Dawn Martyrs (Primarily PvE - RP Friendly)

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 24, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
Dawn Martyrs

This is a guild dedicated to those keen to achieve and complete end game content, Roleplay, and character creation and progression. If you want a place where you can play the way you desire, then this Guild is for the likes of you.

  • Dungeons - Find a group for Dailies, random or specific dungeons, Public (Both Dungeons and World Bosses), Delves, Pledges, and Set farming, Dragonstar Arena (Veteran and Normal).
  • Character Creation - Gain help and insight on creating the best possible character for your goals, or even ideas for a new Vestige.
  • Character Progression - Find a partner to help with questing or grinding, finding Lorebooks and Skyshards, and gaining levels in all your crafting needs. Weather you want to power through levels or cruise them.
  • Questing - This includes, but is not limited to, finding a partner to quest each zone with, help with certain quests, and repeatable quests.
  • Trials - Too often is it hard to find a decent group for trials, or even a group that will stick around long enough to learn the mechanics. We will overcome that hassle eventually, once members grow.
  • Grinding/Farming - Find a partner, or a group, to help you farm crafting materials, experience, set items, or even gold and achievements. It's your farm, your grind, and your Guild to find it.
  • Trading - Although not a major concern at the moment, once the Dawn Martyrs have a footing in Tamriel, we will open trade to further assist both our members and the Guild itself.
  • Roleplay - Roleplay will be kept in a separate channel for those wishing to engage in any and it by no means a requirement. This will help maintain a comfortable environment for those leaving reality for a while and exploring the world of Tamriel. But by all means, get into character, talk fancy, and feel good about it. It is a Roleplaying game, after all.

Weather you're a fresh vestige in Tamriel or Molag's bane, solo or privy to groups, Dawn Martrys welcomes you into Its embrace. 

Again, while we encourage Roleplay, it is by no means an absolute requirement. Questing and dungeon delving, trials and grinding, those are the things we will see most of. 

As members grow, so too will our horizon. Herald the new Dawn and see the sun ever shine across your armour.

Send a word here, or to xBitters77x through Xbox messages, or even join the Discord Server: https://discord.gg/Ymrnz5

Edit: We've seen an influx of players asking to join, and our members now hit 15-20. We'll see this Guild triumph soon enough.
Edited by Hearsay_ on 23 April 2018 04:29
  • AussieNubblet
    Soul Shriven
    Hey would love an invite lvl 39
    GT: AussieNubblet
  • Hearsay_
    I'll send an invite as soon as I'm on. Cheers!
  • AussieNubblet
    Soul Shriven
    Thank you!
  • Hearsay_
    Good as gold, the invite is sent. Welcome to the Guild, brother.
    I’d love to join! GT: GWINDHA1R
  • Hearsay_
    As Dawn ascends, so too do or numbers grow.
  • Synetry
    Soul Shriven
    Hello, I'm very new to the game but I really like the sound of this guild, I have lots of experience with oblivion and skyrim, gamer tag Synetry
  • Hearsay_
    Invitations have been sent out, welcome to the Dawn Martyrs!
  • laracrxft
    Hey! I’m mainly looking for a trading guild as I’m rather a solo player but if you are looking to gain more members to open a guild shop etc. eventually I’d be happy to join to move towards that goal :D

    gamertag: laracrxft
  • Hearsay_
    We will be open to trade soon eventually. Cheers for adding to the ranks!
  • blueilew
    Hey would be great to join GT: AzureFlamezzz
  • Torilla2002
    Hello, it’s good to see a fellow RP friendly guild on here if you are still recruiting I’d love to join and maybe our guilds can do stuff together if you want?
  • DamagedInc666
    Hi, I'm currently working away on quests and am cp200 at the moment, I'd love to do some dungeons and trials at some point.

    My GT: RickPresk

    Thanks in advance!
  • corner56
    Soul Shriven
    Hi i am new and keen to learn and progress through elder scrolls online.

    My game tag is NoiselessTulip2

    Thank you
  • NirnOverlord
    Soul Shriven
    Hey there, I'm a returning player and pretty interested in your guild! Looks like the discord link expired, but my gamer tag is Nirn Overlord
  • CaptainBaticles
    Hi i would love to join your guild, im a newish player and looking for an active friendly group of people to play with for questing leveling and all end game content if you accept me or wish to talk for more details message on here or on xbox GT CaptainBaticles
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