How do i research?

Im not sure if this has been answered before but i cant find any discussions.
I simply dont know how i research. All the lower buttons seem locked.
Do i need some materials i dont have yet or?
  • GLaDOS
  • madmax911
    Great video but maybe im stupid but i cant figure out how he got it unlocked or researchable in the first place
  • anton1nh
    you need to have an item that already has the trait you want to research.

    Go to the appropriate crafting station for that item.

    at the upper right corner there are icons for the tabs.
    they are from left to right:
    • create item (arrow pointing into cirle)
    • upgrade item (arrow poining out of circle)
    • destroy item (cirle that flow into two arrow at the bottem)
    • research item (3 small circles connected by stripe forming a triangle)
    go to the right most tab of those tabs.
    you will see a screen like this

    on top you will see the basic item whit a number next to them.
    the number indicate how many traits you can currently research for that item.
    use this to select the item on which you want to research.
    below there is a list of 8 traits the item can have.
    they can say either:
    • unknown (you cannot craft an item of this type whit this trait)
    • Available (you cannot craft an item of this type whit this trait but you can research this trait)
    • researching (you are currently researching this trait)
    • [blank] (you can craft an item of this type whit this trait)

    select the trait you want to research and duble click a window wil pop up promting you to select an item to use for research.
    select an item and press ok.

    after the research is done you can forever create new items of this type whit that trait

    do note
    1. researching a trait destroys the original item!
    2. you can only research one trait on an item at any time.
    3. you can by default research only one trait at any time. however you can spend skill point to research up to 4 traits at any time.
    4. by default it takes 6 hours to research a trait for every trait already researched on that item this time doubles (to 12H, 24H, 48H, etc.). you can spend skill point to decrease the time it takes to research a trait by up to 20%. this is the same skill that allows you to research multiple traits at the same time.
    Edited by anton1nh on 12 April 2014 16:23
  • madmax911
    Thank you very much for the great care you have taken to explain all this to me. It is very clear for me now how to research, yet i still dont know why they are all unknown. None at all are available for research. Tried all different armors and weapons in the tab where you can select different item.
  • anton1nh
    madmax911 wrote: »
    Thank you very much for the great care you have taken to explain all this to me. It is very clear for me now how to research, yet i still dont know why they are all unknown. None at all are available for research. Tried all different armors and weapons in the tab where you can select different item.

    that has to do whit the very first thing i said!
    anton1nh wrote: »
    you need to have an item that already has the trait you want to research.

    it does need to be of the same type as the item you want to research.
    are you sure you are at the right crafting station?

    you need to research every item separately. remember the increasing time? YES research will take a lot of time.

    also enchant are different from traits.....
    Edited by anton1nh on 12 April 2014 19:38
  • madmax911
    Oh sorry was quite off there.. Thank you very much for your help again. A plus is given :)
  • PlagueMonk
    the thing I find most irritating about this system is, you have to research an individual trait for every......single......piece......of........gear. So if I have unlocked say "precise" on daggers, I STILL have to unlock it on Axes, swords, maces, etc. Same goes for have to unlock "well-fitted" on medium armor, breastplate, feet, hands, legs, etc....and THEN for each light armor piece and THEN for heavy armor pieces.

    Really makes being a blacksmith for others prohibitive because the time alone is killer not to mention having to find all the traits for each piece.
    Edited by PlagueMonk on 13 April 2014 05:20
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