The Download Process

Forgive me if I am being thick here, but I'm kinda confused about the structure of the ESO download.

I started almost 8 hrs ago, and saw that I had a 22GB-ish game to download. Speed was pretty horrible in the first 2-3 hrs, hanging around 300-500 kB/s, which is disappointing cos Steam is normally 1.4-1.8MB/s for me. Anyway eventually the download speed more or less stabilised around 1MB/s and about 15mins ago, I finished the 22GB download...

... Only to see that I had a MASSIVE patch to download as well, at least another 20GB! However, somehow I was downloading at over 70MB/s... which is surely impossible because that is way beyond my internet speed. I also got a bit worried about disk space, and checked that I still had 75 GBs left.

At that extraordinary speed, I expected to be done pretty quickly... but now I see I got just over 4GBs left... and the speed is back down to a more realistic 1.4 MB/s. Even more confusingly... I now got 88GBs left on my hard drive.

It's not too important as long as there isn't another 20 GB download after this one (and my download doesn't random slow down or get stuck near the end), but I'm rather curious about what's going on behind these numbers.

Anyone care to enlighten me?

  • Glurin
    It downloads and then installs the patch. The extreme speed you're seeing is likely during the install, which oddly displays a download speed. :|
    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster...when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..."
  • Thybrinena
    Total package will be around 31g. IF it's more then something has happened yes. If not then you're fine :)
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