Dark brotherhood quiest and razum-dar SPOILERRRRRRR

In the dark brotherhood quiestline where you meet razum-dar does herecognize if you are dominion and finish the faction questline?
Like in the summerset i know that he recognize you.
  • Aliyavana
    yes, but If you did summerset before dark brotherhood you did it out of order
  • RaddlemanNumber7
    In the dark brotherhood quiestline where you meet razum-dar does herecognize if you are dominion and finish the faction questline?
    Like in the summerset i know that he recognize you.

    Yes, when you meet him he greets you as a friend.
    PC EU
  • ProfessionalNoob

    Yes, when you meet him he greets you as a friend.

    You mean like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pXBoEiBUNo&t=313s
    Skip to 4:31
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