Maintenance for the week of June 17:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)

[Class Reps] Meeting Notes - September 25

  • DanteYoda
    So are they going to revert the Arctic blast changes and put stun on the other morph? This is confusing.. If not i'm done.. Honestly tired of Warden getting shafted ever patch..
  • DanteYoda
    Simple complain (I'm tired of this, all): restore Arctic Blast to it's current live form, it's absolutely no need to gut it.

    Totally agree..
  • Haashhtaag
    So what I’m gathering here is quantum is mad at swift and major expedition because he can’t hold block and wait until he has a leap and valkyn proc on people?
  • Darthbell
    As a console player I expect the new changes to cause even further trouble in PVP. Every patch something breaks in a severe way and we are told that there are way too many calculations being made due to CP, set variety, mount variety, resistances and building damage. So now shields will add to the calculations and we can destroy more objects in PVP. I can only assume none of this will be tested prior to console use outside of the PC tests and will be live action tested by console players per usual. Although I appreciate the fact that there are class reps, the complete lack of mention of the chronic issues that plague the consoles doesn't help encourage me to embrace these changes. We went over a month on console being told not to use mounts near keeps, to avoid grouping and to not destroy castle walls or gates or we risk a hard freeze. They even removed rabbits to try to reduce the load yet add more to the calculations???

    Why no mention of the lack of balance between the classes and the races? Any fix for the snipe spam de synch? If anything these changes will further limit your options as to what is truly viable to use in vet content. I get that power creep is a perceived problem but the truth is that the game really is becoming less varied and fun to play. I used to enjoy all of my characters now I only have a few for specific PVE or PVP roles and the rest stay shelved because they are the wrong race or a class too weak to be acceptable for that type of content.

    The only thing on console that is reliable is the crown store. Want a cool looking pet or mount? Absolutely that will load correctly, however, non combat pets are not allowed in vet content as they cause lag and certain mount types like horses snare on some terrain types so they make look nice but you can't use them in Cyrodiil unless you just don't know better.

    I see dev responses such as F5 F5 F5 and it reminds me that although our money may be appreciated our opinions on our console experiences are not.
  • bardx86
    Waseem wrote: »
    for the people unhappy about shield having 40% of players HP.
    ZOS has clearly stated that if you want a glass cannon build, you must have to take the bad that comes with it.
    Doing hard content like a trial with 11k HP passively and relying on food and CP to get to 17k HP has to be punishable, which I strongly agree upon, be it magicka or stamina based class.

    my recommendation is you put some points into HP to get to 20-22K marks,
    If Elder Scrolls Online was designed in a matter that you should not put any points in Health, then there would be no possibility to add any points into the Health of the character in the first place.

    Reminder: ZOS has the capability of making each character do 200K DPS and having 50K HP passively, but nobody will enjoy the game by then, absolute maximization of Damage output has to be punishable regardless of your thoughts.

    ESO's PVE content is more than doable even if you do 70% of your current DPS, so balancing your character on doing 85% of current glass cannon DPS in order to reserve survivability is the way to go as it seems .

    Tip for all DDs below "successful superstar" title, having 100k DPS and dying in extremely worst than having 70K DPS and surviving the whole fight by far for these points:
    1) a dead DD does 0 DPS -
    2) resurrecting a dead DD requires someone else to stop outputting damage aswell
    3) not all resurrecting attempts go through, some people even die due to the fact of ignoring mechanics and focusing on the resurrection of a team-mate
    4) I see new content being more punishing for dying in a trial - raid leaders have to take note if they are leading new players and advancing, its quite clear how dying is punishable for the whole team overall, advising 3,000 more points in HP does not make you a noob leader who advises teammates of less DPS, it makes you a leader who advises finishing the content succesfully.
    5) not a single boss fight in the game is as smooth as DPSing a dummy (its surprising that many players do not realize that yet)

    you can't have a glass cannon without the cannon.
  • Dymence
    To the people saying "people are complaining about dying with tiny shields, but that's the point of the change" and "people were immortal and self-sustaining with shields" let me ask you this:

    Why doesn't everyone who has ever raided have Tick Tock Tormentor, Immortal Redeemer and Gryphon Heart? Hmm.....

    Maybe because, even with the shields we have on live, it is still very easy to die?
  • Haashhtaag
    Dymence wrote: »
    To the people saying "people are complaining about dying with tiny shields, but that's the point of the change" and "people were immortal and self-sustaining with shields" let me ask you this:

    Why doesn't everyone who has ever raided have Tick Tock Tormentor, Immortal Redeemer and Gryphon Heart? Hmm.....

    Maybe because, even with the shields we have on live, it is still very easy to die?

    People weren’t immortal and that’s a lazy characterization. All magicka players I know say the sustain from Harness is OP. That should be adjusted
  • jbjondeaueb17_ESO
    jaws343 wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    40% Hp shield? That's ridiculous and nearly pointless, almost as bad as leaving the cast time. You're ignoring the fact that dps have low HP, it's not a Choice of wanting to be a glass cannon, it's having to be a glass cannon to meet the dps requirements for vet and trials content. Without the proper dps you can't get past certain dmg thresholds needed to actually FOLLOW the mechanics properly. IT's not about the top 5-10% it's about everyone you're ignoring that as a whole. Not everyone has perfect parses or knows how to parse properly. Doing these of testing dummies is also pointless as it's static, you should be doing these in trials and vets and pvp instances then go from there, not going by static target dummies that have no mechanics to follow. It's not just about Sorcs either, all magicka based dps classes use light armor for the passives gained to sustain and crit and so forth, they are essential to keep your sustain up and your dps constant. With this I'll have to use more than one shield on my bars, taking away a scarce ability slot, that's already hard to fill properly due to skills to increase dps because of their passives such as inner light and so forth. These idiots need to actually PLAY the game and content rather than just come up with stuff off the top of their heads they THINK is causing an issue.

    If you have a proper tank, you can be a glass cannon without a shield. Only thing killing you then is the aoe damage. You can either step out of it, or take that 40% hp shield and live with it. Options also are ebon and getting the major resolve and ward. It really should be enough to survive. Also remember shields have the ressistance now so they will last longer due to that as well. Your complain is so un intelligent, it's awkward to see how many agreed with your post. I hope zos listen to class reps only and not some random noob like you, this triggered me so hard.

    Note to self, just step out of the fire AOE in Asylum or Starfall. Got it.

    You died from a 40% shield while having major resolve and ward up during this? Was the damage mitigated by minor maim? Was it a oneshot?

    Have you ever played Asylum? It really doesn't sound like you know what you are talking about when you are asking if it is a oneshot.

    Even on normal, with a 25K shield, One fire phase melts the shield completely. Reduce that 25K shield to 8K and add a few resistances, maybe that shield acts like a 15K shield if you are lucky. So still, on normal, the fire phase is completely eliminating the shield and now it's eating into your health.

    And keeping Major resistances up on a sorc... lol. Sure I'll just spam 4,000 magicka skill on cooldown on a class that already has huge issues with sustain. I'm sure my magicka won't suffer...

    In vAS +2, on my vampire healer, fire doesn't take away my less than 15k shield, so I don't know how you're doing to lose 25k shield and health.
    Pain-Healer - Argonian Templar Healer (EP) - Immortal Redeemer - Gryphon's Heart
    Guild : Ghosts and Goblins Target Dummies
    Players know me as Jeban
  • Crafts_Many_Boxes
    Dagoth_Rac wrote: »
    LeHarrt91 wrote: »
    ezio45 wrote: »

    Have more than 15K health.

    18k health is about as high as most players can go before their DPS takes too much of a hit and they cannot clear content. That is still only a 7.2K shield. Not much use when even non-boss mobs in difficult content can do 24K DPS to players.

    People are not playing glass cannons for giggles. They are playing glass cannons because the best strategy in nearly every PvE fight is, "Kill stuff fast. If that does not work, kill stuff faster." Stacking health to get stronger shields is fine in concept. But in practice? It just means you will live long enough to get overwhelmed by adds or long enough to see boss enrage.

    ZOS keep releasing PvE content that smashes you with extreme levels of damage that will overwhelm the healer if the DPS do not have a lot self-survivability. But that PvE content also requires extremely high DPS to clear. Big shields were a way of giving players the needed survivability for difficult endgame content, without interfering too much with our rotations, while also letting us run enough offensive stats to meet DPS checks.

    ZOS want us to "make choices" between survivability and damage dealing. Yet they keep releasing content where that is not a choice. You need both.

    And I don't have a problem with that. I kind of like that ESO is a game where the tank is not expected to taunt everything. Where the healer is not expected to heal through everything. Where the DPS cannot just robotically crank through their rotation but instead have to be able to handle having some mobs aggro on them, and have to handle situations where they cannot ignore their health bar and expect healer to always keep them alive. But ZOS need to give us the tools for that. The cast time shields were not a viable way to handle this game design. Unfortunately, dinky little shields are not a viable way to handle this game design, either.

    ZOS have kind of painted themselves into a corner here. They have released PvE content over the past couple of years that expects players to have high survivability and high DPS. But ZOS do not want a meta where players have high survivability and high DPS. How do you change a meta you have soured on when there is a whole bunch of content dependent on that meta?

    You hit the nail on the head, I created a whole forum thread about this exact point last week. The whole argument about having to make a choice between high damage and survivability is bullocks because they keep creating content that demands both at once.

    Want healers to feel more useful? Stop creating situations in your encounters where the group has to spread out to random corners of the arena, or go into entirely different instances of the map. How about less oneshots, they're lazy design anyway. And while you're at it, get rid of VMA entirely, because with a 40% shield, that's gonna be downright impossible for most magicka players.
  • Vahrokh
    Syiccal wrote: »
    itzTJ wrote: »

    So why cant they give one morph the 3rd bar and the other morph can have the new effect? You people are so selfish.. You say its actually useful? In pvp? And good for a boss which means pve? Oh thats awesome. But im on a stam sorc. Which means its now completely useless to me. And my class, that was already at the bottom and working with very little, now has 5 things less to work with.

    In fairness every single player in this game has to make do with 2 bars and limited space why should sorc get a 3rd bar just becuase they have abilities they like to use.
    Everyone else has to make a sacrifice and choose an ability over another as the luxury of a third bar is non existant

    As of today I have 6 slots used by double barred abilities. I am left with so few buttons I cannot even slot a finisher.
    How many other classes have 4 abilities available?
  • MooseKnuckles88
    DanteYoda wrote: »
    So are they going to revert the Arctic blast changes and put stun on the other morph? This is confusing.. If not i'm done.. Honestly tired of Warden getting shafted ever patch..

    The issue is not enough people play the warden because they're bottom of the list of most issues. So no one knows what is good or bad for warden changes except warden users, of which there are few. We see these changes and understand the value of them, but even ZoS is lost in the sauce stating that their own tests parse below what they anticipated but just gonna let it go anyway!? If more people played the warden as much as they do nightblades or sorcs then more would be addressed, but since wardens are a minority they'll remain there. Stamdens are a growing power house sleeper dps, but madgens get dumped on every chance they get and adding insult to injury by nerfing our main source of dps, which is a double barred ULTIMATE pet. Lol. Sometimes I don't even know why I keep playing with a magden when it should be so clear to me that magdens are meant to be bottom dwellers. I'm just glad they're buffing stamdens, at least that's an option.
  • Zer0oo
    So shields that will give you 100% of your hp as shield will now be capped at 40%.

    Will be funny to see: Activate this bone shield by pressing x and get you and your allies a shield for 100% of you hp. That will be capped at 40% of you hp.

    BTW can we get a magica vigor and aoe reduction?
    Ice Furnace: This item set now grants Spell Damage, rather than Weapon Damage for the 4 piece bonus
    - Update 23
  • Chicharron
    My main is a Templar Healer, we already know what it feels like to be nerfed to oblivion and we're still here.

    I give a fu*k about sorcerers, but i agree cast time was a crazy idea, and now 40% cap, well... you can't please everyone.

    But i like memes, and that's how i imagine how the harcore players feels right now.

    Edited by Chicharron on 27 September 2018 16:28
  • CurvedSwords123
    Honestly, I think air overload would be more suitable for a Stamsorc playstyle than air atro. Ofcourse any Stamcentric ultis would be incredibly appreciated, but air attro would be heavily dependent on a summoner passive tree rework. We definately need more ultimates, passives, and maybe even more abilities. I'm grateful to hear that Zos is looking at upping our options. Looking forward to hearing more on how our bar space grievance will be addressed.
    Perhaps just incorporate the armament bonus as summoner tree passives?
    Just a throught. Thanks class reps!
    Edited by CurvedSwords123 on 27 September 2018 16:39
  • ruikkarikun
    Change is good, but I think 40% is pretty low, so maybe after next week tests developers can again look at it and maybe increase it a little bit or buff sustain instead, because I see in notes they understand about sustain issues. So I hope they will improve sustain somehow.

    Anyway, thanks for reading and helping!
  • alainjbrennanb16_ESO
    @ZOS_GinaBruno i dont get that eruption and heavy attacks equals the flame lash, most mg dk's don't use heavy attack, as most proc's of it dont hit in pvp, and taking away the free proc of flame lash, when its a dk's spammable attack, u might as well go bow in pvp and forget mg, as a bow hits for a hell of distance, ie: i was at aswell and was at the top of the stairs at the farm and a nb was hit me with snip from the keep walls and got of 7 in a sec, you seem intent on nufring a dk's damage through the floor while increasing nb's and sorc damage
    Edited by alainjbrennanb16_ESO on 27 September 2018 17:04
    Main character dk - Vanikifar whitestrike
  • ruikkarikun
    @ZOS_GinaBruno When you say glasscannon and bad sustain in one note, so what developers mean about it?

    Can they tell what setup will be not glascannon for PVE sorcerer with enough damage (similiar to other mage classes)?

    Otherwise they need to increase % shield or left only critable shields or buff sustain then, because Power SUrge is not enough for PVE high vet trials and DLC dungeons (with healer).
  • Minno
    grannas211 wrote: »
    Minno wrote: »
    40% Hp shield? That's ridiculous and nearly pointless, almost as bad as leaving the cast time. You're ignoring the fact that dps have low HP, it's not a Choice of wanting to be a glass cannon, it's having to be a glass cannon to meet the dps requirements for vet and trials content. Without the proper dps you can't get past certain dmg thresholds needed to actually FOLLOW the mechanics properly. IT's not about the top 5-10% it's about everyone you're ignoring that as a whole. Not everyone has perfect parses or knows how to parse properly. Doing these of testing dummies is also pointless as it's static, you should be doing these in trials and vets and pvp instances then go from there, not going by static target dummies that have no mechanics to follow. It's not just about Sorcs either, all magicka based dps classes use light armor for the passives gained to sustain and crit and so forth, they are essential to keep your sustain up and your dps constant. With this I'll have to use more than one shield on my bars, taking away a scarce ability slot, that's already hard to fill properly due to skills to increase dps because of their passives such as inner light and so forth. These idiots need to actually PLAY the game and content rather than just come up with stuff off the top of their heads they THINK is causing an issue.

    Honestly, I wish my templar shield scaled off max mag with a cap of 40% max health lol.

    Because templars struggle to heal themselves.

    Give me a HOT and a strong shield any day of the week over BOL that can target an ally when I need the heal more while I drain my mag using a non-offense ability over and over again.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Natas013
    So with a 40% of health cap on shields, what are you changing bastion to? Took a lot to get empowering ward to a workable level and my rotation just right so I could keep it up for the sustain buff and now it’s far less useful and w/o the third bar crit surge isn’t an option for survivability.
    RIP Ellania Delome
    June 9, 2015-June 14, 2016
    A skilled crafter, competent sorcerer, and denizen of the night
    Along came the Dark Brotherhood and summarily ended it all
  • LittlePinkDot
    This sounds much more promising. Im now motivated again to continue to level up my magblade.

    As for forward momentum.. I would rather they just increase the snare immunity time on shuffle rather than nerf forward momentum.... I think most people that use medium armour use Rally.

    And as for speed in heavy armour, I would rather they just put a speed penalty on heavy armour itself rather than nerf swift which also nerfs it for light armour users.
    Edited by LittlePinkDot on 27 September 2018 18:28
  • Neoauspex
    Leave Sorcs their PvE easy mode and make Shattering Blows into a shield penetration stat instead of damage against.
  • GawdSB
    Lol, @ ZOS talking about eruption as if anyone uses that in PVP. Why are we using target dummy parses as a reasoning for stuff and not actual gameplay?
  • eso_lags
    Syiccal wrote: »
    itzTJ wrote: »

    So why cant they give one morph the 3rd bar and the other morph can have the new effect? You people are so selfish.. You say its actually useful? In pvp? And good for a boss which means pve? Oh thats awesome. But im on a stam sorc. Which means its now completely useless to me. And my class, that was already at the bottom and working with very little, now has 5 things less to work with.

    In fairness every single player in this game has to make do with 2 bars and limited space why should sorc get a 3rd bar just becuase they have abilities they like to use.
    Everyone else has to make a sacrifice and choose an ability over another as the luxury of a third bar is non existant

    Thats a ridiculous thing to say. Every class has abilities that are special to that class. Should every class have a way to teleport? or turn invisible? Or maybe a way to purify dots or negative effects? Or maybe a way to absorb all range attacks?

    Sorc has a third bar. Its always had a third bar. Stam sorc needs that third bar to makeup for being the red headed step child of the eso classes. And I've written this many times this week and i expect ill be writing it many more, if they wanted to nerf overload then they should have buffed the class a bit before they did it.
    itzTJ wrote: »
    Please DO NOT revert the changes to Overload!

    All these guys moaning about the lost 3rd bar do not even use Overload as an attack. They would rather keep an entire ultimate useless just so they can have some extra space for some utility spells. No thanks.

    I've tried the new Overload on the PTS, and I like it. It's actually useful for increasing pressure again PvP opponents, and it can help you burn down a district boss faster, too. On the Live server, Overload means giving up an offensive ultimate like Meteor on your front bar or giving up the Resto ultimate. The 3rd bar isn't worth the sacrifice, in my opinion.

    So why cant they give one morph the 3rd bar and the other morph can have the new effect? You people are so selfish.. You say its actually useful? In pvp? And good for a boss which means pve? Oh thats awesome. But im on a stam sorc. Which means its now completely useless to me. And my class, that was already at the bottom and working with very little, now has 5 less things to work with.

    Why are you asking for an extra bar, which was always a side effect of a gimmicky ultimate, instead of an actual solution to stam sorc problems? Why not ask for a Stamina Atronach or Stamina Overload that actually does DAMAGE? Why not ask for a Stamina spammable or some other Stamina utitilties? Why not ask for some passives that benefit Stam Sorcs?

    The extra bar was NEVER the point of Overload, and keeping that bar is not worth having a crappy ultimate, especially when the other two ultimates are so situational.

    Gimmick huh. Sounds like a pve perspective. Sure i would LOVE to get a damage ultimate. Or class damage skill or spammable. Or maybe some nice buffs like a stamblade, stam warden, or stamplar... Every stam sorc main would love to have those things.. Im sure many stam sorcs have been asking for these things for a long time, i know i have. But we have never gotten those things. And even if, an air tro sounds really cool but i doubt it would be useful in pvp.. At least if its similar to the other atro.

    Anyway, like i said, there is no reason to not leave one of the overload morphs with the third bar. If you want to gimp a class then dont nerf that class. And dont take away the few things the class has to offer.

    And no, stam sorc will not be dead without overload. No, it will not be garbage.. But it will be a hell of a lot worse off than it was before they did this. Other classes have more ways to get damage inherently, we have to make up for a lot of that by utilizing the overload bar.

    Stam sorc is probably my most played class so i obviously care about what happens with it. IF they wanted to take the overload bar away then they should have buffed the class with some new skills, and a passive or two, before they did it.
    Edited by eso_lags on 27 September 2018 19:23
  • Katahdin
    pelle412 wrote: »
    Wrapping Up:
    We ended on DPS parses and we wish we had more than 3 minutes to continue this conversation as it finally got to the heart of many “pain points” the community has. In terms of damage output, at least when it comes to a target dummy parse, we did acknowledge the classes are relatively close to each other (especially Stamina). So from the perspective of a class not being allowed to a trial raid, that is the fault of an uniformed raid lead, rather than the damage capability of a class.

    This gave me a chuckle.

    Who said it was due to damage capability?
    That's not the whole reason.

    The reason is stamina builds MUST be in melee range to take full advantage of that damage capacity. That on top of shite ranged stam dps on top of almost no stam damage mitigation (no stamina shield and MUST be glass cannon) on top of trials designed for ONLY ranged dps is why certain classes are not welcome in certain trials.
    Edited by Katahdin on 27 September 2018 19:39
    Beta tester November 2013
  • Dottzgaming
    Quantum_V wrote: »
    Hey everyone!

    Just want to quickly want to add some information about the meeting (05/09/18) and fall into a bit more detail and transparent regarding the DK section of the meeting notes.

    Sadly real life got in the way and I had to go before the meeting formally finished, yet I did get the DK points across - yet not in the depth I wanted due to my irl time restriction.

    As far as stamDKs go I basically talked about how stamDKs felt very underwhelmed with the changes. Reducing the cost of very cheap skills doesn't really help their sustain, and the passive only works on bow abilities, which is a weapon choice that stamDKs don't go after as it doesn't fit their playstyle, specially in PvP. I talked about the general disappointment revolving noxious; still very difficult to land, damage is very low and provides a rather useless secondary effect in the stamDK aresenal. I also told them that the damage should be buffed to atleast equate its old damage before the changes to passives, but in reality this specific skill needs to be a lot more to be viable. I mentioned the fact that core pain points weren't addressed at all regarding stamDKs. They still have no poison synergy and far from enough morphs to complement their kit, be it in form of passives skills, active skills or weapon skill line synergy.

    As far as mDKs I focused on the whip change and tried to emphasize as much as I could the fact that mDKs really shouldn't take another sustain nerf. Wrobel said that their DPS is on par with other classes, but they do have to fit in more heavy attacks in their rotation (from their testing). I brought up that whip is unreliable as it is, missing more often than not in PvP scenarios - which equates into a pretty considerable sustain nerf on whip. I told them about embers and whip still being very unreliable when it comes to hitting targets from my testing, mostly due to swift (which he confirmed is getting looked into btw). I also talked about how the core issues revolving magdk is the way they currently fit in the meta. They don't have the control to keep up with opponents, as we're in a meta that revolves around forward momentum, immov pots and very fast targets. And that we can't effectively deal with bleeds and defiles in most builds - thus putting DK in general in a sort of limbo when it comes to open world PvP.

    In addition to what was said on the meetings and to compensate for my time limitation - as most of you guys know I'm working on sending a document to ZoS with additional feedback. This document is very important and I'm working on it together with the community. I'll be linking the document everyday in the DK discord so that you guys can add and enrich it everyday before I send the final version to ZoS.

    If you have any questions let me know through the forums, discord or in game (@Quantum.V, PC NA)

    Thanks, and have a good one!

    Listen to this man's feedback ZoS. I couldnt have worded it better myself. Really touches on the current issues DKs face perfectly.
  • Masel
    Class Representative
    Phage wrote: »
    Dymence wrote: »
    Phage wrote: »
    Instant cast is required in this fast paced combat.

    40% of max hp is pretty freaking low considering most DPS only run ~17k.

    A 7k shield isn't worth anything, even my DK Tank's Igneous shield is more than that.

    Yeah this actually may or may not be worse than a cast time for PVE...

    It's better and worse at the same time. They reverted one nerf and gave us another.

    Reducing the power of Shields in pve was the whole point. You wanna survive, get yourself a healer or a bit more health on magicka toons in pve. With 20k health the shield is already 8k. They have resistances now, something that many people don't seem to consider here. PvE mobs are at level 50, so the resistance will mitigate a lot of damage on you, because you are level 66.
    PC EU

    All Trial Trifecta Titles Done!

  • Lord_Eomer
    Masel92 wrote: »
    Phage wrote: »
    Dymence wrote: »
    Phage wrote: »
    Instant cast is required in this fast paced combat.

    40% of max hp is pretty freaking low considering most DPS only run ~17k.

    A 7k shield isn't worth anything, even my DK Tank's Igneous shield is more than that.

    Yeah this actually may or may not be worse than a cast time for PVE...

    It's better and worse at the same time. They reverted one nerf and gave us another.

    Reducing the power of Shields in pve was the whole point. You wanna survive, get yourself a healer or a bit more health on magicka toons in pve. With 20k health the shield is already 8k. They have resistances now, something that many people don't seem to consider here. PvE mobs are at level 50, so the resistance will mitigate a lot of damage on you, because you are level 66.

    and if Shield is affected by Battlespirit then its pretty much useless to have 5K shield.
    Edited by Lord_Eomer on 27 September 2018 20:33
  • Masel
    Class Representative
    Masel92 wrote: »
    Phage wrote: »
    Dymence wrote: »
    Phage wrote: »
    Instant cast is required in this fast paced combat.

    40% of max hp is pretty freaking low considering most DPS only run ~17k.

    A 7k shield isn't worth anything, even my DK Tank's Igneous shield is more than that.

    Yeah this actually may or may not be worse than a cast time for PVE...

    It's better and worse at the same time. They reverted one nerf and gave us another.

    Reducing the power of Shields in pve was the whole point. You wanna survive, get yourself a healer or a bit more health on magicka toons in pve. With 20k health the shield is already 8k. They have resistances now, something that many people don't seem to consider here. PvE mobs are at level 50, so the resistance will mitigate a lot of damage on you, because you are level 66.

    and if Shield is affected by Battlespirit then its pretty much useless to have 5K shield.

    Battle spirit is enforced prior to the 40% mark, not afterwards.
    PC EU

    All Trial Trifecta Titles Done!

  • Kingslayer513
    Masel92 wrote: »
    Masel92 wrote: »
    Phage wrote: »
    Dymence wrote: »
    Phage wrote: »
    Instant cast is required in this fast paced combat.

    40% of max hp is pretty freaking low considering most DPS only run ~17k.

    A 7k shield isn't worth anything, even my DK Tank's Igneous shield is more than that.

    Yeah this actually may or may not be worse than a cast time for PVE...

    It's better and worse at the same time. They reverted one nerf and gave us another.

    Reducing the power of Shields in pve was the whole point. You wanna survive, get yourself a healer or a bit more health on magicka toons in pve. With 20k health the shield is already 8k. They have resistances now, something that many people don't seem to consider here. PvE mobs are at level 50, so the resistance will mitigate a lot of damage on you, because you are level 66.

    and if Shield is affected by Battlespirit then its pretty much useless to have 5K shield.

    Battle spirit is enforced prior to the 40% mark, not afterwards.

    Did a dev confirm that, or is that based on assumption? That puts to rest a big concern if true.
  • ManicDee
    How about scaling all shields based on HP, rather than some on HP and others on Magicka? This will help address the issue of ignoring mechanics by boosting DPS since tradeoffs will have to be made between max magicka (to scale DPS) and max health (to scale survivability). Then Bastion still has a purpose in existence.

    The CP system unfortunately means that DPS are wondering around with the same resistances as tanks used to have. Cloudrest and Sload's addressed this by using oblivion damage which completely ignores resistances. I wonder if the CP system needs to introduce negatives for each perk to ensure balance? For example, each resistance boost is a net negative to DPS and sustain. Improving "Hardy" might reduce spell damage and weapon damage by a similar percentage to the reduction to incoming damage.
    Edited by ManicDee on 27 September 2018 21:12
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