Since Morrowind, we have had the same battleground mode known as: Deathmatch, Domination, Crazy King, Capture the relic and Chaosball. I do not reconsider their entertainment but their redundancy, that's why I thought about a new battleground mode called Destroy the cult.
Destroy the cult will be a new mode with two purposes, destroy a daedric artefact keeps by the Worm Cult or defend it from the Cult of the Ancestor Moth.
In this new mode, two teams of twenty players face each other during two rounds of 15 minutes each with at the beginning, an offensive team and a defensive team alternated at the end of the first round. During the first round, the offensive team must destroy the artefact as quickly as possible and the defensive team must prevent this. If the offensive team manages to destroy the artefact before the time limit, the first round is over and the time spent is recorded.
In the round number 2, the offensive team becomes the defensive team and vice versa. The time in the second round will depend on the time used by the offensive team during the first round (the recorded time). The offensive team has two conditions to win:
-Destroy the artefact in less time than the previous team.
-Inflict more damage on the artifact than the previous team.
The defensive team also has two conditions to win:
-Prevent the destruction of the artefact in the recorded time during the first round.
-Concomitant less damage on the artifact than the previous team.
The artefact owns a certain amount of HP.
The artefact can't be healed.
The maximum length of time of one round is 15 minutes
This new mode has its own map larger than the others.
Siege weapons and mounts can be used.
I was very inspired by a battleground mode from another game.
Let me know your suggestions.
Edited by EdoKeledus on 25 June 2019 13:29 DC PC EU Vivec
Daggerfall Convenant Loyalist
A new battleground mode 25 votes

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