Armor Skill Line rank speed

Is the speed at which the armor skill lines rank up related to the number of armor pieces you currently have equipped? For example, does Light Armor rank up faster if you are wearing 4 pieces of light armor vs just 1 piece?

I'm still fairly low level, but wondering if mixing/matching armor types will slow down the speed of ranking up the armor line I care about vs trying to have as many pieces of the same type. I realize the number of pieces affects the armor skills, but I'm wondering specifically about the speed at which the skill line advances.
  • Morkulth
    Yes. The more of a certain armor type you wear, the faster it will level. Try leveling 3 or 4 from the main armor you want at VR 1 and 1 or 2 pieces of the other armor types just to have them higher level at max level in case you want to switch specs and builds around.
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  • Thaladar
    Morkulth wrote: »
    Yes. The more of a certain armor type you wear, the faster it will level. Try leveling 3 or 4 from the main armor you want at VR 1 and 1 or 2 pieces of the other armor types just to have them higher level at max level in case you want to switch specs and builds around.

    Awesome. Thanks!
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