lordrichter wrote: »Blame the Vestige for that. The Vestige is the one who saves Summerset Isle from laziness and teaches them the importance of being always at the ready to defend the Crystal Tower. The Vestige can rest easy knowing that by the time Tiber Septim comes along, the Altmer had built up impressive defenses strong enough to counter anything short of the Numidium.
psychotrip wrote: »
This reads like the plot of The Last Samurai. Tom Cruise teaches a bunch of Samurai how to fight. An outlander teaches a bunch of natives how to defend their land. Dear God, the Altmer are so pathetic.
VaranisArano wrote: »
I suspect that in my case, it was more that the embarrassment of needing my Dunmer Vestige to save their bacon was the impetus for the Altmer and the Psijic Order to work on their defenses which they, in all fairness, weren't expecting to have their present defenses bypassed by one of their own.
psychotrip wrote: »So, is there any actual valid answer for this though? Are we just meant to assume that the Altmer, suddenly become just as advanced and badass as the old lore (which Zenimax claims was just an "exaggeration") says they are?
psychotrip wrote: »So, is there any actual valid answer for this though? Are we just meant to assume that the Altmer, suddenly become just as advanced and badass as the old lore (which Zenimax claims was just an "exaggeration") says they are?
Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »
Somewhere in between?
The truth is that if the Altmer was as advanced as theyre made out to be, there would be absolutely no reason to go there as the Vestige. Theyd be more than capable of handling any issues that may arise much better than some adventuring hero could.
Its likely that the events of summerset playing out and requiring an outsider to come in and fix things were due to a level of arrogance and shortsightedness on the Altmers part. And Tiber Septim believing them to be so powerful it required a manufactured god to take them on was an over estimation of their power and as a result overkill.
psychotrip wrote: »
Your explanation is logically fine but narratively uninspired and creatively dull. Too bad it's likely the correct explanation now. Tiber Septim just overestimated them after all...ugh.
Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »
Youre more than welcome to enlighten us all on what would have been so inspirational and creative in your opinion.
Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »
Somewhere in between?
The truth is that if the Altmer was as advanced as theyre made out to be, there would be absolutely no reason to go there as the Vestige. Theyd be more than capable of handling any issues that may arise much better than some adventuring hero could.
Its likely that the events of summerset playing out and requiring an outsider to come in and fix things were due to a level of arrogance and shortsightedness on the Altmers part. And Tiber Septim believing them to be so powerful it required a manufactured god to take them on was an over estimation of their power and as a result overkill.
psychotrip wrote: »
Pretty much anything that doesn't use the unreliable narrator trope to retro-actively justify this IP's creative bankruptcy.
I'm not trying to mock you. Your explanation is the best we can possibly do with what the devs have given us. I'm just...so...sick of this pattern. I'm so tired of this continued watering down of the world in favor of "realism" and "groundedness".
It's not even a consistent shift in style. On one hand we have tribals who possibly put the stars in the sky, "primitive" nords with mechanized ruins accomplishing feats of engineering far beyond their real world counterparts, dark elves with advanced industrialized irrigation and cloning magic, living gods with magitech robots...and yet the most ancient and (as previously described) "advanced" culture on Tamriel lives in gray, medieval Disneyland castles in yet another European forest. Unless it's an aldmer hand-me-down, it's probably less impressive than anything we've seen on the rest of Tamriel.
And when criticized for it we're told, point blank, that despite everything we've seen before this point, that the world is "mundane", the people need to be grounded, and that if magic stopped existing most people wouldn't notice.
They don't use realism as a tool for relatability, or a means of immersion or consistent storytelling. They don't use the unreliable narrator to inject mystery and ambiguity into the world. They use these tropes as crutches, to absolve them of any criticism or complaint. After watching this tactic used again and again for years, it's just getting silly at this point.
I understand your disappointment with how Altmer arw portrayed in ESO psychotrip i really do, but this isn't the full extend of the Altmer. ZOS just made do with what they could play with in ESO. They still have the mightiest navy and lazers protecting some towns. Eg see the quest in Firsthold and magical defenses in Sea Keep. I'm sure later games will show Altmer closer to what we imagined
It's good to criticise works of art/games/literature but your later posts seem to all be just disappointment. Perhaps you need a break from Summerset and to just see it with what it is. Just game mechanics in an MMO. Don't give up on elder scrolls just because of one chapter.
Also perhaps the secret to the Altmer is that they pretend to be a mundane Disneyworld to outsiders now that they are visiting but secretly they've hidden everything magical and put veils of illusion on their crystal buildings to look like stone.
For the record Nicolene (DC npc) also said that the towers in skywatch, auridon glimmered like crystal and we've been there since launch
Also perhaps the secret to the Altmer is that they pretend to be a mundane Disneyworld to outsiders now that they are visiting but secretly they've hidden everything magical and put veils of illusion on their crystal buildings to look like stone.
PrayingSeraph wrote: »
You and I have very different taste. I cringe at the idea of Tamriel becoming some magical fairy land that tests everyone's suspension of disbelief. Or having Cyrodil be a jungle which not only goes totally against the cool roman theme but overplays the jungle theme since both Valenwood and Southern Elsewyr are jungles.
I might find realism boring but I find it immersible. Summerset in ESO was breathtakingly beautiful, and I'd hate to see it into a headache inducing sensory overload that which summerset was initially described as...
Or having Cyrodil be a jungle which not only goes totally against the cool roman theme but overplays the jungle theme since both Valenwood and Southern Elsewyr are jungles.
Or it could be years of idle boasting by prideful Altmer you know. With only some individuals eg Telenger, Vanus achieving the greatness that Altmer can reach or some individuals from the Sapiarchs
I don't think the Altmer would need to be the crazy powerful magicians they claim to be for Tiber to not be able to conquer them. We know that the Altmer have been pushing back the Sea Elves for century now and because of that their navy is supposedly the best in Tamriel. To conquer the Summerset isles Tiber would have to engage in maritime warfare against the best navy of the continent. Something I don't believe he was ready to do. Of course this all changes when you have a literal walking brass god on your side.
psychotrip wrote: »
But see this just shows how little the history of the game matches up with what we actually see.
The Altmer supposedly have the greatest navy, and have been fighting a 3 sided war at sea since the dawn of time.
Their ships don’t look any better than anyone else’s, they don’t seem to have a way to mass-produce ships faster than anyone else, they don’t have a natural advantage on the water like maormer, and they don’t have advanced magic to compete with the sload.
This is my overarching point with this thread. They’ve changed around the core aspects of the altmer to the point where their historical accomplishment don’t even make sense anymore.
VaranisArano wrote: »
They do have advanced magic to compete with the Sloads. The defenses of Crystal Tower have been keeping them at bay. Major, major spoilers:Certainly the Battlereeve in charge of dealing with the invasion doesn't seem too worried about dealing with it once she's alerted to the fact that its actually happening. And why would she be? She's got hordes of outlander adventurers to throw at the geysers, so that she doesn't even have to ask Altmer farmers to give up their path to Alaxon to go fight!SpoilerThe main quest covers this. The defenses of Crystal Tower had been holding the Sloads at bay, but they've been weakening steadily because no one expect Iachesis to have been mind magicked into stealing the heart of those defenses. Now that the magical defenses have weakened sufficiently due to K'tora's plot, the Sloads are able to make their move. Unfortunately, the whole situation with returning the heart, cleansing it, and Nocturnal briefly taking over the Tower kinda does a number on the Tower's defenses, and so the final act of the story is you persuading the (surviving) Sapiarchs and the Psijic Order to let bygones be bygones and work together to protect the Tower again.
As for the navy stuff, well, the Altmer navy is in a bit of trouble right now. Ayrenn's father managed to get most of his navy destroyed while trying to chase a Maomeri fleet back to Pynadonea. Then, the Maomer managed to sink a significant Dominion fleet near Khenarthi's Roost at the beginning of the game. However, we see in the Covenant questline that the AD navy and privateers are enough of a problem for the Covenant to consider using necromancy on Betnikh, and in the Pact questline, the navy has launched and is supplying an invasion of Shadowfen. So I'd guess the navy, forced to rebuild once after Hidellith got it destroyed, is pretty overextended from the demands of the Cyrodiil and Three Banners War, leaving the home coasts open to attack by Maomer fleets.
Now, admittedly, I have my doubts about using ballista on sea serpents in the Greenshade questline, but on the other hand I'm willing to give a pass on gameplay there because its pretty hard to do engaging ship-to-ship combat in a video game without making that the focus of the game. That's not how I would expect the Aldmeri navy to do it for reals, but I'm not expecting ESO to do actual naval tactics unless they decide to introduce a PVP Navy.
psychotrip wrote: »
So that's one thing they can counter. Valid. Still doesn't explain away the rest of this. It's also yet another example of the Altmer not really having anything advanced that isn't an aldmer hand-me-down. The few things that make the Altmer unique were not made by, or improved by, or refined by the Altmer.
To your point about the navy: you make it seem like a pretty mixed bag. We also have yet to see what makes their navy so supposedly superior. We're just told that it is.
On the whole though my point still stands. These retcons have made the historical accomplishments of the Altmer make much less sense.
Or it could be years of idle boasting by prideful Altmer you know. With only some individuals eg Telenger, Vanus achieving the greatness that Altmer can reach or some individuals from the Sapiarchs
For one, paradoxically, I would have liked more "magically advanced" high elves like we see in countless other games. This kind of middle ground.psychotrip wrote: »
There's a middle ground between magical fairy fantasy land, and getting something resembling what was described to us, as opposed to the exact same low-fantasy medieval europe drivel we've seen in a million different games.
I assume you must have hated everything we've seen in the past two DLCs, correct? Because I'm not looking for anything beyond that level of "weird". I just want different flavors of creativity and "weirdness" for the different parts of this world, rather than watching the developers quarantine it all to the east, and draining the personality from the rest of the world.
lordrichter wrote: »
In my case, it was an Imperial Vestige. Tiber will eventually banish the descendants in that family as traitors for what they did to help the Aldmeri Dominion.
LittlePinkDot wrote: »
Tiber Septim is just another tyrant, not much different than Altmer, Dunmer slavers, or any other non democracy. Either way, they each believe that their way is the best way.