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Soul Shriven
Hello everyone!

I am very excited to get started playing ESO on Tuesday!. I am fairly new to MMO and am trying to meet some new people and have fun. I have always played mostly solo and am never good at getting into groups. This is my first time trying forums and thought this would be a good place to start! Anyway my question is about crafting, i have never got into crafting in previous games, but wanted to give it a shot. Do any of you create an alt character to craft for your main, or do you prefer to spend some crafting skill points on your main only? thanks for taking the time to read this, enjoy ESO, and maybe I will see some of you online!
  • Decora
    There are some definite bonuses to having a separate crafting character in ESO.

    - You have shared bank space between all of your characters. This will make it very easy to share materials you have gathered with your crafting character and to share the finished products with your combat characters.
    - Skill points have to be split between your combat/magic skills and your crafting skills. Sharing your points between the two will mean that you won't be as strong in combat as someone who put all of their points into it.

    I'm sure that there will be many people that don't have the patience to play with multiple characters, but I usually run near the character limit.
  • Srikandi
    Crafting in ESO works differently from most games, in that the skill points you spend on crafting skill are the same as combat skill points... so you have to go out in the world to get the points (from killing enemies and leveling, finding skyshards, or doing quests).

    There are also some special set item crafting benches around the world in pretty dangerous places... so if you want to make the rarest and most valuable items, you have to be able to get to those places.

    Having said that, you CAN craft on an alt; that alt is still gonna have to have some combat proficiency, though. Personally I prefer to craft on my main though; that way, you level your crafting more organically as you progress through the gameworld. Even if you just craft your own gear, you won't have to grind for crafting levels or mats; they come naturally as you replace your gear and explore the world.
    Edited by Srikandi on 31 March 2014 03:56
  • owlsix
    Soul Shriven
    Thank you Decora and Srikandi both for taking the time to answer my question! you have been a big help. Have fun playing, and maybe I will get a chance to play with you guys starting tomorrow for me! thanks again
  • DankShank
    If you are looking to go pro crafting, I don't see how it can be done effectively on a main.

    Take traits for example, it takes around 45 days to max out the research. There are a dozen traits for each item type. Looking at a few years to complete. By investing more points you can cut that time to like 1/6. Roughly 150 skill points and a years time. Doesn't sound like main material to me, unless you want to be gimped.

    Something no one mentions:
    You aren't going to want to sit in town and peddle your wares on your main. Spammers get blocked, pro enchantets get harassed for enchantments and trades, etc.

    Make an alt. You will need the inv space anyway.
  • Chalybos
    Dem skillpoints. As mentioned above, you'll still need to get them. Now, granted, you won't need as many if that's all you're doing, but you're still going to need to find a whole mess of skyshards, and get up a few levels. You can reset your points at the shrines ("Shrine of Mara", etc.), but you'll still need some sword time. And resets cost coin, so that's something else to think about.

    And you'll also have to do the inventory management game, to keep from running out of room, if you're going to be using all of those materials. Still, it's fun. Good luck, and enjoy.
  • sylviermoone
    Husband and I both have ALTs to do the crafting for our mains. A total of 3 between the two of us: one ALT for wood/enchanting, one ALT that deals with the clothing station ONLY, and one ALT that deals with blacksmithing and potions ONLY. So, quite a bit of trading among us is happening as well (I give him all the iron and food and he gives me all the wood, jute, rawhide and runes).

    At least, that's the plan. We each have 2 mains that adventure together, and a separate main for adventuring when the other is at work or something. I decided to make the ALTs for myself to help control inventory while saving up the coins for my next bank upgrade.

    We haven't really done much crafting yet, mainly just a LOT of breakdown. Curious though if anyone else is running a set up similar to this?
    Edited by sylviermoone on 8 April 2014 21:20
    Co-GM, Angry Unicorn Traders: PC/NA
    "Official" Master Merchant Tech Support
    and Differently Geared AF
  • SadisticSavior
    owlsix wrote: »
    Do any of you create an alt character to craft for your main, or do you prefer to spend some crafting skill points on your main only?
    Because of the way the game is structured, there is very little reason to use Alts for crafting. It will generally take longer to get stuff that way.

    Currently you could exploit alts to gain additional mats (via hirelings) but I expect they will nerf that soon. You could also get extra bank space I suppose. But it seems to me to be more trouble than it's worth. You will need to level up your alts anyway.

    Edited by SadisticSavior on 8 April 2014 21:25
  • lupusrex
    I put all the gear crafts on my main and made one alt for each consumable craft. This was for two reasons: consumable crafts take up more inventory space, and those alts will only need to be about level 12 to be able to have all the skill points for full effect. This way, even if I only ever get my main to cap, I'll be able to have all crafts maxed across the account. The main will be able to do all the gathering and travel to special set crafting stations.
    Martial Keen-Eye ~ Templar Healer/Archer ~ Daggerfall Covenant

    "I ain't done nothin'."
  • Salsadoom
    All my characters craft and I try not use items from other characters. The crafting is really great..try will like it....join us...
  • Phranq
    The way I worked it out is to just pick 2 crafts, a friend does 2 other crafts, and my wife does the remaining 2, this is working out great so far.. no need to have crafting alts.. if you do use an alt to craft remember that for 2 crafts you will have to level them up to ATLEAST lvl 10 as you need 20 - 30 skill points per craft. With 300+ points at end game I find it far more convienient to craft on a main.
  • Eris
    owlsix wrote: »
    Hello everyone!

    I am very excited to get started playing ESO on Tuesday!. I am fairly new to MMO and am trying to meet some new people and have fun. I have always played mostly solo and am never good at getting into groups. This is my first time trying forums and thought this would be a good place to start! Anyway my question is about crafting, i have never got into crafting in previous games, but wanted to give it a shot. Do any of you create an alt character to craft for your main, or do you prefer to spend some crafting skill points on your main only? thanks for taking the time to read this, enjoy ESO, and maybe I will see some of you online!

    I technically have 2 characters that I'm running up and deciding which I really want to focus on. It's hard. Both of them have been crafting for themselves, mostly because I find it expedient and I always have so many crafting mats on them. I also don't really buy lots and lots of skills, so I often have skill points left over to use in crafting. It might be problematic as I get higher in level, but thus far it has been working out pretty well for me.
    Side effects of reading messages on forums can cause nausea, head aches, spontaneous fits of rage, urination due to intense laughter, and sometimes the death of your monitor or other object in throwing range. If you find that you are reading forums more than 24 hours a day, please consult your nearest temporal physicist.
  • Jadeviper1974
    I had the idea of getting my first character to max level and then redoing his skill points to make him the crafter for the characters that come after.
    What is written above are my honest opinions. If you agree then; "Great!" If you disagree; "Great!" I really couldn't care less either way.
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