Meridia's Guardian (Templar Tank Preferred Playstyle) Summerset PTS Build

So here it is the new and improved Templar tank build made for end game play this build is designed in the preferred playstyle of end game and should fit the need for something different in the end game.

Has a standard set up for end game and uses a similar skill set below is a write up of the build.


5x Torug's Pact
5x Ebon Armory
2x Lord Warden

Do the gear 3 ebon armory jewelry and 2 body with the torugs pact in the sword and shield and the rest of the body minus you helm and shoulders where the monster set goes.

All enchantment glyphs

5 Tri stat glyphs 3 in the big pieces and 2 in the shields
4 healthy in the smaller pieces
2 crusher in the sword and shield

Skills front bar

Pierce Armor
Heroic Slash
Blazing Shield
Absorb Magic

Skills back bar

Silver leash/inner rage
Ritual of retribution
Power of the light
Restoring Focus

CP Allocation for this build

Red Tree
56 Iron Clad
56 Hardy
56 Elemental Defender
23 Thick Skinned
40 Bastion
19 Quick Recovery

Green Tree

23 Break Free
21 Bashing Focus
76 Arcanist
43 Tenacity
31 Tumbling
56 Shadow Ward

Blue Tree
100 Blassed
100 Elfborn
40 Master at arms
10 Precise Strikes

And that is the set up if you feel something is not working to your liking please feel free to change it to more your playstyle or set up thanks you for taking the time to check out this build and have a great day.
Edited by Nolic1 on 13 May 2018 15:03
Sherman from Sherman's Gaming

Youtube content creator that is dedicated to the Casual and Roleplay community for News, Lets Talks, Guides, Help and character builds.

Youtube channel link:
  • Arobain
    Isn't this just basically like every other meta build?
  • Nolic1
    Arobain wrote: »
    Isn't this just basically like every other meta build?

    This is what is preferred according to the devs in the new changes they made to the gear from trials so I figured it would be best to follow what the preferred playstle is.
    Sherman from Sherman's Gaming

    Youtube content creator that is dedicated to the Casual and Roleplay community for News, Lets Talks, Guides, Help and character builds.

    Youtube channel link:
  • Waffennacht
    Arobain wrote: »
    Isn't this just basically like every other meta build?

    Even so, if you even want a chance of credit, you better make a post, a YouTube video, and then make advertisements.

    Or else some streamer will steal all your thunder

    Btw, nice guide
    Edited by Waffennacht on 10 May 2018 18:05
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • witchdoctor
    Doesn't the Ebon buff *still* glitch on weapon swap (even if only momentarily)?

    Even if not, wouldn't it be easier to craft the TP weapons and armour versus hoping for the drop (and possibly the transmutation) of *two* weapons and shields?
  • Nolic1
    Doesn't the Ebon buff *still* glitch on weapon swap (even if only momentarily)?

    Even if not, wouldn't it be easier to craft the TP weapons and armour versus hoping for the drop (and possibly the transmutation) of *two* weapons and shields?

    I have TP as the sword and shield, I run the boots and leggings of Ebon Armory so you can swap with out the problem of the loss. I also fixed the write up to match.
    Edited by Nolic1 on 13 May 2018 15:04
    Sherman from Sherman's Gaming

    Youtube content creator that is dedicated to the Casual and Roleplay community for News, Lets Talks, Guides, Help and character builds.

    Youtube channel link:
  • Lightspeedflashb14_ESO
    Doesn't the Ebon buff *still* glitch on weapon swap (even if only momentarily)?

    Even if not, wouldn't it be easier to craft the TP weapons and armour versus hoping for the drop (and possibly the transmutation) of *two* weapons and shields?

    Not sure if I would call it a glitch but yes, your Allie's health drops on weapon swap but yours don't.

    To the op, why use ritual of retribution? Why use time stop there, also what is the use of absorb outside of lord warden and Rakat, I would swap that out with repentance and have times top on my back bar.
  • Nolic1
    Not sure if I would call it a glitch but yes, your Allie's health drops on weapon swap but yours don't.

    To the op, why use ritual of retribution? Why use time stop there, also what is the use of absorb outside of lord warden and Rakat, I would swap that out with repentance and have times top on my back bar.

    If you feel it would be better then swap them out. I use ritual to give you a cheap debuff removal that is not as costly as purge. You can swap absorb for repentance that would be fine but time stop is only good if you take the none instant cast one and that takes time to take effect and by then most mobs will be out of the area unless you already have them stacked.
    Sherman from Sherman's Gaming

    Youtube content creator that is dedicated to the Casual and Roleplay community for News, Lets Talks, Guides, Help and character builds.

    Youtube channel link:
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