Maintenance for the week of June 3:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 3, 2:00AM EDT (6:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)

Outfit bug.

If I turn off any outfit my character is wearing and quit the game, when I log in again later the outfit is back on, the same happens when porting between houses, leave one house with no outfit active and arrive at the other house with it back on.

This is on PC-NA and occurs with add-ons disabled.

Submitted as ticket #180619-004057
Edited by M_Volsung on 19 June 2018 20:56
"In the Deep Halls, Far from Men;
Forsaken Red Mountain, Twisted Kin;
Hail the Mind, Hail the Stone;
Dwarven Pride, Stronger than Bone"

—Dwemer Inquiries I-III, Thelwe Ghelein
  • Shadowen
    Soul Shriven
    Same issue. Outfits keep getting re-enabled when turned off. Bug ticket 180619-002038 submitted.

    Edited by Shadowen on 19 June 2018 23:19
  • rabb1t_ESO
    Also submitted bug about it. I'm not sure what's triggering it, but my outfit keeps being on when I don't want it to be.

    Also, it DOES show as off now, but colors are wrong and it's showing the wrong motif for shoulders and gloves (implying the game may think part of it is on.)

    - - -

    As a side note; honestly I don't like the entire outfit system. Maybe it's just because I have like 3-4 different full sets, so can hybrid 6 or more different looks, and my eyes visually rely on those looks to know what I'm wearing (which goes with my role). But I'd love to just have it 'disabled' completely as an option. It costs like 100k to re-make each item in a particular style, but I'd much rather have the correct visual ques as to what I'm wearing than making an "outfit" for every possible combination. I'd much prefer a 're-design' option to change a motif on an item, much like Transmute for traits.
    Edited by rabb1t_ESO on 20 June 2018 16:19
  • efster
    I'm having the same issue. I can get around it by switching to an empty outfit slot (which cost crowns), then it shows my normal gear. Crown store costumes (which ... also cost crowns) also work fine. :heartbreak:
    AD is the best looking faction. I don't make the rules, I just enforce them.
  • Aragorn79
    Hi. I am having the same issue. PC EU. I select no outfit, but after some time the outfit will be back on meaning in the character in spite of the outfit system being disabled. It started after today's patch. System was working fine yesterday.
    Don't know what is triggering this bug, but it seems the outfit system is enabling itself automatically for some reason. Thanks
    PC EU
    DC D'aryn, Breton Magblade
    DC T'agwyr, Redguard Stamblade
    EP B'eryth, Nord Magsorc
    EP K'ewan, Nord Magplar
    AD L'adaryel, High Elf MagDK
    AD S'eladiel, Wood Elf StamWarden
    DC D'evyn Imperial StamDK
    DC G'avyn Breton MagNecromancer
  • M_Volsung
    Just a bump to tag @ZOS_GinaBruno in this in the vain hope someone takes a look at this...
    "In the Deep Halls, Far from Men;
    Forsaken Red Mountain, Twisted Kin;
    Hail the Mind, Hail the Stone;
    Dwarven Pride, Stronger than Bone"

    —Dwemer Inquiries I-III, Thelwe Ghelein
  • rabb1t_ESO
    efster wrote: »
    ... switching to an empty outfit slot (which cost crowns), then it shows my normal gear.

    That doesn't work for me, as the 'base colors' on items aren't what I use.

    And, that doesn't even really work. I took "outfit 1" and ewrased all the colors. (I don't use the outfit system), and (as above) it's STILL showing outfit 1's shoulders and gloves, and sometimes the incorrect color on my chest, even when "no outfit" is selected.
    Edited by rabb1t_ESO on 20 June 2018 16:21
  • ShoManji
    Soul Shriven
    Got the same issue :( reloadui makes it stay off for a while, but after a port its back on
  • rabb1t_ESO
    Ok.... because I don't see correct animations when crafting with a personality on, I tried turning OFF my personality, going to the outfit station, being sure it was set to "no outfit", and pressed "alt" to close the station. It STAYED correct. Haven't zoned yet, but others might want to test this if you have personalities on.

    Hum... nope, maybe not linked. Zoned with personality off and it still changed to the messed up look.
    Edited by rabb1t_ESO on 20 June 2018 17:35
  • GreenLegendRan
    This costume issue is occurring on NA server for PS4 as well.
  • Sun7dance
    Don't worry guys, this isn't a performance issue, so be sure it will be fixed very soon!
  • rabb1t_ESO
    So... ewrasing the colors of the outfit slot doesn't really work, but if you "clear" all spaces, and have it ewrased on color, if you are someone like me who doesn't use the outfits, will indirectly prevent the bug from showing. (Because if it does activate it's showing 'nothing different'.)

    A work-around for the time being if you don't use the outfits.
  • firstblush
    Soul Shriven
    I'm having this problem as well.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Thanks all, we're investigating some possible solutions.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • tarondestiny
    Soul Shriven
    same problem! I just leave the menu and my outfit is back on instantly... the other day it worked but it switched back each time I lost connection or switch place, or restart game.
  • HappyElephant
    Yup. this is happening to me too
  • Thegreathairyone
    Soul Shriven
    Same here, whenever I zone to a new area my toon appears in my outfit 1 slot gear but my character screen says no outfit. I can select outfit 1, exit character screen, then re-enter character screen and select no outfit which will work up until I zone into a new area again.
  • Krobarr
    Soul Shriven
    Nice to see this is being looked at. I’ve got this issue too on XBox Eu.
  • Krobarr
    Soul Shriven
    rabb1t_ESO wrote: »
    So... ewrasing the colors of the outfit slot doesn't really work, but if you "clear" all spaces, and have it ewrased on color, if you are someone like me who doesn't use the outfits, will indirectly prevent the bug from showing. (Because if it does activate it's showing 'nothing different'.)

    A work-around for the time being if you don't use the outfits.

    Thanks for the tip ;)
  • CrystalBallr
    Good to know it is being worked on. Bug confirmed PC NA
  • sean.plackerb14_ESO
    Thought I was doing something wrong (just started using the outfit system today). But yeah like others have said, my outfit will re apply to my char if I log out and back in, and most annoyingly it re applies after almost any loading screen. When I pull up the collections then outfit tab it shows no outfit as being selected and correctly shows me wearing my gear but as soon as i close that menu the outfit is back on.

    Only fix I've found is to go to the outfits menu, actually select the outfit, close menu, go back and pick no outfit again. But you'll give up doing that when you're going in and out of delves/wayshrines etc :wink:
    @sean8102 - Carlore - Daggerfall Covenant
  • ProfesseurFreder
    Yup, same issue. Since the last update I cannot turn off my outfit, although putting a costume on over it works fine. But when I want to see my normal gear, I can't. Glad to know that others are having the same issue and have reported it.

    PC (actually Mac) NA.
    "Nothing by which all human passion and hope and folly can be mirrored and then proved ever was just a game."
    -- William Faulkner.
  • Glimmer50
    Just want to report this is still happening. After I am on a while, it will not let me switch to no outfit at all. I wish I could delete my current outfit but nope. I would have to spend money to change my outfit to something else. This is very annoying. I hope it gets fixed soon. :/
  • Elsonso
    Thanks all, we're investigating some possible solutions.

    Don't take off your outfit? :trollface::smiley:
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Aragorn79
    Bug still there. If no outfit selected, it will revert back to outfit at changing zones or even directly after selecting no outfit. Please fix it. Thanks
    PC EU
    DC D'aryn, Breton Magblade
    DC T'agwyr, Redguard Stamblade
    EP B'eryth, Nord Magsorc
    EP K'ewan, Nord Magplar
    AD L'adaryel, High Elf MagDK
    AD S'eladiel, Wood Elf StamWarden
    DC D'evyn Imperial StamDK
    DC G'avyn Breton MagNecromancer
  • Coatmagic
    Bump bump bump ~~~
    Still not fixed... are we supposed to now pay each time we want to see our normal gear as well
    @ZoS c'mon..
    it's been months now /facepalm

  • weedgenius
    Yeah, I thought for sure this would be fixed before the new update. Not only is that not the case, but from the PTS notes it will not be fixed in the update itself either. Can we PLEASE get a status report on this ridiculous bug?
    PS4 NA
    Better Homes & Gardens
  • KAatzker
    Soul Shriven
    Outfit won't come off at all. NA server, both character menu and collections/outfit menu selected "no outfit". As soon as either menu is exited, outfit is back. Switching to outfit and no outfit does not work in most areas, and only lasts until I go through a door or anything where it does.
    A lot of time, in-game money, and real money is spent on farming/crafting (and storing) armor sets so users can have the armor they need for the game look the way they want- I'm sure the outfit system was meant to help address the difficulties that entails. However, I don't think everybody is going to pay the current very high price for multiple outfit slots for multiple characters, so to be able to take advantage of the difficult/expensive motifs they've made the effort to collect, they need to be able to take the one suit off.
    This has gone on since the outfit system was started, quite some months now- since which time quite a number of new motifs, new pets, new mounts, whole new regions, etc., etc., have been provided, but nothing more than a "we're looking at it" claim for this goof. Seems about time to devote some of these developer resources to fixing a problem with a promised capability, which has collected real money from many who bought slots/outfit change tokens, hmm? How about that real status report for a start?
  • Deepblue962
    Bump. This is really ridiculous ZOS. I get nag screens to buy more stuff to make my character look cool, but I can't takeoff my current outfit and you won't tell us when you are going to fix it. Can you give us something??? Throw us a bone? Expected date when you will address it? A possible work around that doesn't cost US, THE CUSTOMERS more money? Anything?
  • JobooAGS
    There is also a bug where if you change anything, including dyes but the headpiece of your outfit, your headpiece would be removed until you change your head piece or dye.
  • Deepblue962
    It appears that they have fixed the bug with the update today, even though I didn't see it mentioned in the patch notes. Might have just missed it though. I have my fingers crossed, but it seems to be working ok now, even after zoning. Thank you ZOS.
    Edited by Deepblue962 on 13 August 2018 21:51
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