My mains name is Foxhunt. It has nothing to do with the game and is in fact from a little known game (so it seems now days - used to be very popular when it released in 2003) called Socom 2 that had a map called Foxhunt. Nothing too special other than the name means a lot to me because that map was the first map I played on when I got the game and it was the map I had the most fun on/played the most on.
I made an Argonian thief named Stuffs-in-Pockets and am currently using him as a bank alt, heh.
All my other names are from previous incarnations. One is an Oblivion character. One is from Skyrim. And the other two are characters I've made and used in other mmos.
I had just obtained his book "Megaliths" at that same time. That was my inspiration for my naming scheme.
The name(s) I use, have been used now in many a MMO since (GW1, SWTOR, GW2).
Of course I was a bit worried (and still am) that ZOS might object to my name since the places the dark anchors show up are "Dolmens"... First time I have seen the term used in a online game.
- Dolmen, Megalith, Cherka, Menhir Stone (can't believe someone got Menhir!), Lydia Carnac and Goindol Stone.
I named my character Orsel after the character MacAllen Orsel in this podcast drama that I loved called Leviathan Chronicles. I was contemplating Oswin but realized that was the name of my character in Animal Crossing, Harvest Moon, and Pokemon X so I decided against it.
I've got:
Pe'tra: Female Khajiit Templar of AD
Genevieve Vallei: F Breton Templar of DC
Vivy Serethi: F Dunmer Templar of EP
and a few more I can't recall off the top of my head.
Current main: Pe'tra
Female Khajiit Templar of the Aldmeri Dominion
Feel free to join her in questing ^.^