A little more warning would be nice

I got booted halfway through a quest dungeon. Wouldn't have gone in if I had known we were going to be coming down. What I did get through was rushed and I am sure I missed a bunch of lore/loot. Its not like they couldn't have done this during yesterdays extended downtime either.... Just a little frustrated is all.
End rant.
Dovie'andi se tovya sagain
  • dpgirl
    unless its unplanned emergency or screw up, they should always give notice... like at least 1 hour, and reminders periodically... its very very RUDE the way they did it. You should never be rude to your customers.
  • Aria
    Believe they started the downtime announcements about 30 minutes before the servers were actually taken off line?

    But sounds like you were in the middle of your dungeon at the time shame, hopefully you can go back at some later point.
    Edited by Aria on 3 April 2014 18:37
    Silver Dragon Legion
    "The adult, casual no drama guild you've been waiting for!"
  • Dread_Takhisis
    It would be nice if they would put any of todays planned downtime on the launcher, like that "before deleting a char" warning... I don't feel like I should have to log into the forums and read posts for 20 mins every time I want to play.
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain
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