I decided to give Eso another chance a month ago after getting bored withe the Morrowind expansion and i have been loving it, however since around the launch of elswyre my experience has become hellish. The game feels like its running at 15fps even solo 50% of the time, im getting massive audio lag where nothing will happen for 5 seconds and then suddenly all the audio happens at once and now the final straw is redoing old quests on my necromancer they are bugging with audio not happening in the clockwork city and nothing happening after killing the wraith of crows, is this a known issue, i should have just returned to my pc acount but my friend has a ps4 and i thought a fresh start would be good, plus ive invested about 100 hours and £40 on eslwyre to go back, is this a known issue because i can find any solid confirmation and it saddens me that im being put off this game after enjoying so much the past month.