So on the second day I started playing, I was lagging really hard (On my side from bad internet) and then when I walked into a place that hadn't spawned yet i fell out of the map. I kept falling and about 7 minutes later it kicked me and said that I was kicked for spamming messages even though i had not typed anything in the past 15 minutes. When I joined back I was in water and then when I turned around I saw nothingness like the water and everything was just cut off in a line. I then travelled to the nearest island and looked at my map it said I was in Swordhaven or something like that, and a lot of the buildings were glitched out. I then saw this red box that I could tell was not from the game and it said "MISSING" on it which could mean that i had a missing texture. I walked around a bit more and then saw this massive tower, when i traveled towards it in the water I got eaten by pirañas and spawned back at my previous location. I even made a youtube video recording the whole thing here:
Could someone explain what happened here?