Official Discussion Thread for "Announcing the Winners of the Daedric Dress Up Contest"

  • Tasear
    As one of winners, I can say that you might want send Gina direct message on forums about this issue. My group received everything a long time ago @undead84

    Well minus the outfit station issue.
    Edited by Tasear on 22 June 2018 15:30
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    undead84 wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno hey i know you are busy,
    but can you please talk to GM Movori (he gave me the motif) ? me and one of my friends are still waiting for the homes we won...

    Sending you a PM! Apologies for the delay.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
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    Staff Post
  • undead84
    thanks for the response Gina!
    please note the outfit-stations we (all?) wait for!
    Edited by undead84 on 27 June 2018 21:02
    Buff XB1-EU Server Performance
  • Tasear
    Thanks again for contest and hope it gets resolved undead.
    Edited by Tasear on 1 July 2018 06:47
  • undead84
    Hi again :)

    today i got the dawnlight palace and the Outfit station from Support :blush:
    big thank you to GM Movori, RJ S. from Support-team & Gina!

    like Tasear said thanks for the Contest!
    Edited by undead84 on 9 July 2018 11:12
    Buff XB1-EU Server Performance
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