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Bank and crafting

Currently the bank is shared across the account so all characters use the same bank. I am sure this had to do with being able to gather materials or goods and have all the characters have access.

I am absolutely hating this.

When I play I want each character in their own bubble, not have access to things beyond their ability or time. Given, the bank is where all the mats are stashed, this pretty much makes it impossible or only have one character. I spend more time trying to remember what is tied to what character than crafting.

Now I know some people don't mind sharing banks with all their characters.

So, if we could add either:

1) an option for your account that the shared bank goes away and each character has their own
2) or a third bank (guild and shared are the others) be made available

That way people who want a shared account can have one, those that don't don't.

Can't give you numbers, but I would imagine a not insignificant number of players will have this issue RPers for instance, some solo players etc.

  • Beryl
    I fully agree with you.
    Even if the total available space in the shared bank was divided by half and one half would be "private" for each toon while another half shared for items and money transfer, life of altoholics would be much more happy.

    It is like in real life: many people need some private space in their life: a room where other family members would not enter without a notice, a closet where no one will look or at least a small box with artifacts from childhood or even ancestors. Same in game. Every character may have something memorable what he/she needs to keep in private. It can be an item from some gear set, a fun quest reward which is just a reminder of the early levels or some item crafted by a friend (and thus having the name label) but the friend is not playing the game anymore. I play some other MMOs, one of them for 5 years now. It does happen that my friends or guildmates would sort out their banks and link different items with a story starting "Do you remember? 4 years ago .... ". This is one of the parts which make the virtual world so addictive... I absolutely do not see how I can keep the memorable items in ESO: I can't lock them to avoid accidental selling or destroying, I can't put them in the safe corner because there is no such corner. I can only give it to yet another alt, but this feels terrible and destroys the whole idea of storing your memories. And without such memories any game would feel empty for me and majority of my friends.
  • Cabot
    I'm not sure what you guys are suggesting, the bank starts out with 60 slots. You can have up to 8, for example each potential character will get 5 slots of private space leaving 20 slots for shared space?

    Or is this just another "lobby for more bank space" post?
  • Phranq
    From reading the title I was going to suggest moving this to any of the other 20 "need more space" threads, but after actually reading the OP I am just baffled.. I don't understand at all what you are asking for.
  • Beryl
    @Cabot, @Phranq‌
    The OP is asking for a banking space which is limited to one character. Something what is not shared for the whole account.

    P.S. I feel like my first reply was wasted in this topic, probably I should just delete it.
  • Cabot
    @Beryl don't misunderstand my post, I actually got the gist of what you were saying, I was just asking how you thought that would be implemented without sounding like just another plea for more overall storage slots.
  • Beryl
    I see what you mean here. Probably from the side it may look like that. Myself I do not feel that I need more storage place, I just want it to be rearranged. If reducing the shared bank to distribute it among 8 characters seems harsh, what about reducing the personal inventory by half and instead turning the other half into a personal vault for each character? Maxed it would be 60 slots for each and for me it would work much much better than the present system.

    Again, it is all just a personal view, something what we are used to or the habits we don't want to give up :)

    Another idea: what if there would be filters in the shared storage which would sort items as: 'only available to character N'. In total N tabs and a player can decide himself whether he uses it or not. The total number of storage slots for the account would be exactly the same.
  • Salsadoom
    Yes, I am not asking for more space, I am looking for having the option to replace the 'shared space' for 'individual space'. I neither want nor need 'shared space' and infact it gets in the way. Beryl is explaining it better than I
  • justin.lawrence85ub17_ESO
    I agree with this post. I just realized in playing my alt and attempting crafting for the the first time that all of the mats at my disposal are the same mats from my main character's bank. My main character farmed those, I want to use those for HIS crafting leveling. Because there's no way to distinguish which character has which mats once they're in the bank (aside from memorizing everything each of your toons has), it's thrown up a huge roadblock for crafting on my alt. Why would they do this? We all know there's barely any inventory space as it is, but to jumble everything together like this? So what am I supposed to do now? Keep a hand-written list of crafting mats for each toon next to me on my desk so I know who gets what? This isn't an RP issue like others have said, it's an issue of "if I want both toons to do alchemy and smithing, I have absolutely no way of determining which mats I can use for which toons".
  • knightblaster
    Why would they do this? We all know there's barely any inventory space as it is, but to jumble everything together like this? So what am I supposed to do now? Keep a hand-written list of crafting mats for each toon next to me on my desk so I know who gets what? This isn't an RP issue like others have said, it's an issue of "if I want both toons to do alchemy and smithing, I have absolutely no way of determining which mats I can use for which toons".

    The idea is to limit what crafting you can do at once. It appears that they either didn't consider that many players like to level several characters at once and craft with all of them, or, if they did, decided to do it this way anyway, regardless, due to wanting to keep a soft cap on the number of crafts that can be feasibly pursued, per account, at once without undue frustration. It's a soft/frustration cap concept. Sucks, but that's apparently the thinking from the FAQs and discussions during beta.

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