I noticed a bit of a common issue while running around in Cyrodiil and in Imperial City...
Currently, there are two champion campaigns, one low level, and one for doing pvp without champion points. Imperial City tends to be abandoned in Non-CPs, and in low level, as players are unlikely to do bosses and survive to farm it in reasonable time. Also, this same issue goes for Cyrodiil itself, but it is in a relatively reasonable state compared to the DLC zone.
In CP campaigns, I find that the population is overwhelming, having groups of 50 or more players per alliance in a given keep. The performance goes to crap during battles like these, as this kind of crowding is ridiculous. I am all for the seige mechanics in Cyrodiil, and the class balance is not really of my concern by comparison to this. I cannot help but feel that perhaps having another CP campaign may help with the PVP population, as I am a bit tired of laggy fights that drive my morale down a few notches. Given the population of IC as well, sometimes I just feel like I am being choked. I would like the population to be more spread out, in whatever way possible.
With all due respect ZOS, and for the Pact!
Edited by l.ys on 6 May 2018 14:33 All hardmode trials done on NA
@Rostelore ingame user.
Main templar healer