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• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)

SO many bugged quests.... No responses from helpdesk.

the game has been unplayable for 2 days now, unable to procede due to multiple bugged quests, I am unable to continue the mainstory as the quest giving NPC just stands there and i'm unable to talk to him. Not to mention i put in a ticket 2 days ago. and still nothing.

And this is just the beginning, tens of people standing at a quest giver for hours and hours is not the way to make a game succesful.


I hope you fix this soon. i know many people are on the verge of not continuing after the free time.
Edited by dephpersonb16_ESO on 10 April 2014 20:34
  • falsfire
    Soul Shriven
    I have experienced a fair number of buggy quests myself, but they've all been worked out. There isn't a single quest yet that I haven't been able to complete by level 29.

    It's not ideal (or intended I'm sure), but many instances where you can't clicky on what you need to can be resolved by relogging and getting a different instance. This is always what I try first.

    This is not unique to ESO - every major MMO launch has been fraught with bugs and problems. In retrospect, I haven't experienced much lag or performance issues yet in ESO. Occasionally I'll get chat-only lags (chat messages I type take a minute to appear but combat is still working fine).

    Ride it out. Anybody who's been in on more than a few MMO launches will tell you that if you really like the game, ride it out and it'll only get better.

    Bugs take time to fix properly. I'm a software developer myself so I understand that the act of actually fixing the bug is a teeny percentage of the time required to release that fix.

    1) Identify the bug (user reports, QA testing, etc)
    2) Reproduce the bug reliably (developers need to be able to make it happen in order to debug it)
    3) Find the cause of the bug (this is usually the developer's most time-intensive process)
    4) Fix the bug (the smallest part, often takes only minutes)
    5) Test the fix (in all reported scenarios)
    6) Send the fix off to QA for regression testing (this means do your best to make sure your fix hasn't produced more or worse bugs). QA process on a bugfix is by far the most time-intensive part. They need to not only ensure the bug is reliably fixed and no longer happening, but that all reasonable areas of the program that touch it have not been negatively impacted by the fix.

    Relate it to this. You weave a beautiful tapestry or persian rug. Then somebody tells you "that bit there was supposed to be red, not blue". Now you have to replace those threads, which involves pulling on them, without causing the rest of the rug to come apart in the process.

    Finding a bug's cause I relate to trying to trace the path of a single strand of spaghetti in a bowl, without disturbing any of the other strands of spaghetti.
  • dephpersonb16_ESO
    they had plenty of time to fix these game destroying bugs and leave the small ones with the people they had testing.

    I think they just opened the champagne bottles already and said *** the rest we'll do it when we're ready. we're not talking hours of missed gameplay we're talking DAYS, even a week of being unable to progress AT ALL.

    If someone took a week to repair my rug i'd fire them. they should had more then 1 person trying to do it right? well sure doesn't seem like it
  • LonePirate
    they had plenty of time to fix these game destroying bugs and leave the small ones with the people they had testing.

    I don't think many of these issues were reported before the game went live. Yes, many were reported like the problems with the infamous frog race quest for AD which I know was reported back in November, if not earlier. Some others, particularly phasing or load issues, simply could not be reproduced except under load scenarios. About 2/3 of this game was never exposed to load conditions during the pre-launch testing and that is why people are reporting so many issues now. Of course, there are plenty of issues that occur independently of load scenarios that were never reported by the ZOS QA team and the PTS crew or the issues were reported and simply never fixed. Take your pick.
  • Elixx
    Yeah, im lvl 50 and my end quest fight is bugged, i cant enter dungeons, and pvp has serious crash issues, 10 sec delay. There is just nothing to to at 50, since the main quest is not working. Doesent seem like a GM is avalible.
    Edited by Elixx on 10 April 2014 22:55
  • Sihnfahl
    LonePirate wrote: »
    I don't think many of these issues were reported before the game went live.
    Well, granted, you could only advance to the third region if you were a 'public' beta tester. All the subsequent quests were tested on the low-load private beta realm, and a lot of the issues seem to be related to multiple players rushing for the quest rather than a single player testing it out.
  • dephpersonb16_ESO
    main quest would be priority 1, simple as that you can't defend them fixing anything else other then things thats would destroy gameplay worse.
  • LonePirate
    main quest would be priority 1, simple as that you can't defend them fixing anything else other then things thats would destroy gameplay worse.

    I completely agree. Of all the current issues I am aware of, the game blocking bug with the groundskeeper in Coldharbour is easily the worst one. It simply impacts too many people and its consequences are too dire. Who knows when it will be fixed, though.
  • Archellion
    LonePirate wrote: »
    the game blocking bug with the groundskeeper in Coldharbour is easily the worst one. It simply impacts too many people and its consequences are too dire. Who knows when it will be fixed, though.
    Agreed. This bug warrants free days as compensation.
  • Worstluck
    I could not, nor could anyone else, progress past the Final Assault quest last night, where you have to talk to Gabrielle after that labyrinth area. NPC just stood there.

    This is a game-breaking bug. I've been playing MMO's now for almost 15 years, and I can barely recall a bug that has just stopped my progression (that has affected me, I know there have been tons of game-breaking bugs in MMO's before).

    So I am level 49. All the remaining quests I have in Coldharbour are bugged. So I guess if I want to progress I can grind mobs, or just forget it about and do some pvp or crafting.
    Worstluck - Breton Nightblade "Some of us refused to bow. We knew the old ways would lead us back to having a kingdom of our own."
    Elfluck - Dunmer Dragonknight "When I will walk the earth again, the Faithful among you shall receive your reward: to be set above all other mortals forever. As for the rest: the weak shall be winnowed: the timid shall be cast down: the mighty shall tremble at my feet and pray for pardon."
    ―Mehrunes Dagon
    Deadluck -Imperial Templar "Men are but flesh and blood. They know their doom, but not the hour"
    ―Uriel Septim

    Daggerfall Covenant
  • Noth
    I find it funny that by your title you expect helpdesk to be able to do something.
  • ArRashid
    For this quest to work, you have to:
    1. wait till most guys leave (by stating it's bugged and they should go play alts or smthng)
    2. group up with whoever's left there
    3. ALL LOG OFF and relog (to reset Gabrielle)
    4. when you are all ready, talk to Gabrielle (if someone is in combat when someone else talks to her, she bugs out)
    5. defend Gabrielle
    6. Defend Gabrielle again while she opens the door for you
    7. profit
    (don't abandon your group, what comes next is too hard for most classes to solo - and I mean really friggin hard. 2 Daedroths and 4-6 lesser daedra per wave hard. Minimum 2 players recommended)
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