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over buffed mobs

maybe its me but in beta mobs didn't take 14 hits to kill, if I didn't marco my attack to be auto, my fingers would be broke :smile:

lvl 4 mobs btw take way to long to kill, in beta they were dying alot faster?
  • jimitalent
    Are you using your abilities? are you still using your lvl 1 sword? most mobs go down real quick for me.
  • staticstorm
    same way i was killing in beta mix of both, starting ablitys dont do much dmg for a dk.
  • jimitalent
    Maybe you should try some weapon abilities than, I'm a bow using nightblade and I havent had that problem.
  • staticstorm
    that's the problem though I'm doing the same things I did in beta, starting on the island, I guess going back now, and yet its completely different.

    In that beta I was taking 2 mobs on at once
  • naturel
    I agree, same feeling here, i'm a magicka DK and i did (do) lower damage, especially level 1 to 10, it feels a bit better now, very strange...
  • fougerec99b16_ESO
    Level 7 Templar so far with a two hander I'm mowing through most mobs pretty quickly. Is your gear and such up to snuff?
  • Heishi
    I don't know if you were in the last beta, but they made a note that a change was made to make enemies a little more difficult and more apt to work together. IMO they over did it a bit with the enemies working together as they will agro pull others into the fight from a pretty far distance. The individual difficulty isn't to bad though as long as you keep weapons and armor up-to-date.
    And so did many brave men, women, and beast fall to the end of Beta, never to be heard from again. All that is left, is whispers of the adventures they had.
  • Hule
    It seems like there is a gap between player lvl 3 and mobs lvl 4. I have tried to make 3 toons and all of them had this problem. Like lvl 3 is not doing much damage to those lvl+1 mobs.
    But reaching lvl 4 i was able to kill those mobs fast. I even lvled in field while killing those mobs and the difference was there.
  • staticstorm
    yeah which is stupid, seems to be alot of RNG aswell one second killing a mob in 2 hits when I made a new character then hiting like a wet noodle.

    coming from games SWTOR GW2 WOW RIFT GW I like fighting mobs higher than me, even solo group quests, but in TESO you don't seem to have a chance :S never been so frustrated at a MMO Leveling before.

    guess ill buy it in 6 months or so when its got patched.
  • fougerec99b16_ESO
    coming from games SWTOR GW2 WOW RIFT GW I like fighting mobs higher than me, even solo group quests, but in TESO you don't seem to have a chance :S never been so frustrated at a MMO Leveling before.

    guess ill buy it in 6 months or so when its got patched.

    So you're going to wait until the game is less hard, rather than do what you can to level the playing field? Mobs that are higher level than you are meant to be harder, they're meant to be more difficult that's why they're a level (or two) higher than you are.

  • Hule
    Fougerec i think starting areas have a problem because of that removing of starting island and lowering exp rate. Like they lowered xp rate, buffed xp in first city, but left starting island untouched. And it may be a problem for some players. But its just only 1 day our, in earlly access now, so I would just say: fight with only 1 enemy at one time, and do your quests.
  • fougerec99b16_ESO
    They didn't remove the starting islands, they made them optional. If someone chooses not to go there that's their choice but it does mean they have to be significantly smarter in their approach to enemies. Personally I went to them for completion sake, plus skyshards and crafting mats.
  • Morvul
    Only level 7 here. But i tend to kill mobs in 2 skills -which feel way too fast
  • RustyBlades
    The mobs on the island start at like level 4-5, so hopefully you did some city quests to get to level 3/4 at least?
  • Hule
    Yes they did not removed startin island, but they changed mobs in first city and then(in patch notes) they slowed leveling progress. But maybe a small mistake made this change not to be visible in starting island. Thats why mobs in starting island are harded than in city.
  • wraithghostb16_ESO
    I don't get what anyone can find hard about this game you can just use basic attacks and kill anything your level.

    They changed all the elite mobs (from the quests I have done so far) that were fun and took some thought (in build, food buffs, tactics) and replaced them with normal mobs which are just facerolled. E.G. the mage guild quest, fighters guild quest and the veiled queen quest.

    It was fun in beta to actually die in an mmo and have some fun in solo pve.
  • silent88b14_ESO
    Some folks say the mobs should be harder, some say they should be easier. Personally I think they should collect the numbers and analyze the challenge mathematically without relying on subjective impressions since impressions vary so greatly. While it is true that those who find things too easy could simply try handicapping themselves to use less common skills, alternative weapons to up the challenge it isn't so easy to figure out how to make something easier. One option is to level up and revisit the challenge. Another is to try and figure out a tactical advantage. But the bottom line, at least in my considerations, is that the developers shouldn't be tinkering overmuch based on your or my particular subjective experience. Too many people will be affected by the outcome to base a change upon our individual impressions. If too many people fail that is an indicator. If nobody ever has to pick up and try again then that too is a significant indicator.
    Edited by silent88b14_ESO on 1 April 2014 14:09
    Behold the great Oak. Just a little nut who stood his ground.
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