Official Discussion Thread for "Unlock 100k Gold (and more) with September’s Daily Rewards"

  • TheRealPotoroo
    Jayne_Doe wrote: »
    I also find it interesting that no one else has commented on the fact that you can only miss 2 days in September to still qualify for the 100k gold. We used to have 6-7 days leeway. Now, I'm not going to miss that 100k too much if something happens where I can't log in for 28 days, but what if that reward was some cool and exclusive mount?

    We all have real lives and for various reasons beyond our control or even within our control (vacation, e.g.) we aren't able to log in for 28 days out of a 30-day month. The following month, I know I'll be away for a week, and so will miss whatever big reward they'll be giving us for October, if we have to log in for 28 days (or perhaps 29).

    Speaking as someone who is definitely going to miss more than two days this month, I'm glad it's just gold.

    It's important that ZoS recognise that forcing players to log in every day without fail becomes oppressive. The daily reward system as it is gives a lot of leeway for which many people have expressed their gratitude. If this is any kind of test of how far ZoS can push the player base then it's going to end in tears.
    PC NA, PC EU

    "Instead of taking the best of the dolmens (predictable rotation), the best of the geysers (scalability based on number of players), and the best of the dragons (map location and health indicators) and adding them together to make a fun and dynamic world event scenario, they gave us....... harrowstorms."
  • Nayawin14
    It's important that ZoS recognise that forcing players to log in every day without fail becomes oppressive.

    So if I understood correctly, players need to log 28/30 days during September to receive 1oo,ooo gold, right?

    Let's be clear: Offering a 1ook gold reward is great! It so much gold for beginners to achieve new goals, and it is symbolic but enjoyable for most of the richer players among us - so I don't think the amount is a problem at all!

    You understand of course than forcing beginners to log 28/30 days is the best way of having them develop some addictive behaviours, potentially dangerous for their future? And, put the other way, the opportunistic loss for failing to log during 3 days or more is a 100k gold punishment. Sounds hardcore honestly... :|

    But Maybe I didn't get it all correctly? Maybe it is not too late to reduce this number of logging to 20/30? 25/30? ...

  • TheRealPotoroo
    Nayawin14 wrote: »
    It's important that ZoS recognise that forcing players to log in every day without fail becomes oppressive.

    So if I understood correctly, players need to log 28/30 days during September to receive 1oo,ooo gold, right?

    Let's be clear: Offering a 1ook gold reward is great! It so much gold for beginners to achieve new goals, and it is symbolic but enjoyable for most of the richer players among us - so I don't think the amount is a problem at all!

    You understand of course than forcing beginners to log 28/30 days is the best way of having them develop some addictive behaviours, potentially dangerous for their future? And, put the other way, the opportunistic loss for failing to log during 3 days or more is a 100k gold punishment. Sounds hardcore honestly... :|

    But Maybe I didn't get it all correctly? Maybe it is not too late to reduce this number of logging to 20/30? 25/30? ...

    Currently it's 23/30. That's fine. This September will go to 28/30. That's potentially bad because if ZoS persuade themselves they'll benefit from bullying players then they'll do it and then wonder why the numbers suddenly drop off down the track.
    PC NA, PC EU

    "Instead of taking the best of the dolmens (predictable rotation), the best of the geysers (scalability based on number of players), and the best of the dragons (map location and health indicators) and adding them together to make a fun and dynamic world event scenario, they gave us....... harrowstorms."
  • Nayawin14
    Currently it's 23/30. That's fine. This September will go to 28/30. That's potentially bad because if ZoS persuade themselves they'll benefit from bullying players then they'll do it and then wonder why the numbers suddenly drop off down the track.

    Yeah, I was supporting your previous comment by quoting it :)

    The real question is, in September, which number of "logged in" days / 30 are required to get the 1ook gold?

    If the answer is 28/30, then NOT Logging in for 3 days or more will have you miss the 1ook gold reward, right? Sounds like this would be highly frustrating, put this way...
  • Armatesz
    bri5 wrote: »
    I'm excited for the costume. The gold, meh. Its a good thing for new players or players who dont farm or play the market, but I can make about that much in a day if I decide I need more gold.

    Care to share how you achieve this?

    Just do a search on the forums on how to make gold and you will find tons of ways to earn that much and even more. It's mostly about playing the market.

    Not all of us play the market but still make a lot of money : 3
    Xbox NA
    Guildless (by choice)
  • Armatesz
    bri5 wrote: »
    I'm excited for the costume. The gold, meh. Its a good thing for new players or players who dont farm or play the market, but I can make about that much in a day if I decide I need more gold.

    Care to share how you achieve this?

    There is various ways to make money, a lot seem like they are great ways to make money from a beginners experience but are some of the worst ways to make money, example is like selling bites and fencing stolen items. As at that point it is easier to money farm off of enemies to make bulk money as well as to sell items than this.

    Another is to be more aware of market value in things which gets very tedious and annoying, this of course is a volatile market, as it is not stable it can flux.

    Money farming off of enemies requires both skill and patience as well as well off equipment. You must be able to self sustain for hours on end and deal with 4-50+ enemies at once over and over again. That is the crimson cove money farming spot. Only do it if you can actually handle them. Only builds I have seen that can sustain for that long are heavy armor wearing magic templars.
    Xbox NA
    Guildless (by choice)
  • Maryal
    I absolutely LOVE these loyalty rewards!

    I'm a gamer, I love gaming ... for me, gaming is a big de-stressor, it's what I do to unwind and relax.

    I'm glad they started these loyalty rewards ... to me it's a 'thank-you for your continued patronage.' It's a nice little perk, something a little extra that has absolutely no effect on how often I do or don't log into the game. These loyalty rewards put a smile on my face, especially the crown crates ... I love opening up these little 'presents'. LOL!

    Many stores IRL implement loyalty rewards via their store 'perks card' or 'perks program'; these benefits come in a variety of forms, depending on the store. These stores do it to help encourage brand loyalty ... it's like icing on a cake ... not necessary, but just a nice little something extra.

    Edited by Maryal on 28 August 2018 04:52
  • DirkRavenclaw
    bri5 wrote: »
    I'm excited for the costume. The gold, meh. Its a good thing for new players or players who dont farm or play the market, but I can make about that much in a day if I decide I need more gold.

    Care to share how you achieve this?

    I dont know how he/she does it but me, 100k is so easy, i have 8 Toons, dailliues on them is around 40k in under 1 hour, the Tempers they get is another 10k to 30k in the first 1 after they are on the Trader, my main steals for 15k to 20k in the hours he steals, farmin 2 hours dailly, incl chests gives me another 10k to unlimited, depending how many Tempers/ Raw Mats i put onto a Guildstore. 100k dailly is so easy and you can create up to 8 Toons with no extra cost involved, i usually do daillies only on 4 of my 8 toons, 2 are always in PVP Land, so, if not much goes on i go and make daillies with them, depending how the Loadingscreen plays this Day
    Council Member of AtWritsEnd, Member of LoneWolfeHelp, Donor of GhostSeaTradingCO., Factor of EastEmpireTradingCO.,HonourGuard of ´DominionImperialGuard(DIG/PVP)

    Master Crafter including Jewelry, i craft for Mats and Donation, always happy to help, if Im not in the Middle of PVP, i play since around 14 Months
  • Nayawin14
    Ty for your answer @Maryal Don't get me wrong, I feel pretty much like you but d like to comment on your post still:
    Maryal wrote: »
    I absolutely LOVE these loyalty rewards! I'm a gamer, I love gaming ... for me, gaming is a big de-stressor, it's what I do to unwind and relax.

    Sure, me too. And I'll likely log every days on September so I'll get the 1ook myself anyway - that's not my concern...
    Maryal wrote: »
    I'm glad they started these loyalty rewards ... to me it's a 'thank-you for your continued patronage.' It's a nice little perk, something a little extra that has absolutely no effect on how often I do or don't log into the game. These loyalty rewards put a smile on my face, especially the crown crates ... I love opening up these little 'presents'. LOL!

    No influence? For you maybe not, but for a beginner, failing to grab 100k gold?!

    I like this game! I love my Desperado ringtail I got on last month!! And I also love opening those presents - who would not? Still, I am forced to admit the hours I spent on the game on daily basis could be unhealthy at some points. And, think to a lad with a child to take care of, or a young wife that does not play, or a new job that required to travel 5 days in a month... Do they not deserve the 100k gold for ... doing great with their family/jobs?
    Maryal wrote: »
    Many stores IRL implement loyalty rewards via their store 'perks card' or 'perks program'; these benefits come in a variety of forms, depending on the store.

    You know any shop that gives you 100 US dollars for visiting 28 times in a month... and 0 otherwise? Please let me know!
    Maryal wrote: »
    These stores do it to help encourage brand loyalty ... it's like icing on a cake ... not necessary, but just a nice little something extra.

    Encouraging loyalty means you take care of and reward loyal persons, in my opinion. You and me will enjoy the icing on the cake, for sure. But there's some for who it might be highly indigestible... or UNHEALTHY!
  • Ashryn
    Oh for goodness sake, its a gift! Its not anything you HAVE to have! If you are concerned with logging in to be unhealthy...then just log in and log out. Its called self-control and everyone needs to learn it to survive in the real world!

    As to ZOS... thank you for your gifts; I'm enjoying them, whether they are small or large :)
  • Nayawin14
    Actually, isn't Self-control rather the ability to log in only on days you are willing to play and have free time? rather than logging in and rush out for a gift you don't "have to have!", according to your words, @Ashryn.
  • Ashryn
    Self-control, @Nayawin14 , is the ability to stop doing something before it becomes an obsession or does harm to you, others, or your future. Everyone has to make the decision on what is harmful to their existence and control their desires/impulses themselves. The rewards aren't a necessity. People can make choices that work for their selves. Logging in, then logging out is one way that people with limited time deal with it, isn't it?
  • Jayne_Doe
    Jayne_Doe wrote: »
    I also find it interesting that no one else has commented on the fact that you can only miss 2 days in September to still qualify for the 100k gold. We used to have 6-7 days leeway. Now, I'm not going to miss that 100k too much if something happens where I can't log in for 28 days, but what if that reward was some cool and exclusive mount?

    We all have real lives and for various reasons beyond our control or even within our control (vacation, e.g.) we aren't able to log in for 28 days out of a 30-day month. The following month, I know I'll be away for a week, and so will miss whatever big reward they'll be giving us for October, if we have to log in for 28 days (or perhaps 29).

    I think that's part of the plan actually. Putting that as the 28th day reward lets ZOS lower the amount of people who get that much gold, and its not like people will whine too much because "its only gold, you can make that easily."

    Good point!

    ETA: Though it just occurred to me that if they are concerned about too many players getting this reward, why even offer it? Are they testing the waters to see if they can get players to log in for 28 days? Are they trying to get players used to a shorter grace period by having the reward something many players might not actually care to miss? I'm still not sure what their aim is with these rewards. Sure, they want to give something nice to players as a thank you for playing, and they also want to encourage players to log in regularly. But, I'm not sure what they want to accomplish by shortening the grace period. If they're seeing a drop-off in logins after 23-25 days, then I think the answer would be to (as someone else suggested) continue to offer items to the end of the month, but have them be consumables or currency in the amounts they've already given. I'd still log in to get these items, as I like free stuff.
    Edited by Jayne_Doe on 29 August 2018 18:08
  • Easily_Lost
    Well I won't have any problems logging in 28 of the 30 days in September. I log in everyday anyway.

    And to all those that are on PC/NA that don't want the 100,000 gold PLEASE send it to me. Thanks in advance.
    PC - NA - AD
    started April 2015
    PVE & Solo only

    Meet the LOST family: CP 1250+
    Easily Lost Crafter - lvl 50 - Sorcerer Orc ( knows all traits and most styles )
    Easily Lost-W - lvl 50 - Warden Imperial
    Forever Lost - lvl 50 Sorcerer

    CROWN CRATES: It doesn't affect gameplay, it's not mandatory, it's cosmetic only. If it helps to support the game and ZOS, I support it! Say YES to crown crates.
  • Katahdin
    I love the 100K award.
    I have millions in the bank and I still love it.

    I'd rather have that than more potions and crown meals I dont use

    Beta tester November 2013
  • lagrue
    This past month had some good rewards at the end, and they had extra skip days built in so folks wouldn't miss out. I like how they had the bulk of the crates at the front of the end and then tapered them off, but being only a 21 dayish cycle left a lot of stay tuned for next month kind of days..I would like to see them put something even if its just those consumables folks complain about at the end...i like clicking collect on those. I want them to keep it so it doesn't punish casuals to harshly, but i like stuff too.....even the stuff others dont like...i like it.

    I fully agree... I play primarily Warframe, and ESO secondary... and let me tell you Warframe's login system, while not requiring consistent logins, still requires about 1000 logins to get all the rewards currently. Personally it has never bothered me if casuals or others don't get daily login rewards, for whatever reason... I mean they're for logging in daily. I do understand people don't always have time, but the 21 day cycle is a little bit of a slog for more time dedicated people and it's geared around people who imo it shouldn't be centered around.

    My personal ethos for gaming has always been the same, you shouldn't develop your content or systems around people who don't have alot of gaming time... just look how that turned out for Destiny. The entire game was time-gated in your ability to progress and advance in order to allow casuals to keep pace with hardcores.... gimping your dedicated players in any form to give casuals a "catch up" is shameful. If they do 30, 31 day cycles and people miss a day or two... like sorry, but oh well, you know? Why strip a week's worth of rewards from people who will be here everyday in order to make it more favorable for those who play less? Seems counter-intuitive tbh.

    Maybe it's just my generation but I grew up in a time where if you didn't dedicate yourself to something, you didn't get what you wanted, and nobody bent their systems to make it easier for you. I mean 2 min to login in on any day is possible for 99.99% of people.

    Imagine this was sports lol... sorry Tom, I know you don't have alot of time and so you only workout one day a week compared to my other athletes who work out 7 days a week - but you're a casual and don't have a lot of time so I'll give you a pass - welcome to the NFL!!!
    Edited by lagrue on 30 August 2018 17:58
    PSN ID (NA only): Zuzu_With_a_Z

    "You must defeat me every time. I need defeat you only once"
  • mateosalvaje
    Yaaaaaaaaay! More inventory space for my alts! :grin:
    I've been wrong before, and I'll be wrong again.
  • BringerOfOmens
    I found this month very underwhelming. The best reward was given 7 days in IMO. Food, potions, xp scrolls, etc are just fodder really. Crates, random motifs, riding lessons, furnishing item, costumes, etc (things not available in game or only available throttled like riding lessons) are the things I and a good many other players would like to see.

    I agree with previous statements about gold - people should play the game to make gold. Even the small amounts should be removed IMO. It's a slippery slope.

    On a separate yet related note - if you are going to call these daily rewards how about making them actually daily, not some days or most days until you run out but actually DAILY. If they aren't going to be available daily, perhaps you should change the name; I find it misleading at best.

    All in all, pretty decent implementation, just needs a bit of fine tuning. Good job.
  • Easily_Lost
    I feel the same way about being called Daily Rewards. I think one of the reasons that they leave a few days at the end of the month is, that if you happen to skip a day or two you can still collect past rewards.
    PC - NA - AD
    started April 2015
    PVE & Solo only

    Meet the LOST family: CP 1250+
    Easily Lost Crafter - lvl 50 - Sorcerer Orc ( knows all traits and most styles )
    Easily Lost-W - lvl 50 - Warden Imperial
    Forever Lost - lvl 50 Sorcerer

    CROWN CRATES: It doesn't affect gameplay, it's not mandatory, it's cosmetic only. If it helps to support the game and ZOS, I support it! Say YES to crown crates.
  • Aeslief
    The only things I am interested in getting in daily rewards are things that can’t be earned in game - pets, mounts, costumes, crates, mementos. I certainly understand that not every day can be a jackpot, but any non-cosmetic reward day is just filler.

    That said, I think currencies are the second-best rewards in the calendar because they will always be useful and don’t take up inventory space. But because all currencies can be also earned in game, while appreciated they aren’t a motivator for logging in.

    Consumables are not worth logging on for at all as they clutter up your inventory and are worse than what crafters can make. The only exception to this is riding training, which is only useful if you have an untrained toon.

    This is not a complaint, just saying how I feel about different rewards and what does and doesn’t motivate people like me. So, while I’ll definitely spend the gold, this month is nowhere near as appealing compared to last.

    OT: I really thought Wild Hunt crates would be in the store again which got me very excited. Seems like that’s not going to happen which is baffling. People are clamoring for a return of Wild Hunt and this would have been a great time to do it.
  • Bike_Guy
    When do we get the reward? I logged in for 29 of the 30 days, and last night I got the October 1st daily reward, instead of the 100k.
    Edited by Bike_Guy on 1 October 2018 21:08
  • ArchangelIsraphel
    As a new player I appreciate the small boost consumables and gold gives me, so I really don't want those things taken away. Even when I am end game I know I will still find these things usable, since in similar games with a daily rewards system, I really like getting stuff that's just helpful in any situation. I also feel that ESO has a calendar that is FAR more rewarding and useful than many games. So IMO, the rewards have been really good so far.
    Legends never die
    They're written down in eternity
    But you'll never see the price it costs
    The scars collected all their lives
    When everything's lost, they pick up their hearts and avenge defeat
    Before it all starts, they suffer through harm just to touch a dream
    Oh, pick yourself up, 'cause
    Legends never die
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