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Addressing Network - LAG Issues on PS4

  • MaKTaiL
    I had the same problem here in Brazil but a couple of months ago the issue simply disappeared. I stopped lagging like you guys are now. I don't know what ZoS did but they definitely did something.
  • Lukums1

    Are you...?....

    Why would you go making that post in technical support forums today, you offer no help at all.

    We have people here clearly stating they they make support tickets and get 2-3 AUTOMATED responses before they get some what of a human response.

    Why embarrass yourselves further? Honestly beyond a joke mate. Can we get a real response to address PS4 issues.

    Because no one, wants to create a stupid ticket wasting our own time to get auto responses for over a week with the solution being (it's your internet) and stupid ass responses like that .

    Get a grip. You making that post just solidified the zero support that exists on these forums.

    Shocking. Disgusting. Disappointing.
    PS4 Yellow Scum Dominion
    1600+ vMA runs and counting
    Magicka Sorc - Flawless - 544k Score
    Stam Sorc - Flawless - 559k Score
    Stam DK - FLAWLESS 512k Score
    Stam NB - 492k Score - Work in progress
    Magicka Temp - 482k Score

    The Ozmeric Dominion (Oceanic) Australian Based Guild

    vMA "guru" - VHRC - vSO - vSOHM - vDSA - vAA - vMOL
    The Maelstrom BIBLE for beginners/Flawless Achieve Below

    You have vMA questions? Want a guide? Helping hand? PM me!

    Returns after 6 months back to back flawless

  • shanan05
    Soul Shriven
    Haha homestead launches and servers are already down and we still have no support or answers as to why we couldn't play for a month, ZOS let us know when our refunds are ready..
  • akl77
    I do noticed a lot of people were on before it crashed. The server can't handle the load, bumpy rides ahead onwards.
    Pc na
  • Lukums1
    So seeing as we just experienced as MASSIVE failure on PS4 servers.

    Can we finally get a heads up what's going on? Or still nah?

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_RichLambert

    Cheers in advance..
    PS4 Yellow Scum Dominion
    1600+ vMA runs and counting
    Magicka Sorc - Flawless - 544k Score
    Stam Sorc - Flawless - 559k Score
    Stam DK - FLAWLESS 512k Score
    Stam NB - 492k Score - Work in progress
    Magicka Temp - 482k Score

    The Ozmeric Dominion (Oceanic) Australian Based Guild

    vMA "guru" - VHRC - vSO - vSOHM - vDSA - vAA - vMOL
    The Maelstrom BIBLE for beginners/Flawless Achieve Below

    You have vMA questions? Want a guide? Helping hand? PM me!

    Returns after 6 months back to back flawless

  • tourerttrwb17_ESO
    I would also like to see reply from ZOS please. Most aussie players were unable to play for almost a month and silent treatment isn't appropriate here.
    Edited by tourerttrwb17_ESO on 7 August 2017 04:51
    PC-NA @Eon-King
  • ninjarina_
    The lack of acknowledgement and reply really speaks volumes. Disappointed and disgusted.
    Ps4 NA AD
  • Lukums1
    Sooo... server crashed again... and still no replys to PS4 Tech posts LOL.

    Hint hint guys, hint hint.
    PS4 Yellow Scum Dominion
    1600+ vMA runs and counting
    Magicka Sorc - Flawless - 544k Score
    Stam Sorc - Flawless - 559k Score
    Stam DK - FLAWLESS 512k Score
    Stam NB - 492k Score - Work in progress
    Magicka Temp - 482k Score

    The Ozmeric Dominion (Oceanic) Australian Based Guild

    vMA "guru" - VHRC - vSO - vSOHM - vDSA - vAA - vMOL
    The Maelstrom BIBLE for beginners/Flawless Achieve Below

    You have vMA questions? Want a guide? Helping hand? PM me!

    Returns after 6 months back to back flawless

  • ninjarina_
    Still nothing :-|
    Ps4 NA AD
  • Lukums1
    :) It's def better ish from what I've heard from a lot of people but still effecting some
    PS4 Yellow Scum Dominion
    1600+ vMA runs and counting
    Magicka Sorc - Flawless - 544k Score
    Stam Sorc - Flawless - 559k Score
    Stam DK - FLAWLESS 512k Score
    Stam NB - 492k Score - Work in progress
    Magicka Temp - 482k Score

    The Ozmeric Dominion (Oceanic) Australian Based Guild

    vMA "guru" - VHRC - vSO - vSOHM - vDSA - vAA - vMOL
    The Maelstrom BIBLE for beginners/Flawless Achieve Below

    You have vMA questions? Want a guide? Helping hand? PM me!

    Returns after 6 months back to back flawless

  • ccfeeling
    It's not just happened in aus I believe , good game but rubbish server
  • vivisectvib16_ESO
    Happening everywhere.
  • Lukums1
    See I was able to help a fair few people in Sydney fix all lag issues with PS4 ESO.

    But it took some serious troubleshooting I know people don't want to hear it but 8/10 it's due to personal connections and ISPs.

    I'm from Sydney as well as a good 20 other people who had issues which no longer are. But if you're not prepared to spend X dollars and X time then I'd advise to look elsewhere (other games).

    Sucks I know but what can you do aye!
    PS4 Yellow Scum Dominion
    1600+ vMA runs and counting
    Magicka Sorc - Flawless - 544k Score
    Stam Sorc - Flawless - 559k Score
    Stam DK - FLAWLESS 512k Score
    Stam NB - 492k Score - Work in progress
    Magicka Temp - 482k Score

    The Ozmeric Dominion (Oceanic) Australian Based Guild

    vMA "guru" - VHRC - vSO - vSOHM - vDSA - vAA - vMOL
    The Maelstrom BIBLE for beginners/Flawless Achieve Below

    You have vMA questions? Want a guide? Helping hand? PM me!

    Returns after 6 months back to back flawless

  • DannyLV702
    Lukums1 wrote: »
    See I was able to help a fair few people in Sydney fix all lag issues with PS4 ESO.

    But it took some serious troubleshooting I know people don't want to hear it but 8/10 it's due to personal connections and ISPs.

    I'm from Sydney as well as a good 20 other people who had issues which no longer are. But if you're not prepared to spend X dollars and X time then I'd advise to look elsewhere (other games).

    Sucks I know but what can you do aye!

    Can you tell me those requirements? I assume hardware too and not just a fast connection? Please @ me so I don't forget to check back on this, I'm willing to spend money for a stable gaming connection
  • vivisectvib16_ESO
    This is not an ISP/connection issue.
  • LadyLethalla
    @Lukums1 I too would appreciate any kind of assistance... I unfortunately have no access to NBN yet (it's apparently due in my area in a year - and this is an "outer eastern" suburb of Melbourne where places like Warburton (an hour's drive east from my house; not a suburb) already have it. Go figure).
    So I'm limited to ADSL2+, but I have a Netgear 14 modem and Nighthawk router (ie 2-3 years old).
    I'm with iinet (they have me on a really good plan). I think there are 13 devices in my house, but although my router is dual channel it seems that most of said devices are on the lower (2.4?) channel. My PS4 Pro is on the 5.0 channel with I think one other device.

    I tried to do VMA but after 300+ deaths I gave up (got to round 7). Just how many deaths are lag-related... nfi. The best time for me to do VMA is weekdays only say between 9am and 3pm, which as I work full time, pretty much rules that out. After 4pm the "Netflix effect" kicks in, so in trying to run a dungeon I can get up to 10 second lag. Skills register as going off but have to be cast 2-3 times to actually work (as in, I can see when I hit the button it shows on my skill bar that I've done so, I get the circle on the ground for my ulti but it doesn't fire). And since Morrowind I've even been disconnected from the below 50s campaign, which never happened prior (and was the whole reason I preferred to PvP there instead of the above 50s}.

    I'm sure there's nothing else I can do save perhaps trying my phone as a wifi hotspot or wait for NBN... but if you've anything to offer that might assist I'd be very grateful. :)

    x-TallyCat-x // PC EU DC - For the Covenant! // ESO Platinum trophy - 16th May 2017.
    Melbourne Australia - the land of Potato Internet.WTB ESO OCEANIC SERVER
  • lady_Ariel
    Soul Shriven
    I cant even play the game its lagging so bad.. I die and wast my food and scrolls.. -w-; and i paid for plus membership! X__X
  • Demil
    Soul Shriven
    Gonna revive this post:

    It’s now August 2018, with Summerset plus 2patches and the issues still exist as the OP has stated.
    Im over these issues

    My connection is a 1000/400 fibre optic and I’ve installed a fresh 2TB SSHD internal storage for my PS4 pro.
    Edited by Demil on 5 August 2018 21:43
  • antcilli
    Soul Shriven
    Your upload/download speed isn't going to make much of a difference in your gameplay with ESO. The vast majority of the data exists on your Playstation's HDD/SSD, and the internet connection is to communicate what objects are where and doing what, then those objects are loaded/rendered from your local drive.
    See another player running across your screen? The armor, weapons, outfit, etc. that they're wearing are all on your local drive, but the servers tell your local system what objects to render. This isn't much data being sent across at all.

    Pulling the logs from my firewall, I can see that across the 8 hours of gameplay I recently played, my Playstation sent AND received a total of 182MB (1,456Mb). That's 182Mb per hour, 3Mb per minute, and ultimately, an average of .05Mbps, or about 50Kbps.
    That's an average among that time though - I was actually in a playstation party chat with 3 others at the time as well, which would increase the total bandwidth. I'm logged in to ESO right now, and can see my firewall/internet averaging about 53k Down / 57k Up right now, and that's with everything else on my network.

    Have fiber internet, 1Gbps up/down all you want, it's not going to make a difference with the vast majority of online gaming.

    The issue reported here, is lag, which is most commonly the result of latency. I see the bulk of users reporting issues here are Australian based, which doesn't bode well given the two server clusters are in North America and Europe.
    I'm in the United States, and connect to the NA cluster. I almost never have lag issues in the game, except at times when doing trials or other large group events that require a ton of rendering - that lag is a result of the actual Playstation system, not my network connection.
    Looking at my Playstation's established connections, I see it jump between multiple servers in the 198.20.200.x subnet, which you can see belong to ZeniMax via a WHOIS lookup. Unfortunately, they don't allow ICMP (ping) in, so I can't easily see my latency to them, but I can see the server is hosted in Cockeysville, MD, just outside of Baltimore.
    Going off of that, I can determine I have about 26ms of latency to other addresses hosted in Baltimore. It's not a perfect test, but it's close enough.

    Now, looking at the global latency (ping) map, we can see what the latency is from Australia to the US. Statistics from Sydney and Melborune are virtually the same, with Sydney being about 1ms faster, but regardless:
    Sydney -> Los Angeles = 152ms
    Sydney -> Dallas = 182ms
    Sydney -> Baltimore = 214ms

    So when you're connecting from Australia to the NA servers, your best case scenario is going to be 214ms. Even if we for a second say that ZeniMax has a server in Los Angeles, you're still looking at 152ms.
    That same connection is being used by others in Australia for whatever traffic they're sending to NA. Websites, business links, etc. Your gaming session, is going to be a best effort connection across that trans-Pacific link. While the best case here might be 214ms, that latency will vary a lot (jitter). That 214ms deviates by about 20%, which is where even more problems begin to arise.
    A jittery connection can cause out of order packets, which can initiate retransmits, which can exacerbate the lag you experience when those retransmits are already taking a quarter of a second.

    This is my deeper explanation to help people here understand that it's not as simple as a programming fix in the game - especially for a stateful game like ESO, where everything you do and things that happen to you are saved. It's not like FIFA where if you lag, you might just not kick the ball when you wanted to, but the game syncs up and life goes on. I also don't know who might host the servers for FIFA, but they may even have an Australian presence.
    They have to build in a lot of logic to ensure that people don't use things like lag to cheat either.

    If you want to try and determine if network latency has anything to do with it, next time you're playing, have a PC/Laptop nearby, (or even a smartphone with a ping app), and run a constant ping to an IP address near where the servers are, like an IP in Baltimore. You could use baltimore.org for instance, although that's technically hosted in Virginia, it's close enough.
    Whenever your game lags, do you see a spike in the latency with the pings as well? If so, definitely congestion somewhere between you and the servers. If not, well, it's not a perfect test, but that'd pretty much rule out the trans-Pacific link for the AUS players...

    No solutions here, just insight and hopefully helping people better understand the network aspect of gaming.
  • antcilli
    Soul Shriven
    Here's a picture monitoring the bandwidth coming from (In) and going to (Out) my Playstation while playing ESO.
    About 24Kbps Download and 6Kbps Upload to translate to internet speed terms with a few other players around.
    When standing still with no one else around and not doing anything, I see it drop to about 8Kbps / 3Kbps.
    EXTREMELY minimal throughput requirements...goqbavmiiycj.png
  • Hostee
    Most of my issues seem to be centered around Akamai the anti-ddos company zos uses for their servers.... if you use PingPlotter and trace ip which is the NA login server, you can trace all the hops up until you get to the actual server itself which denies ICMP requests at that point. My latency during all hops are 20ms-60ms until I get to Akamai which spikes up to 250ms!!!
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