Advice for healer new to group content?

Soul Shriven
I've been pretty content playing solo PVE content with my Nightblade main, but recently I've gotten interested in tackling some group PVE stuff, trials etc, so I leveled a healer (Templar, Argonian). I'm almost CP400 now (from my main) and I'm still taking my healer through the main story and planning to go through Mages Guild and some Cyrodiil for skill points and skill lines I still need for this build, but while I do that I wanted to ask for some general advice for someone who hasn't done group content before? I vaguely remember doing City of Ash and Elden Hollow back before the One Tamriel update but I don't think that little bit of experience carries over after all the updates over the years \o/ I also still have to get good gear for my healer, any advice? The builds I can find online only really list high end gear that I don't think I can get just yet lol

I'd appreciate any tips, no hard feelings if I made mistakes or need to change something, I'm completely open to anything right now! I've never been a huge fan of multiplayer games but ESO is too much fun so I want to give it a try :blush:

EDIT: This is the build I'm following right now, if there's any that might be better, I'd love to know! I have the respec scrolls from leveling rewards so I can change up everything right now!
Edited by tatooinedovah on 13 April 2018 14:13
@ elsvveyr — PC | EU — CP920
Khanjari'Daro — Khajiit Nightblade DPS (Aldmeri Dominion)
Makes-You-Not-Dead — Argonian Templar HEAL (Ebonheart Pact)
Do'Najjan — Khajiit Dragonknight TANK (Daggerfall Covenant)
  • NordSwordnBoard
    Keep your priorities straight and it'll be gravy.

    1 keep yourself alive
    2 keep them alive
    3 buffs/debuffs
    4 contribute damage

    *Be preventive, not just reactive.
    Fear is the Mindkiller
  • Tasear
    If you want a high class guide then I believe this best for end game healers.

    It covers teamwork and how to effectively use gear on the occasion.
  • tatooinedovah
    Soul Shriven
    Oh thanks you!! Sometimes I have trouble finding guides when I don't really know what exactly I'm looking for ^^ That helps a lot, much appreciated!
    @ elsvveyr — PC | EU — CP920
    Khanjari'Daro — Khajiit Nightblade DPS (Aldmeri Dominion)
    Makes-You-Not-Dead — Argonian Templar HEAL (Ebonheart Pact)
    Do'Najjan — Khajiit Dragonknight TANK (Daggerfall Covenant)
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