ESOUI: For all your AddOn needs!

The staff at ESOUI would like to welcome you to our interface customization community for the Zenimax game Elder Scrolls Online. (Yes, we are those same crazy people that brought you EQInterface, WoWInterface, EQ2Interface, RiftUI and more!)

We welcome you to use our forums and discuss your plans, wishes, etc. for development in ESO. Please feel free to Introduce Yourself!

Site Features:
  • Downloads – A well-organized safe downloads area for all to browse, search and download. (We have a limited number of download categories enabled so far, primarily relating specifically to layouts.)
  • Favorites list * – Add a Layout to your favorites list so you can keep track of your favorites with the option of a webpage list, rss feed and email notification when your favorite Layouts are updated.
  • Comments * – Add comments to Layouts in our download area. You can also receive email notification on newly posted comments on layouts you are tracking comments on.
  • Download CP * – Options to configure and change default settings of our download area. Also an entire download history of what you downloaded.
  • Uploads * – Layout authors have the ability to easily upload their Layouts to our database and update it for future changes. Archives are kept every time you make an update so your old versions aren’t lost.
  • Portals * – AddOn and Layout Authors that have AddOns and Layouts available for download in our database will be given access to create their own portal ( so that their users can receive even more information about their interfaces. The portal includes bug tracking, feature tracking, news, custom pages, custom menu links all with rss feeds and a few other things.
  • SVN & Git Repositories * - Two online version control systems which aid in your development of an AddOn and its history of stable (and unstable, or even branched) versions.
  • Forums * – Ability to post in our forums, attach files, use private message system. (We have a limited number of forums enabled so far, primarily relating specifically to layouts.)
  • RSS – Tons of rss feeds all over the site.
  • And much more…
Basically all the features you are familiar with on our other interface sites.

As well, if you already have an account on any of our other Interface sites, Esohead, or any other of the Zam network of sites, you can log into this site using the email address and password associated with that account the first time you are here.
* Requires registration to use feature.


Also, we are happy to announce that our Minions arrived a little while ago and, although they still need a bit more training before they are fully housebroken*, are now big enough to be adopted! We are really excited about it and we hope you will be too!

Minion: A free, eager-to-please little monster lackey of your own, with enough sense to stick to orders! Minion can handle all the 'work' assigned, letting you get back to the 'serious business' of playing your game sooner.

You can go here to get your very own Minion. Please use this forum to provide feedback and receive support.

Be sure to make a backup of your AddOn and Saved Variables folders before running Minion.
*Housebroken: Trained to act and behave appropriately indoors, much like a puppy. aka: beta
Co-founder & Administrator
  • ShinChuck
    Now that you have a client, I'm sold! Pretty pleased with Minion so far, and with your mod selection! Thanks a ton!
    "It's morally wrong to suggest gameplay changes for an MMO."
    ...seriously, someone told me that once here. The things people will do to win their internet arguments!
  • frozin
    Awesome, thanks for this post. I've heard good things about ESOUI these past few days and it's nice to see you on the forums! @cairenn
  • Cairenn
    Just a friendly reminder about ESOUI for all those that are just now getting a chance to join us. Also feel free to check out our AddOn Manager - Minion. It's currently still in beta, but it already works well for most people. :)
    Edited by Cairenn on 4 April 2014 02:08
    Co-founder & Administrator
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