Looking for serious endgame guild.

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I can offer 5 dd's which can hit over 40k and the best ones close to 50k. A tank and healer for endgame content. I have all of the gear for different scenarios and have done all of the VET trials.
And the most important thing I usually stay alive as I've seen many "dummytesters" who hit easily 50k+ but are dead 24/7 on every single trial.

I've completed hardmodes on all of the craglorn trials and HoF. I have flawless on 4 characters and I'm a team player. I will be there on time, potions and CP's ready and I am dedicated. If for some real-life reason I cannot make it I will inform in a time.

I'm a mature gamer 39 yrs and I will focus on content and leave the *** behind when doing content. I want this same from the team. Dedication, being on time and ready and no nonsense on the harder content. Don't mind chitchatting on a content we can run blind folded.

gt: shack80

Imperial DK tank (flawless)
Argonian Templar healer

Bosmer stam NB (48,5k) (flawless)
Redguard Stam Warden (47k) (flawless)
Altmer Mag Templar (45k)
Redguard Stam Sorc (44k) (flawless)
Altmer Mag Sorc (40k)

These ones I dont use as much and haven't really bothered to improve ->
I know that the Mag NB there has much potential, but for some reason I really havent liked it.

Argonian Warden tank
Argonian Templar tank

Redguard Stam Templar (35k)
Altmer Mag Warden (35k)
Dunmer Mag NB (35k)

Edited by shack80 on 25 February 2019 14:22
  • Dark_in_a_box
    Me and my friend are trying to start an endgame trials group but we couldn't find anyone. If you and you are interested then message Dark in a box or WaYz ELITEZ on Xbox. We already have 4 people interested one is a healer and 3 dds. We have 52k to 56k dps

    We have knowledge on and completed many trials so we know what we're doing but finding a competent group is hard enough.

    Unfortunately I personally have not been able to finish trials such as vmol and vhof, but have done the others and vAS. The lack of completion isn't a skill issue but a lack of knowing people willing to let me replace someone in a main team.
    Edited by Dark_in_a_box on 3 March 2019 16:22
  • shack80
    Me and my friend are trying to start an endgame trials group but we couldn't find anyone. If you and you are interested then message Dark in a box or WaYz ELITEZ on Xbox. We already have 4 people interested one is a healer and 3 dds. We have 52k to 56k dps

    We have knowledge on and completed many trials so we know what we're doing but finding a competent group is hard enough.

    Unfortunately I personally have not been able to finish trials such as vmol and vhof, but have done the others and vAS. The lack of completion isn't a skill issue but a lack of knowing people willing to let me replace someone in a main team.

    I will message later at the evening when I am home.

    I can also bring my tank in to the content. I have tanked all of the vet dungeons and hardmodes on most of them. Still missing hardmodes from the two new ones but rest I've done with the tank also. I've also tanked vet craglorn trials and vAS.

    If it's hard to find ppl I think we should run some normal trials or easy ones on vet with the maingroup and randoms. If some good randoms happens to enter the trials then invite them to the guild.
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