Hello Everyone!
I was off in the last 5months. I'm back now and I sadly realized all my mates move on to another game and all my guilds are dead

It's my second day and I'm LF groups and guilds in-game in the capital cities without any luck.
This forum is my last hope to find an active mature guild for social life vetDungeons, nTrials, achievements farm.
I'm 36, husband, father and casual player these days but I have some experience on this game and 10+ year MMO history on PC (no, I'm not proud of this

but it's me.
Living in the UK work at nights so mostly I'm online early morning and FRI, SAT-days. English is not my main language but I think more or less fine.
I'm absolutely a Voice on Guy, love to meet and talk with new peoples. Have discord as well if it's necessary but prefer Xbox Partys.
In-game I'm a CP475 Argonian Healer.
My trial and dungeon sets are fully upped (yellow) Olorime and Sanctuary.
I think I'm run at least once almost all normal trial in the past but definitely, need some refresh

Thanks for reading, hope so see you in Tamriel!
GT: Snorf42