Reaper's March is most bugged area every/Biggest Delay,i need help leveling

I've been playing for 7 hours now, andI have about 5-7 bugged quest, and I am unable to find start quest for Dune city I believe, I have encounter atleast 7 falls threw the map in one day, was like 10 yesterday, Arena quest bugged me and asked me to press "E" to respawn now instead of "respawn at nearest wayshrine or resurrect here via soul gems"

I decided to just find to 50, questing is one of the biggest delay in the game right now.
Where do you go after Reapers march, the highest level creature I seen was 43

Any Idea's for grinding spots?

I am a level 41 NB Archer/ 2H WW, I have no problem clearing mobs packs larger then 3

and i still have this pledge of mara, if anyone is interested is joining me in grinding
  • Etori
    Gotta go to coldharbor after RM. ATM the quest is bugged that ports you to there, so you gotta ask a friend who already has port to group with you and port to your friend.
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