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Elder Sorcerer & Nightblade Online

Just about every fan site 'share build' site is filled with Nightblade and Sorcerer, in-game seems every other player is either a Nightblade or a Sorcerer!

Any one else pick up on that? Why is that so?
  • nerevarine1138
    I see more than enough Dragon Knights and Templars running around.
  • lePoissonRouge
    *shrug* I've noticed a good number of Nightblades, but that may just be because I'm a Nightblade myself. I've encountered a good number of other classes as well though (mainly Templars). I think lots of people like Nightblade because it's the "badass" class, and sorcerer because people like "traditional" magic.
  • Cayce_of_Kata
    I'm playing a DK, my partner is playing a Templar. Seen lots of both around.
  • DuranBurns
    Soul Shriven
    Most of my guild mates are Templars and DKs. But I guess you would expect that in a Orc only guild.
    Duran gro-Rugdzag- DC Orc Templar
  • murklor007neb18_ESO
    It may also be because DK and Templar are made up classes for Elder Scrolls Online while Nightblade and Sorcerer existed before in the ES universe... But whatevs.

    Of course there's going to be alot of both. Its *mages* and *rouges* ffs. Which game doesnt have a ton of both? Either way, early game class balance is probably not going to be late game balance.
    Edited by murklor007neb18_ESO on 2 April 2014 05:17
  • Swordmage
    Yes, sorcerers will be popular because some people like the pets or just a spell hurler and nightblades are the thief class (which is always popular).

    From a play standpoint, all four classes can do almost anything (but with a slightly different flavor); which ones are popular and considered "the best" will vary from month to month as people discover neat ways to build the characters and as the PvP crowd develop counters to each new flavor-of-the-month build.
  • Lazarus_Long
    I have not noticed any differences in the numbers. Not that there isn't, just that I haven't noticed. What I have noticed is that almost everyone in PvP has their role set DPS (which is the default) and the ones that do have a different role are almost all healers.
    The List For Living - A guide for new or troubled players

    Hey Jute, get in my bag
    Take a lag spike and make it better
    Remember to let research play its part
    Then you can start to make a sweater

    The Bohemian Auction House
  • Bunzaga_ESO
    I'm making a tank-sorc, and so far it's been a rough road. On my night-blade I was easily killing enemies 5 levels above me, on this new guy, I am glad if I can kill enemies the same level.

    I'm just going to keep at it, and hope things get better for the next 25 levels. :neutral_face:
    Edited by Bunzaga_ESO on 2 April 2014 05:51
  • Laura
    seems like a pretty even spread to me in my guild of 422. I play my DK like a mage just keep that in mind.
    Edited by Laura on 2 April 2014 05:52
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