Morrowind. Clockwork City. Central Core

Soul Shriven
Hello. Please, help. How to destroy that damned Central Core in the Clockwork City? There are no other players in any time (I don't know if it's a bug), but difficulty of that enemy is extrimely high. Is there any chanse to kill it in solo? May it be my personal problem? It's really can't be defeated.
(European server)
  • EleonoraCrendraven
    There are no other players inside, it is a solo quest.
    There is a video on youtube:
    and a similar thread on the forum:
    I used a warden, had always healing aoe going and went for ranged damage. And you have to get moving to avoid damage dealt to you.
  • Shaerrawedd
    Soul Shriven
    2 EleonoraCrendraven
    Thank you very much!
  • Jjumpy
    Soul Shriven
    I don't have any proper long range skills except swallow soul and impale.. And I use a sword and shield,.. Basically dying because there's no way for me to avoid the blades and deal damage properly? If I get caught by the blades, even if I move out of the way there's a few very long seconds of my health nonstop decreasing?
  • LordLomax
    I had a massive problem getting past this boss on my stamplar I used bow and dual wield I ended up respecting to that it was extremely difficult to do it just make sure u use food or drink buffs . I have since completed it in mag warden and sorcerer dead easy on both . My advice keep trying u will do it eventually :)
  • carolinius
    Soul Shriven
    The central core’s attacks aren’t that strong, it’s the spinning blades that come up from the floor halfway through that kept killing me. I found that if I stand right up against the core, in the middle of one of its sides, the blades miss me while I attack the core with a melee weapon.
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