me! I love this setting's lore! Elder Scrolls will always be my first love in fantasy, and my favourite to boot.
But the idea of RP is, perhaps understandably, a little daunting.
Forgive me for the apparent ignorance. In many respects, that is exactly what it is. But it's like, how do people act within RP communities? Does it get, well, weird, if you catch my drift?
What expectations are there, beyond the obvious need to be respectful?
I think this question of mine here has been driven in no small part by the fact that I am writing a backstory for my main. Making good progress, I think, and it is very enjoyable. It's the first step I've made into writing TES fan-fiction.
Anyway, I would appreciate any feedback. Thank you.
In-game username: Un1korn | Happy member of the PCNA UESP guild (Resident Daggerfall Covenant enjoyer) | Main & basically only character: Crucian Vulpin, Imperial Dragonknight of the Daggerfall Covenant, and Undaunted Bulwark (I tank) | Mountain bike enjoyer and vulpine appreciator | If you know me from PCEU: No | To ZOS: THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME BRING MY HORSE INTO BATTLE!