"You get mad, you fly into battle, things die!" -Oghren
Seriously though, with "cross-classing" going on, I imagine that I can throw out my old-fashioned logic of Caster > Warrior, Warrior > Rogue, and Rogue > Caster.
I'm planning on building a pure caster with a heavy emphasis on PvP. So when I face an angry Nord with axe bigger than I am, or a shower of arrows falls from the trees above me, what can I do?
Would it be more prudent to divide my points equally between Magicka and Melee? I'd hate to be throwing fireballs down every hole I see; and then come across a flame-resistant player who grins, kills me, takes my gold and loots my ear.
"Doubt thou that the stars are fire, doubt that the sun doth move.
Doubt truth to be a liar, but never doubt my love." -Hamlet Act 2 Scene 2