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Cyrodill Endless Loading Screens of Spinning Death

Hey look... a bug that is not related to a memory crash Yeah !!111!

When you are killed in Cyrodill you have 50% chances of being stuck in a endless loading screen. When you use a wayshrine in Cyrodill you have 50% chances of being stuck in an endless loading screen.

Why is it necessary to have to force crash the client to be able to load from death or after traveling? How hard is it to make the client periodically check its own status and connection and request update of status from the server?

I have never had to complain that much in a forum about a game that is not working. The mac client for cyrodill is garbage...utterly garbage, there is no other qualifier. I am not exagerating it is unstable, unpredictable, it does not update from what changes on the map. You capture a resource it stays in the enemy color. You recapture your keep and the client still thinks it is in combat so you can not use the wayshrine system and on top of that you have 50% chance the key you are pushing will make you crash when you release it. Awesome

Cyrodill is a game that requires you to invest time and resources in. You place a trebuchet only to crash and reload (if you are not stuck in a spinning circle of death) and you just lost your treb for nothing.

Basically to play Cyrodill on a mac you must like surprises and be a know...someone who likes pain and knows that they are going to get a lot. you have to play knowing that anything you do may crash you client like two huge face slaps and when you try to log in you are sent to a endless loading screen of spinning death and the game looks at you and taunts you telling you that you are ugly and fat and have no friends and that you can t play now hu huh no way dude you got to crash that client once again for good measure...go ahead crash it, you have been waiting on that screen for 4 minutes now what is wrong with you? CRASH IT I tell you.

So you crash it..takes another 30 seconds to get back in but you don t care you wont be handled by the client no way YOU are in control not it. So you finally load again and you start to feel better. You run 5 minutes to your scroll being attacked and crash right there in front of the door.

Then the pain comes back and you start to cry because you paid $100 for this just a few days ago. So you go to the official "forums" and vent ... but it doesn t really help. Only if the client could stay stable for an hour, just an hour before going to bed and work like it is supposed to work...then the world would be a better place.
Edited by Monsoon on 6 April 2014 05:45
  • rebelcoder
    Yup, when it's not crashing it decides to load infinitely. Perhaps it's better to have loaded and crash, then to have never loaded at all.
  • Moonraker
    For the stuck on loading screen problem you can try the suggestion posted by ZOS staff on this thread:

    Logged out in Cryodil last night, now I cant log back in today. Infinite load... - Elder Scrolls Online
    ZOS_BillE Moderator mod
    April 4
    Hey everyone,

    This could be an issue related to many dynamic graphic elements being loaded at once. We have a workaround which you can try that may get your character to load in faster. When you reach the character select screen, select Options on the left side of the screen. In Graphic Settings, select Minimum and save the settings.

    While the game may look less than favorable, your character should load in after a few minutes. We appreciate your patience with this process as we work to improve the log-in architecture.
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