So I got off work, ate supper, opened a cold one, and sat down to jump into Tamriel. I decided to roll a new character, Ra'Dakyhg, a Khajiit with the dominion. Got my character and went to the Wailing Prison where I soon discovered ...
More people in the zone than I've ever seen before. I mean, I walked through it. There were no enemies to fight because - as the Beach Boys didn't say - there was two gamers for every atronach. There was nothing alive in that zone was sucking down oxygen on the other side of a toon.
By the time I hit Vulkhal Guard, it was a Macy's sale on Black Friday. I moved quickly to find SugarPaws and get the hell out of there, only to find dozens more at my new destination. Wow. There are more people online tonight than the first day of the five day early access.
Can you imagine what it will be like on 4.4?
"Funny that magic doesn't work when a mace caves in your skull."
Playing on a PC, NA Server, since that very first day ...