The problem with the campaigns: PvP has no integrity, as shown by a Facebook I'm in where a thread was created in which someone was showing that their Alliance had every keep for the AD.
Then someone else posted the same picture from a different campaign except EP owned the map. Then the same with DC.
If someone's having a bad time in PvP they have an option to switch campaigns, yet the only campaign that seems to be actually full is AB.
So, I understand the different campaigns are necessary for some players, as I see people having enough issues with lag/fps in AB.
However, there are far too many, and 90 days is too long for a campaign to run without purpose.
So, for the FIXES to this.
1) LESS CAMPAIGNS. Changing campaigns shouldn't be the effect of Victory or Defeat. If the server itself and the game's clients could handle it, I'd say get rid of campaigns and open up Cyro like the rest of the map.
However there should be at most 2 campaigns, this will prevent AD from owning one while EP owns another and DC has the third.
2) Implement VICTORY. If an alliance takes the throne then runs BOTH other alliances into their last keep, that Alliance should be declared victorious and the campaign restarted after a short time (the alliances that have been defeated should be given a little time to take it back I think)
This will solve the issue of: You play PvP, you join the giant zerg and take over half the map in a night, then log off and do whatever, come back on later in the day/the next morning and your forts suddenly has been destroyed.
Less campaigns will mean there will always be people online fighting, none of these "PvE Lulls" as I call them, the "safe times" when people just run around completing their frickin' dailies in Cyro.
Victory would be a great goal and perhaps should come with some sort of PvPvE boss at the end. Like, if you push AD all the way to their last, large summoned creatures are spawned to protect the last keep, providing an additional challenge to high level players.
Thanks for reading!
Edited by crimsonBZD on 17 April 2014 15:14