Maintenance for the week of March 3:
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

Sorry for stomping you...

Since the MMR changes, my friends and I have been BG'ing more since queues seem shorter and it's been pitching us versus just about everybody it can find.
The result has been carnage. I've fought people that died in five seconds. Some seemed fresh to PvP and then they get thrown in with a premade for of experienced players.
It felt more like whack-a-mole than PvP in some cases.

I feel the need to say sorry for what the game is doing and please don't leave PvP. Keep trying, MMR will likely get fixed and make it better.
  • BNOC
    Aedrion wrote: »
    Since the MMR changes, my friends and I have been BG'ing more since queues seem shorter and it's been pitching us versus just about everybody it can find.
    The result has been carnage. I've fought people that died in five seconds. Some seemed fresh to PvP and then they get thrown in with a premade for of experienced players.
    It felt more like whack-a-mole than PvP in some cases.

    I feel the need to say sorry for what the game is doing and please don't leave PvP. Keep trying, MMR will likely get fixed and make it better.

    It's been matching donuts with good players since it came out.
    vMSA - Magplar - Xbox EU - 15/11/16
    578,000 - 36 Minutes 58 Seconds (Top 2 World?)

    vMSA - Magplar - Xbox NA
    569,000 - 40 minutes (350CP, Non optimised runs)
  • Aedrion
    It's specifically bad recently. I need people to stay in PvP. I'd hate for PvP and Bg's to lose people because they get thrown in terrible, horrible matchups and decide to quit.
  • Alienoutlaw
    Pre-made groups should have their own Que system i think, they obviously want something different to just "wack A mole" (maybe some dont) but as other's have said if this is your 1st experience of PvP many will not come back
  • Arkew
    Aedrion wrote: »
    Since the MMR changes, my friends and I have been BG'ing more since queues seem shorter and it's been pitching us versus just about everybody it can find.
    The result has been carnage. I've fought people that died in five seconds. Some seemed fresh to PvP and then they get thrown in with a premade for of experienced players.
    It felt more like whack-a-mole than PvP in some cases.

    I feel the need to say sorry for what the game is doing and please don't leave PvP. Keep trying, MMR will likely get fixed and make it better.

    no worry i forgive you but stomp more people when i'm here because you allow me to make grow my score business :3
  • wheem_ESO
    Aedrion wrote: »
    It's specifically bad recently. I need people to stay in PvP. I'd hate for PvP and Bg's to lose people because they get thrown in terrible, horrible matchups and decide to quit.
    Then maybe you should stop premading. Even if you were only playing against high MMR opponents, that's still a pretty sizable advantage for your team...especially if queueing with a healer.
  • Zacuel
    *unplugs toaster and climbs out of bathtub*

    Thank you, I really needed that.
  • Bashev
    wheem_ESO wrote: »
    Aedrion wrote: »
    It's specifically bad recently. I need people to stay in PvP. I'd hate for PvP and Bg's to lose people because they get thrown in terrible, horrible matchups and decide to quit.
    Then maybe you should stop premading. Even if you were only playing against high MMR opponents, that's still a pretty sizable advantage for your team...especially if queueing with a healer.

    It doesnt matter if you are pre-made or not pre-made. I have the feeling that the BG grouping is first queued first in. No other criteria.

    The queue is fast but the match making is terrible.
    Because I can!
  • Xebov
    Aedrion wrote: »
    I feel the need to say sorry for what the game is doing and please don't leave PvP. Keep trying, MMR will likely get fixed and make it better.

    I appreciate your effort and its nice to see someone of the better PvP players saying this. About the MMR however, no it wont get any better. The problem is that a good MMR system requires alot of players to work and most players are naturally in the lower MMR levels. So you end up with either lower MMR players getting farmed and dropping out or higher MMR players finding no matches.

    Now about PvP itself. Im not a PvP player and i tried it from time to time and my experience is almost always negative. When my chars where still below level 50 BGs where funny because ppl with random gear/level gear competed against each other and you had nice matches with some come backs and an actual chance to fight back. After reaching 50 (CP160+) this changed drastically. Now half of the players run around in more or less specialized PvE gear and the other half runs around with more or less specialized PvP gear. Matches often become very one sided and after i tried it again in Dragonhold i can say its a shitshow, nothing more. From the last 4 Matches i played 3 where one sided Deathmatches that ended 500-15-15. In one match i was with the team that stomped and the other 2 times i got stomped and spawn camped. In all cases i didnt have any impact on the outcome of the game. The single game inbetween was the exception with all teams being nearly equally strong. I tried recently to get some PvP gear going but all it does is letting me survive like 7 seconds instead of 5 and for the equal games it had no benefit. I dont see any room for improvement anymore because 5-7s life spawns dont offer much room to try and get into it and in the matches i get stomped im dead ~75% of the time anyways and waiting for a respawn.

    So long story short, i realy would like to have fun in PvP, but so far it only ends up as a grave for the gold spend on equipment and me turning into a sand bag for "pro players". Im sure im not the only one.
  • nckg84
    Remove RMR and make a group and solo quee. Simple, but to complex for the *** that work at the social working place called ZOS.
  • Suryoyo
    nckg84 wrote: »
    Remove RMR and make a group and solo quee. Simple, but to complex for the *** that work at the social working place called ZOS.

    woaa wait, they just released a new lfg tool that came with:
    • long to infinite loading screens
    • full raid groups in BG
    • one man vs two full teams
    • low mmr players matched with / against high mmr players
    • matches that never start...

    And let's not even list other bugs like orcs passives not working, still "in fight" bug, skills not working like intended while claimed to be fixed (Molten armaments)

    Now you want them to handle two queues in the lfg tool ? it will probably be so broken that our own computers will also break lol. Let them try to fix this lfg tool without adding new bugs first.
  • nckg84
    Suryoyo wrote: »
    nckg84 wrote: »
    Remove RMR and make a group and solo quee. Simple, but to complex for the *** that work at the social working place called ZOS.

    woaa wait, they just released a new lfg tool that came with:
    • long to infinite loading screens
    • full raid groups in BG
    • one man vs two full teams
    • low mmr players matched with / against high mmr players
    • matches that never start...

    And let's not even list other bugs like orcs passives not working, still "in fight" bug, skills not working like intended while claimed to be fixed (Molten armaments)

    Now you want them to handle two queues in the lfg tool ? it will probably be so broken that our own computers will also break lol. Let them try to fix this lfg tool without adding new bugs first.

    They can't. They have been proving that for years now. They should invest into hiring externals that actually have a clue on what there doing. ZOS probaly already have done it and gotten the advice to completly rewrite a load of core systems because it is one pile of spaghetti lithered with bugs.
  • Aedrion
    Going to respond to a few parts of your post, which I've quoted below.
    Xebov wrote: »

    1. Now half of the players run around in more or less specialized PvE gear and the other half runs around with more or less specialized PvP gear. Matches often become very one sided and after i tried it again in Dragonhold i can say its a shitshow, nothing more.

    2. I tried recently to get some PvP gear going but all it does is letting me survive like 7 seconds instead of 5 and for the equal games it had no benefit.

    3. I dont see any room for improvement anymore because 5-7s life spawns dont offer much room to try and get into it and in the matches i get stomped im dead ~75% of the time anyways and waiting for a respawn.

    4. So long story short, i realy would like to have fun in PvP, but so far it only ends up as a grave for the gold spend on equipment and me turning into a sand bag for "pro players". Im sure im not the only one.

    On point 1.

    There is no specialised PvP gear, really. There's a few sets that 'reduce damage done by players' but in general, these sets are actually not good and not used. What you're running into are builds that have very strong synergising sets - sometimes even good in PvE. Know what these sets are and how to use them in a build is half the work.

    On point 2.

    Not sure what you mean by trying on PvP gear but you're better off looking for some guides or tips from ingame players that you know are good players and play your class. Their advice on what sets they use, which skills they use and what they use to defend and attack will be ten times more useful to you than any focussed PvP set.

    On point 3.

    This is true. I often wonder how new players learn in PvP. I mean, if you fight smallscale, 80% of the time, you're fighting people that are comfortable in smallscale and will destroy you. If you then choose large scale, your own build and skill doesn't matter because you win through numbers and light attacks. So you don't learn, meaning you keep zerging or dying in 5 seconds. While I doubt I can think of a fix in general. If you have no opportunities to learn, perhaps ask people that killed you or that beat you in BG's if they can share some advice, tips and tricks. Some of what they'll tell you might be eye-opening

    On Point 4.

    You're not the only one. Advice was given earlier in this thread to queue solo. Well I did. And then I was fighting premades with a team of new players. MMR needs to sort out premades and not match them up with solo players. Pre-mades imo is anything that is a group when you queue. 2 players is a pre-made. When the pre-made is 3 people, it can uniquely search for high MMR players to fill that last slot. And yes, that means queues will be long. Solo Queue should be solo queue. All solo. With a combined team MMR to assure that in general, teams are sort of matched.

    If anything, the takeaway is: Ask for help from players that beat you. If you get Kill Counter addon, you can see who killed you and whisper them to ask for advice. Learn from that, because the game itself is too brutal to learn from.
  • oxygen_thief
    Aedrion wrote: »
    If you have no opportunities to learn, perhaps ask people that killed you or that beat you in BG's if they can share some advice, tips and tricks. Some of what they'll tell you might be eye-opening

    sure theyll tell. they will rather sit on your face
  • Thogard
    Aedrion wrote: »
    If you have no opportunities to learn, perhaps ask people that killed you or that beat you in BG's if they can share some advice, tips and tricks. Some of what they'll tell you might be eye-opening

    sure theyll tell. they will rather sit on your face

    100% of my PvP learning has been asking the advice of people who beat me. I’ve never had someone turn me down, and that includes the time before I started streaming.
    Edited by Thogard on 16 November 2019 03:52
    PC NA - @dazkt - Dazk Ardoonkt / Sir Thogalot / Dask Dragoh’t / Dazk Dragoh’t / El Thogardo


  • heavier
    it doesn't sound like you're really sorry
    premades should be limited to two players max in the pool
    only one premade per team
    there could also be a premade queue for only premades...3 teams for 4 but I doubt that would pop unless it's coordinated.
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